all | frequencies |
exhibits | applications |
manuals | photos | label |
app s | submitted / available | |||||||
1 2 |
User Manual ISPI | Users Manual | 1.10 MiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
1 2 |
User Manual QSM | Users Manual | 1.51 MiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
1 2 |
Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 331.12 KiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
1 2 |
External Photos | External Photos | 194.85 KiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
1 2 | ID Label/Location Info | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Block Diagrams | Block Diagram | October 18 2023 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Operational Description | Operational Description | October 18 2023 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | RF Exposure Info | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Schematics | Schematics | October 18 2023 | confidential | ||||
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TSUP | Test Setup Photos | 1.68 MiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
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TSUP Antenna | Test Setup Photos | 272.66 KiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release | ||
1 2 | Test Report | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Report | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | ||||||
1 2 |
Test Report Part C 15.249 | Test Report | 1.14 MiB | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 | |||
1 2 | Tune Up Procedure | Parts List/Tune Up Info | October 18 2023 | confidential | ||||
1 2 |
Test Report Part C 15.247 | Test Report | 1.54 MiB | October 17 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | User Manual ISPI | Users Manual | 1.10 MiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release |
These calculations are an estimate and should not be relied on as the only source of information. If you have a pacemaker or other implantable medical device, consult your physician before you dive. Scuba diving creates physical stresses on the body, which may not be suitable for individuals with pacemakers and other implantable medical devices. Use a wrench when installing the transmitter on your tank regulator. Do not overtighten. Do not use the transmitter housing to tighten the transmitter. Do not grip the regulator or the transmitter to move, carry, or adjust the air tank. Perform pre-dive safety checks, such as checking proper device function and settings, display function, battery level, tank pressure, and bubble checks to check hoses for leaks. Confirm the dive computer is receiving a signal from the transmitter prior to starting your dive. The pressure value and battery level should appear on the dive computer screen. Each diver is responsible for their own safety and tank pressure. Check your device regularly during a dive. If there is any apparent malfunction, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. If the dive computer receives no signal from the transmitter, the pressure value is replaced by "NO COMMS." Check the position of the transmitter relative to the dive computer, and change the position as needed to acquire a signal. If a signal is not acquired, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. If a tank pressure warning or battery warning appears on the dive computer, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. Disregarding the alarm may result in serious injury or death. For safety reasons, you should never dive alone. Dive with a designated buddy. You should also stay with others for an extended time after a dive, because the potential onset of decompression illness (DCI) may be delayed or triggered by surface activities. This device is not intended for commercial or professional dive activities. It is for recreational purposes only. Commercial or professional dive activities can expose the user to extreme depths or conditions that increase the risk of DCI. Do not dive with a gas if you have not personally verified its contents and input the analyzed value to the device. Failure to verify tank contents and input the appropriate gas values to the device will result in incorrect dive planning information and could result in serious injury or death. Diving with more than one gas mixture presents a much greater risk than diving with a single gas mixture. Mistakes related to the use of multiple gas mixtures may lead to serious injury or death. After analyzing your gas, always round down the result when inputting it to the device. For example, if the analyzed gas is 31.7% oxygen, input the gas as 31%. This buffer will result in more conservative and safer calculations. The transmitter is not an oxygen cleaned product. Do not use the transmitter with anything greater than 40%
