Thank you for purchasing FieldPro equipm ent !
Your new equipm ent uses state of the art electronics so that w e can offer you a quality product at an affordable price. TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTER ( ProTX) Getting started.. Controls.. 1 1 RECEIVER ( ProRX) Getting started.. Setting the ProRX color code switch.. Mounting to the E-Z bird launcher Adjusting the launcher. Ready to go 2 5 5 3 4 STORAGE AND RATINGS 6 WARRANTY AND SERVICE. 7 FieldPro, ProTX, and ProRX are Trademarks of FieldPro, LLC First Printing April 1999 G ETTIN G STA RTED W ITH TH E ProTX 1. R eplacing the battery (included): The ProTX is designed to operate from one 9-volt alkaline battery. O pen the battery com partm ent on the back of the ProTX by sliding the door any from the ProTX antenna. Install the battery and re-install the battery door. C O N TRO LS 1. Testing the control buttons: The ProTX w as designed to operate up to four ProRXs. Each button on the top of the ProTX w ill operate one ProRX. Press each button and m ake sure the red LED turns on w hen you press each button and turns off w hen you release the button. 2. O peration: The unit w ill operate up to 100 yards consistently. It w ill operate the best under line of sight conditions. The unit w ill not operate over hills but dow n in a valley is fine. Pressing the button for under one second w ill operate the ProRX if the above conditions are follow ed. The unit is not w aterproof but it is w ater resistant. H um idity and dam pness w ill not affect the unit adversely 3. C olor coding: A ll the ProTX buttons are color coded to m atch the ProRX so that you can tell w hich button on the ProTX w ill operate w hich ProRX. Refer to the section titled Setting the ProRX color code sw itch to learn m ore about that subject. Note: Hold the ProTX away from your body for optim al range. Page 1 G ETTIN G STA RTED W ITH TH E ProRX-1 1. R eplacing the batteries (included): The ProRX is designed to operate from four A A alkaline batteries. M ake sure the pow er sw itch on the right side of the unit is set to O FF. O pen the battery com partm ent on the front of the ProRX by sliding the door to the right. Install the batteries and re-install the battery door. Turn the unit O N to position the arm of the ProRX correctly then turn the unit back O FF. Page 2 SETTIN G TH E ProRX C O LO R C O D E SW ITC H 1. O pening the unit: Lay the unit on a flat surface w ith the battery door facing up. Rem ove the screw s from each corner of the unit. Rem ove the top and place it to the right of the unit. 2. Setting the color code sw itch : The color code sw itch is located at the top-center, below the antenna. The picture below show s the default color code sw itch setting, w hich is RED . To set the unit to another color, sim ply flip the RED sw itch dow n to m atch the others, then flip the desired color code sw itch up. Blue W hite Yellow Red 3. C losing the unit: Place the top back on the unit and install the four screw s. D o not overtighten !
4. C olor coding the receiver: O nce the color code sw itch has been set, you m ight w ant to m ark the outside of the unit w ith that color. U se the appropriate sm all color sticker provided to do that. U se the large color sticker to w rap around the antenna if you w ould like to see it from a distance. Page 3 M O U N TIN G TO TH E E-Z BIRD LA U N C H ER 1. R em oving the hardw are: U nscrew the tw o bolts from the back of the unit. Keep them together w ith the lockw ashers for later. 2. G etting ready for m ounting: Set the E-Z bird launcher, as show n below . Tie the launcher arm s together so that it w ill not launch accidentally w hile installing the ProRX. 3. Finding the right placem ent: Place the ProRX against the E-Z bird launcher so the m etal arm of the unit just touches or is a little bit above the arm of the E-Z bird launcher as show n below . Page 4 4. Installing the hardw are: Take the bolts and lockw ashers from step 1 and screw them into the ProRX from the inside of the E-Z bird launcher. A D JU STIN G TH E LA U N C H ER 1. A djusting for a fast launch: It is im portant on the m edium and large E-Z bird launchers that you set them so that they are hair trigger. The picture below dem onstrates this. You m ight also w ant to bent the arm of the E-Z bird launcher up to touch the arm of the ProRX for a very quick release. REA D Y TO G O 1. O peration: G o ahead and turn the pow er sw itch on the right side of the unit to the O N position. Press the corresponding color coded button on the PRO tx to test the ProRX. Turn the unit to the O FF position w hen you are done testing and w hen not in use. The unit is not w aterproof but it is w ater resistant. H um idity and dam pness w ill not affect the unit adversely. Note: Severe weather Conditions like rain and high winds can lim it the operating range. Page 5 STORAGE AND RATINGS Storage Temperature:
-45 degrees C to +85 degrees C Operating Temperature:
-20 degrees C to +70 degrees C Operating Range:
100 yards ProTX Specifications:
Size - 2.375(L) x 1(W) x 3.75(H) Weight - 2.9 ounces (without battery) Battery Requirements - (1) 9 volt alkaline ProRX Specifications:
Size - 6.25(L) x 1.75(W) x 3.625(H) Weight - 10.9 ounces (without batteries) Battery Requirements - (4) AA alkaline WARRANTY AND SERVICE Page 6 Factory Warranty Both the ProTX and the ProRX are covered by a one year warranty on parts and labor from date of purchase. The warranty does not cover misuse, abuse, or any unauthorized alterations or modifications. Service If you have a problem with your equipment and need to get it repaired or have questions regarding your equipment, please call 330-658-7705 or email us at Page 7 W A RRA N TY REG ISTRA TIO N
(Please fill out and return for our records) N am e _________________________________ A ddress _______________________________ A pt. N o. _______ C ity ___________________ State ______________ Zip ________ Telephone N o. _________________________ Em ail A ddress _________________________ D ate of Purchase _______________________ Location Purchased ____________________________________ M odel N o. ProTX-1 Serial N o. _________ ProR X-1 Serial N o. _________ ProRX -1 Serial N o. _________ ProRX -1 Serial N o. _________ ProRX -1 Serial N o. _________
*The Serial N o. is located on the front of the ProR X and on the back of the ProTX. C om m ents and Suggestions:
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ SEN D TO : F ieldP ro 14120 G alehouse R d. D oylestow n, O H 44230