oxygen. Diving with a partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) greater than 1.6, a central nervous system (CNS) oxygen toxicity exposure of 80% or greater, or daily oxygen tolerance units (OTU) of 300 or greater can be hazardous, and could result in serious injury or death. Terminate the dive if you reach oxygen toxicity levels. The maximum operating pressure of the transmitter should not be exceeded. Traveling to a higher elevation, including air travel, can temporarily cause a change in the equilibrium of dissolved nitrogen in the body. Always acclimatize to new altitudes before and after diving, because failure to do so may result in personal injury or death. Battery Warnings This device must use replaceable lithium batteries. Declaration of Conformity Hereby, Garmin declares that this product is in compliance with the Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: UK Declaration of Conformity Hereby, Garmin declares that this product is in compliance with the relevant statutory requirements. The full text of the declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Compliance This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/
receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure This device is a mobile transmitter and receiver that uses an internal antenna to send and receive low levels of radio frequency (RF) energy for data communications. The device emits RF energy below the published limits when operating in its maximum output power mode and when used with Garmin authorized accessories. To comply with RF exposure compliance requirements, the device should be used as described in the manual. The device should not be used in other configurations. This device must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other transmitter or antenna. FCC Compliance This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and may cause harmful interference to radio communications if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. for help. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician This product does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could result in permanent damage to the equipment, and void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 regulations. EN250:2014 The sensor and dive computer combination is a Category III PPE device as defined under PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425. It is designed to protect the user against substances and mixtures which are hazardous to health as defined by PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Annex I Category III(a). It complies with the specifications set out in the harmonized European Standard EN250:2014 for use with air compliant with Standard EN 12021 (oxygen content of 21%). The sensor and dive computer combination have been tested and CE certified by Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, notified body 0078, located in Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge - B.P. 157 13267 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08 FRANCE. The EC certification process and verification of the operating performance under EN250 are applicable to a maximum depth of 50 m below the surface. The instrument markings are located on the sensor, and consist of the following:
Pressure rating: 300 bar (4351 psi) CE 0078 The number alongside CE identifies 0078, the notified body authorized to inspect the finished product. NORTH AMERICA: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062 EUROPE: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 1A, 97080 WRZBURG, GERMANY Software License Agreement BY USING THE DEVICE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (Garmin) grant you a limited license to use the software embedded in this device (the Software) in binary executable form in the normal operation of the product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin and/or its third-party providers. You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and is protected under the United States of America copyright laws and international copyright treaties. You further acknowledge that the structure, organization, and code of the Software, for which source code is not provided, are valuable trade secrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and that the Software in source code form remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin and/or its third-party providers. You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce to human readable form the Software or any part thereof or create any derivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-export the Software to any country in violation of the export Si vous tes porteur d'un stimulateur cardiaque ou d'un autre dispositif mdical implantable, consultez votre mdecin avant toute plonge. La plonge sous-marine imprime des pressions physiques sur le corps, qui peuvent ne pas tre adaptes aux personnes portant un stimulateur cardiaque ou d'autres dispositifs mdicaux implantables. Utilisez une cl pour l'installation de l'metteur sur le rgulateur de votre bouteille. Ne serrez pas outre mesure. N'utilisez pas le botier de l'metteur pour serrer l'metteur. N'attrapez pas le rgulateur ni l'metteur pour dplacer, transporter, ou rgler la bouteille d'air. Effectuez les contrles de scurit avant la plonge, comme la vrification des paramtres et du bon fonctionnement de l'appareil, de l'affichage, du niveau de charge de la batterie et de la pression des bouteilles, et assurez-vous que les tuyaux ne sont pas percs en vrifiant que des bulles ne s'en chappent pas. Vrifiez que l'ordinateur de plonge reoit un signal de l'metteur avant de plonger. La valeur de la pression et le niveau de charge de la batterie doivent apparatre sur l'cran de l'ordinateur de plonge. Chaque plongeur est responsable de sa propre scurit et de la pression de sa bouteille. Vrifiez frquemment votre appareil au cours d'une plonge. Si vous dtectez le moindre dysfonctionnement apparent, arrtez immdiatement la plonge et remontez la surface en toute scurit. Si l'ordinateur de plonge ne reoit aucun signal de l'metteur, la valeur de pression est remplace par le message AUCUNE COMMUNICATION. Vrifiez la position de l'metteur par rapport l'ordinateur de plonge et dplacez-le si ncessaire pour acqurir un signal. Si vous ne parvenez pas dtecter un signal, arrtez immdiatement la plonge et remontez la surface en toute scurit. Si une alerte de pression de la bouteille ou de la batterie s'affiche sur l'ordinateur de plonge, arrtez immdiatement la plonge et remontez la surface en toute scurit. Ignorer l'alarme peut entraner des blessures graves, voire mortelles. Pour des raisons de scurit, ne plongez jamais seul. Plongez avec un camarade dsign. Restez galement accompagn pendant une longue priode aprs une plonge, car l'apparition potentielle d'une maladie de dcompression peut tre retarde ou dclenche par des activits la surface. Cet appareil n'est pas conu pour des activits de plonge professionnelles ou commerciales. Il a t conu uniquement des fins de loisir. Les activits de plonge professionnelles ou commerciales peuvent exposer l'utilisateur des profondeurs ou conditions extrmes qui peuvent augmenter les risques de maladie de dcompression. Ne plongez pas avec un gaz si vous n'avez pas contrl personnellement son contenu et saisi la valeur analyse dans l'appareil. Sans contrle du contenu des bouteilles ni saisie des valeurs de gaz appropries dans l'appareil, les informations de planification de plonge sont incorrectes et peuvent entraner des blessures graves, voire mortelles. Plonger avec plusieurs gaz mixtes reprsente un risque bien plus lev que plonger avec un seul gaz mixte. Les erreurs lies l'utilisation de plusieurs gaz mixtes peuvent entraner des blessures graves, voire mortelles. Aprs l'analyse de votre gaz, arrondissez toujours le rsultat lors de la saisie dans l'appareil. Par exemple, si le gaz analys est compos de 31,7% d'oxygne, saisissez la valeur 31% pour le gaz. Cette approche gnre des calculs plus prudents et plus srs. L'metteur n'est pas un produit libre de toute souillure compatible avec l'oxygne. N'utilisez pas l'metteur avec un mlange contenant plus de 40% d'oxygne. Plonger avec une pression partielle d'oxygne (pO2) suprieure 1,6, un niveau de toxicit rsultant de l'exposition l'oxygne du systme nerveux central
(CNS, central nervous system) de 80% ou plus, ou des units de tolrance quotidienne l'oxygne (OTU, oxygen tolerance units) de 300 ou plus peut tre dangereux vitez de ranger ou d'utiliser l'appareil pour une priode prolonge si la temprature ambiante se situe en dehors de la plage indique dans le manuel imprim fourni avec le produit. AVIS Si vous ignorez les consignes fournies dans le prsent document, vous risquez de vous blesser, d'endommager votre bien ou d'affecter ngativement les fonctionnalits de l'appareil. Avis concernant la batterie Contactez la dchetterie locale pour plus d'informations sur la mise au rebut de l'appareil ou des batteries dans le respect des lois et rglementations locales applicables. Programmes environnementaux Des informations relatives au programme Garmin de recyclage des produits ainsi qu'aux directives DEEE et RoHS, la rglementation REACH et aux autres programmes de conformit sont disponibles l'adresse Dclaration de conformit Par la prsente, Garmin dclare que son produit est conforme la Directive 2014/53/EU. Le texte de la dclaration de conformit UE dans sa version intgrale est disponible sur la page Web suivante:
/compliance. Innovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada - Conformit L'metteur/rcepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Innovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes :
1) L'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage ; 2) L'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. Exposition aux rayonnements frquence radiolectrique Cet appareil est un transmetteur/rcepteur mobile qui utilise une antenne interne pour envoyer et recevoir des champs de radiofrquences de faible puissance lors des communications de donnes. Les champs de radiofrquences mis par l'appareil lorsqu'il fonctionne au maximum de sa puissance et qu'il est utilis avec des accessoires approuvs par Garmin ne dpassent pas les limites fixes par la rglementation. Pour tre conforme aux exigences d'exposition aux radiofrquences, l'appareil doit tre utilis conformment aux instructions du manuel. L'appareil ne doit tre utilis dans aucune autre configuration. Cet appareil ne doit pas tre plac ou utilis en conjonction avec d'autres antennes ou metteurs. EN250:2014 La combinaison du capteur et de l'ordinateur de plonge forme un appareil de catgorie III PPE, telle que dfinie par la directive europenne 2016/425. Elle a t conue pour protger l'utilisateur des substances et mlanges prsentant un danger pour la sant, selon la dfinition de la directive europenne 2016/425 AnnexeI CatgorieIII(a). Elle respecte les caractristiques mentionnes dans la norme europenne EN250 pour une utilisation avec un air respectant la norme EN12021 (21% d'oxygne). La combinaison du capteur et de l'ordinateur de plonge a t teste et certifie CE par l'Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, organisme notifi 0078, sis l'adresse:
Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge - B.P. 157 13267 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08 FRANCE. La certification CE et la vrification des performances en vertu de la norme EN250 sont applicables une profondeur maximale de 50mtres sous la surface. Le marquage de l'instrument se situe sur le capteur et indique:
Pression: 300bars (4351psi) CE 0078 Le nombre 0078 qui accompagne le sigle CE permet d'identifier l'organisme notifi autoris examiner le produit fini. AMRIQUE DU NORD: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062 EUROPE: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 1A, 97080 WRZBURG, ALLEMAGNE Contrat de licence du logiciel EN UTILISANT CE PRODUIT, VOUS RECONNAISSEZ ETRE LIE PAR LES TERMES DU PRESENT CONTRAT DE LICENCE DE LOGICIEL. LISEZ ATTENTIVEMENT CE CONTRAT DE LICENCE. Garmin Ltd. et ses filiales (Garmin) vous concdent une licence limite pour l'utilisation du logiciel intgr cet appareil (le Logiciel) sous la forme d'un programme binaire excutable, dans le cadre du fonctionnement normal du produit. Tout titre, droit de proprit ou droit de proprit intellectuelle dans le Logiciel ou concernant le Logiciel est la proprit de Garmin et/ou de ses fournisseurs tiers. Vous reconnaissez que le Logiciel est la proprit de Garmin et/ou de ses fournisseurs tiers et qu'il est protg par les lois en vigueur aux Etats-Unis d'Amrique et par les traits internationaux relatifs aux droits d'auteur. Vous reconnaissez galement que la structure, l'organisation et le code du Logiciel, dont le code source n'est pas fourni, constituent d'importants secrets de fabrication de Garmin et/ou de ses fournisseurs tiers, et que le code source du Logiciel demeure un important secret de fabrication de Garmin et/ou de ses fournisseurs tiers. Vous acceptez de ne pas dcompiler, dsassembler, modifier, assembler rebours, tudier par rtro-ingnierie ou transcrire en langage humain intelligible le Logiciel ou toute partie du Logiciel, ou crer toute uvre drive du Logiciel. Vous acceptez de ne pas exporter ni de rexporter le Logiciel vers un pays contrevenant aux lois de contrle l'exportation des Etats-Unis d'Amrique ou celles de tout autre pays concern. Garantie limite La garantie limite standard de Garmin s'applique cet accessoire. Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur le site Utilizzare una chiave inglese quando si installa il trasmettitore sul regolatore del serbatoio. Non stringere eccessivamente. Non utilizzare l'alloggiamento del trasmettitore per serrare il trasmettitore. Non afferrare il regolatore o il trasmettitore per spostare, trasportare o regolare il serbatoio dell'aria. Effettuare i controlli di sicurezza prima dell'immersione, ad esempio controllare il corretto funzionamento del dispositivo e le impostazioni, il funzionamento dello schermo, il livello della batteria, la pressione delle bombole e la presenza di bolle per verificare che non vi siano perdite. Verificare che il computer per immersioni riceva un segnale dal trasmettitore prima di iniziare l'immersione. Il valore della pressione e il livello della batteria dovrebbero essere visualizzati sullo schermo del computer per immersioni. Ogni sub responsabile della propria sicurezza e della pressione del serbatoio. Controllare il dispositivo regolarmente durante un'immersione. In caso di apparente malfunzionamento, interrompere immediatamente l'immersione e risalire in sicurezza in superficie. Se il computer per immersioni non riceve alcun segnale dal trasmettitore, il valore della pressione viene sostituito da "NO COMMS". Controllare la posizione del trasmettitore rispetto al computer per immersioni e cambiare la posizione in base alle necessit per acquisire un segnale. Se il segnale non viene acquisito, interrompere immediatamente l'immersione e risalire in sicurezza in superficie. Se sul computer per immersioni viene visualizzato un avviso relativo alla pressione del serbatoio o alla batteria, interrompere immediatamente l'immersione e tornare in superficie in modo sicuro. Ignorare l'allarme pu causare lesioni gravi o morte. Per motivi di sicurezza, non immergersi mai da soli. Immergersi con il compagno assegnato. inoltre necessario restare in compagnia di altre persone per un periodo di tempo prolungato dopo un'immersione, poich una potenziale DCI potrebbe insorgere pi tardi o essere attivata dalle attivit in superficie. Questo dispositivo non concepito per le attivit di immersione commerciali o professionali. destinato esclusivamente alle attivit ricreative. Le attivit subacquee professionali potrebbero esporre l'utente a profondit eccessive o a condizioni che aumentano il rischio di DCI. Non immergersi con una bombola con del gas se non si verificato personalmente il relativo contenuto e inserito il valore analizzato nel dispositivo. La mancata verifica del contenuto delle bombole e dell'inserimento dei valori del gas corretti nel dispositivo generano informazioni di pianificazione dell'immersione errate e possono causare lesioni gravi o morte. Immergersi con pi di una miscela di gas rappresenta un rischio maggiore rispetto all'immersione con una singola miscela di gas. Gli errori relativi all'uso di pi miscele di gas possono causare lesioni gravi o morte. Dopo aver analizzato il gas, arrotondare sempre per difetto il risultato quando lo si inserisce nel dispositivo. Ad esempio, se il gas analizzato il 31,7% di ossigeno, inserire il gas come 31%. Questo arrotondamento permette di effettuare calcoli pi conservativi e sicuri. Il trasmettitore non un prodotto pulito con ossigeno. Non utilizzare il trasmettitore con ossigeno superiore al 40%. Immergersi con una pressione parziale di ossigeno
(PO2) superiore a 1.6, un'esposizione alla tossicit dell'ossigeno dell'80% o superiore del sistema nervoso centrale (CNS) o alle unit di tolleranza di ossigeno quotidiano (OTU) di 300 pu essere pericoloso e causare lesioni gravi o morte. Interrompere l'immersione se si raggiungono livelli di tossicit dell'ossigeno. La profondit di funzionamento massima non deve essere superata. Viaggiare a una quota pi alta, inclusi i viaggi aerei, pu temporaneamente causare una modifica nell'equilibrio dell'azoto dissolto nel corpo. Abituarsi sempre alle nuove quote prima e dopo un'immersione, poich la mancata Avviso sulla batteria Per un corretto smaltimento del dispositivo/batterie in conformit alle leggi e disposizioni locali, contattare le autorit locali preposte. Programmi ambientali per i prodotti Le informazioni sul programma di riciclo dei prodotti Garmin, sulle direttive WEEE, RoHS, REACH e su altri programmi di conformit sono reperibili sul sito Web Dichiarazione di conformit Con il presente documento, Garmin dichiara che questo prodotto conforme alla Direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo della dichiarazione UE di conformit disponibile al seguente indirizzo Internet: EN250:2014 La combinazione sensore e computer per immersioni un dispositivo PPE di Categoria III come definito dal Regolamento PPE (UE) 2016/425. progettato per proteggere l'utente da sostanze e componenti pericolosi per la salute come definito dal Regolamento PPE (UE) 2016/425 Annesso I Categoria III(a). conforme alle specifiche stabilite nello Standard Europeo Armonizzato EN250:2014 per l'uso con l'aria in conformit allo Standard EN 12021 (contenuto di ossigeno del 21%). La combinazione di sensori e computer per immersioni stata testata e certificata CE da l'Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, ente notificato 0078, presso Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge - B.P. 157 13267 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08 FRANCE. Il processo di certificazione CE e la verifica delle prestazioni di funzionamento secondo la norma EN250 sono applicabili a una profondit massima di 50 m sotto la superficie. I contrassegni dello strumento si trovano sul sensore e sono composti dai seguenti elementi:
Classificazione di pressione: 300 bar (4351 psi) CE 0078 Il numero accanto a CE identifica 0078, l'ente notifcato autorizzato all'ispezione del prodotto finito. NORTH AMERICA: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062 EUROPE: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 1A, 97080 WRZBURG, GERMANY Contratto di licenza software L'USO DEL DISPOSITIVO IMPLICA L'ACCETTAZIONE DEI TERMINI E DELLE CONDIZIONI SPECIFICATI NEL SEGUENTE CONTRATTO DI LICENZA SOFTWARE. LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE IL PRESENTE CONTRATTO. Garmin Ltd. e sue affiliate ("Garmin") concedono una licenza limitata per l'utilizzo del software integrato in questo dispositivo (il "Software") in forma binaria eseguibile per il normale funzionamento del prodotto. Il titolo, i diritti di propriet e di propriet intellettuale relativi al Software sono esclusivi di Garmin e/o dei rispettivi fornitori di terze parti. L'utente prende atto che il Software di propriet di Garmin e/o dei rispettivi fornitori di terze parti ed protetto dalle leggi sul copyright in vigore negli Stati Uniti d'America e dai trattati internazionali sul copyright. L'utente riconosce inoltre che la struttura, l'organizzazione e il codice del Software, di cui non viene fornito il codice sorgente, sono considerati segreti commerciali di Garmin e/o dei rispettivi fornitori di terze parti e che il Software in formato sorgente resta un segreto commerciale di Garmin e/o dei rispettivi fornitori di terze parti. L'utente accetta di non decompilare, disassemblare, modificare, decodificare o convertire in formato leggibile il Software o parte di esso n di creare altri prodotti basati sul Software. L'utente accetta di non esportare o riesportare il Software in qualsiasi Paese in violazione delle leggi sul controllo delle esportazioni in vigore negli Stati Uniti d'America o delle norme per il controllo delle esportazioni da qualsiasi altro Paese. Garanzia limitata Il presente accessorio coperto dalla garanzia limitata standard di Garmin. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito Web mit Herzschrittmacher und anderen implantierbaren medizinischen Gerten evtl. ungeeignet ist. Verwenden Sie einen Schraubenschlssel, wenn Sie den Sender am Tankregler montieren. Ziehen Sie die Schrauben nicht zu fest an. Ziehen Sie den Sender nicht am Gehuse des Senders an. Wenn Sie die Flasche an eine andere Stelle bringen, tragen oder Anpassungen vornehmen, halten Sie sie dazu nicht am Regler oder Sender fest. Fhren Sie Sicherheitschecks vor dem Tauchen durch;
berprfen Sie beispielsweise die Gertefunktionen und
-einstellungen, die Funktionsweise der Anzeige, den Akkuladestand und den Flaschendruck, und fhren Sie einen Bubble-Check durch, um zu berprfen, ob die Schluche dicht sind. Stellen Sie vor Beginn des Tauchgangs sicher, dass der Tauchcomputer ein Signal vom Sender erhlt. Der Druckwert und der Akkuladestand sollten auf dem Display des Tauchcomputers angezeigt werden. Jeder Taucher ist fr seine eigene Sicherheit und den Flaschendruck verantwortlich. berprfen Sie das Gert regelmig whrend eines Tauchgangs. Falls eine offensichtliche Fehlfunktion vorliegt, beenden Sie den Tauchgang umgehend, und kehren Sie sicher an die Oberflche zurck. Falls der Tauchcomputer kein Signal vom Sender erhlt, wird statt des Drucks die Meldung KEINE KOMMUNIKATION angezeigt. berprfen Sie die Position des Senders in Relation zum Tauchcomputer und passen Sie sie nach Bedarf an, um ein Signal zu erfassen. Falls kein Signal erfasst wird, beenden Sie den Tauchgang umgehend, und kehren Sie sicher an die Oberflche zurck. Falls auf dem Tauchcomputer eine Flaschendruck-
oder Akkuwarnung angezeigt wird, beenden Sie den Tauchgang umgehend, und kehren Sie sicher an die Oberflche zurck. Wird der Alarm verworfen, kann dies zu schweren oder tdlichen Verletzungen fhren. Aus Sicherheitsgrnden sollten Sie niemals alleine tauchen. Tauchen Sie mit einem Buddy. Nach einem Tauchgang sollten Sie lngere Zeit in Gesellschaft anderer Personen verbringen, da die Dekompressionserkrankung (DCI) mglicherweise verzgert auftritt oder durch Aktivitten an der Oberflche hervorgerufen werden kann. Das Gert ist nicht fr gewerbliche oder professionelle Tauchaktivitten vorgesehen. Es ist ausschlielich fr Freizeitzwecke vorgesehen. Bei gewerblichen oder professionellen Tauchaktivitten ist der Benutzer u.U. extremen Tiefen oder Bedingungen ausgesetzt, die das DCI-Risiko erhhen. Fhren Sie Tauchgnge nicht mit einem Atemgas durch, dessen Inhalt Sie nicht persnlich berprft und dessen analysierte Daten Sie nicht persnlich auf dem Gert eingegeben haben. Falls Sie den Tankinhalt nicht berprfen und nicht die entsprechenden Atemgaswerte auf dem Gert eingeben, sind die Tauchplanungsinformationen falsch, und es knnte zu schweren oder tdlichen Verletzungen kommen. Tauchgnge mit mehr als einer Gasmischung sind wesentlich riskanter als Tauchgnge mit einer einzigen Gasmischung. Fehler bei der Verwendung mehrerer Gasmischungen knnen zu schweren oder tdlichen Verletzungen fhren. Runden Sie das Ergebnis der Atemgasanalyse immer ab, wenn Sie die Werte auf dem Gert eingeben. Wenn die Gasanalyse beispielsweise einen Sauerstoffgehalt von 31,7% ergibt, geben Sie 31% ein. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie Berechnungen, die konservativer und sicherer sind. Beim Sender handelt es sich nicht um ein sauerstoffreines Produkt. Verwenden Sie den Sender nicht mit ber 40% Sauerstoff. Das Tauchen mit einem Sauerstoffpartialdruck (PO2) von ber 1,6, einer ZNS-Sauerstoffvergiftung von 80%
oder mehr oder einer Tages-OTU von 300 oder hher kann gefhrlich sein und zu schweren oder tdlichen Verletzungen fhren. Beenden Sie den Tauchgang, wenn Sie Werte fr eine Sauerstoffvergiftung erreichen. Temperaturen fern, z.B. direkter Sonneneinstrahlung in einem abgestellten Fahrzeug. Das Gert darf nicht fr einen lngeren Zeitraum auerhalb des entsprechenden Temperaturbereichs, der im gedruckten Handbuch aus dem Lieferumfang angegeben ist, betrieben oder aufbewahrt werden. HINWEIS Die Nichteinhaltung der folgenden Hinweise kann zu Personen- oder Sachschden fhren oder die Funktionsweise des Gerts beeintrchtigen. Hinweis zum Akku Wenden Sie sich zur ordnungsgemen, im Einklang mit anwendbaren rtlichen Gesetzen und Bestimmungen stehenden Entsorgung von Gert und/oder Akku an die zustndige Abfallentsorgungsstelle. Umweltschutzprogramme fr das Produkt Informationen zum Produktrecyclingprogramm von Garmin sowie zur WEEE-, RoHS- und REACH-Richtlinie und zu anderen Programmen zur Einhaltung von Richtlinien finden Sie unter Konformittserklrung Garmin erklrt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt der Direktive2014/53/EU entspricht. Der vollstndige Text der EU-Konformittserklrung ist unter folgender Internetadresse verfgbar: EN250:2014 Bei der Kombination aus Sensor und Tauchcomputer handelt es sich um ein PSA-Gert der KategorieIII PPE laut Definition der PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425. Es soll den Benutzer vor gesundheitsgefhrdenden Stoffen und Gemischen laut Definition der PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425, AnhangI, KategorieIII(a) schtzen. Es entspricht den Angaben des harmonisierten europischen Standards EN250:2014 zur Verwendung mit Luft, der dem Standard EN12021 (Sauerstoffgehalt von 21%) entspricht. Tests und CE-Zertifizierung der Kombination aus Sensor und Tauchcomputer wurden durchgefhrt vom Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, benannte Stelle:
0078, Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge, B.P. 157, 13267MARSEILLE CEDEX08, FRANKREICH Die EG-
Zertifizierung und die Verifizierung der Betriebsleistung gem EN250 gelten fr eine maximale Tiefe von 50m unter der Oberflche. Die Instrumentenmarkierungen befinden sich auf dem Sensor und umfassen Folgendes:
Druckstufe: 300bar (4351psi) CE 0078 Die Zahl neben CE kennzeichnet die benannte Stelle mit der Nummer 0078, die zur Inspektion des fertigen Produkts autorisiert ist. NORDAMERIKA: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS66062 EUROPA: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE1A, 97080WRZBURG, DEUTSCHLAND Software-Lizenzvereinbarung DURCH DIE VERWENDUNG DES GERTS STIMMEN SIE DEN BEDINGUNGEN DER FOLGENDEN SOFTWARE-
LIZENZVEREINBARUNG ZU. LESEN SIE DIE LIZENZVEREINBARUNG AUFMERKSAM DURCH. Garmin Ltd. und deren Tochtergesellschaften (Garmin) gewhren Ihnen im Rahmen des normalen Betriebs dieses Gerts eine beschrnkte Lizenz zur Verwendung der in diesem Gert im Binrformat integrierten Software
(die Software). Verfgungsrechte, Eigentumsrechte und Rechte am geistigen Eigentum an der Software verbleiben bei Garmin und/oder deren Drittanbietern. Sie erkennen an, dass die Software Eigentum von Garmin und/oder dessen Drittanbietern ist und durch die Urheberrechte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und internationale Urheberrechtsabkommen geschtzt ist. Weiterhin erkennen Sie an, dass Struktur, Organisation und Code der Software, fr die kein Quellcode zur Verfgung gestellt wird, wertvolle Betriebsgeheimnisse von Garmin und/oder dessen Drittanbietern sind und dass der Quellcode der Software ein wertvolles Betriebsgeheimnis von Garmin und/oder deren Drittanbietern bleibt. Sie vinculados al realizar inmersiones en grupo. Cada buceador debe utilizar siempre su propio transmisor vinculado a su ordenador de buceo para garantizar una mejor conectividad entre ambos dispositivos. El ordenador de buceo puede calcular la tasa de consumo de aire en la superficie (CAS) y el tiempo de aire restante (TAR). Estos clculos son una estimacin y no deben tratarse como nica fuente de informacin. Si tienes implantado un marcapasos o cualquier otro dispositivo mdico, consulta a tu mdico antes de realizar inmersiones. La prctica de buceo provoca tensiones fsicas en el cuerpo, por lo que podra no ser adecuada para personas con marcapasos u otros dispositivos mdicos implantados. Utiliza una llave para instalar el transmisor en el regulador de la botella. No la aprietes en exceso. No utilices la carcasa del transmisor para apretarlo. No agarres el regulador ni el transmisor para mover, transportar ni ajustar la botella de aire. Realiza comprobaciones de seguridad antes de la inmersin: verifica el correcto funcionamiento y la configuracin del dispositivo, el funcionamiento de la pantalla, el nivel de la batera, la presin de la botella y comprueba si salen burbujas para detectar posibles fugas en las mangueras. Confirma que el ordenador de buceo recibe seal del transmisor antes de iniciar la inmersin. El valor de la presin y el nivel de la batera deben de aparecer en la pantalla del ordenador de buceo. Cada buceador es responsable de su propia seguridad y de la presin de su botella. Revisa el dispositivo regularmente durante la inmersin. En el caso de que exista algn funcionamiento incorrecto aparente, finaliza la inmersin de inmediato y regresa a la superficie de manera segura. Si el ordenador de buceo no recibe ninguna seal del transmisor, el valor de presin se sustituye por "SIN COMUNICACIN". Comprueba la posicin del transmisor en relacin con el ordenador de buceo y cambia la posicin segn sea necesario para adquirir una seal. En el caso de que no se adquiera seal, finaliza la inmersin de inmediato y regresa a la superficie de manera segura. Si aparece una advertencia sobre la presin de la botella o sobre la batera en el ordenador de buceo, finaliza la inmersin de inmediato y regresa a la superficie de manera segura. Ignorar la alarma puede provocar lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. Por motivos de seguridad, nunca debes realizar inmersiones solo. Hazlo con un compaero que se te designe. Tambin debes permanecer acompaado durante un periodo de tiempo prolongado tras la inmersin, ya que los sntomas del sndrome de descompresin (DCI) pueden manifestarse posteriormente o desencadenarse al realizar otras actividades en la superficie. Este dispositivo no est diseado para actividades de buceo profesional o comercial. Tiene exclusivamente fines recreativos. Las actividades de buceo comercial o profesional pueden exponer al usuario a profundidades extremas u otras condiciones que aumentan el riesgo de DCI. No realices inmersiones con gas si no has verificado personalmente el contenido de la botella e introducido el valor analizado en el dispositivo. Si no se verifica el contenido de la botella y se introducen los valores de gas correspondientes en el dispositivo, la informacin de planificacin para la inmersin ser incorrecta y podra provocar lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. Las inmersiones con varias mezclas de gases presentan un riesgo mucho mayor que aquellas con una nica mezcla de gases. Los errores relacionados con el uso de varias mezclas de gases pueden provocar lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. Despus de analizar el gas, redondea siempre el resultado a la baja cuando introduzcas los datos en el dispositivo. Por ejemplo, si el gas analizado contiene un 31,7% de oxgeno, introduce 31%. Esta medida de seguridad te proporcionar unos resultados de clculo ms moderados y seguros. No desmontes, modifiques, reacondiciones, perfores ni daes el dispositivo o la pila. Advertencias sobre el dispositivo No sumerjas la batera, ni la expongas al agua u otros lquidos. Para evitar posibles daos en el dispositivo, no lo dejes expuesto a fuentes de calor o en lugares con altas temperaturas, como pudiera ser un vehculo aparcado al sol. No uses ni guardes el dispositivo durante un periodo de tiempo prolongado fuera del intervalo de temperaturas que se indica en la versin impresa del manual, incluido en la caja del producto. AVISO Si no se tienen en cuenta los siguientes avisos, podran producirse lesiones personales o daos materiales, y la funcionalidad del dispositivo podra verse afectada negativamente. Aviso sobre la batera Ponte en contacto con el servicio local de eliminacin de residuos para desechar el dispositivo o la batera de forma que cumpla todas las leyes y normativas locales aplicables. Programas medioambientales para el producto Puedes consultar la informacin acerca del programa de reciclado de productos de Garmin y la directiva WEEE, RoHS y REACH, as como de otros programas de cumplimiento en Declaracin de conformidad Por la presente, Garmin declara que este producto cumple con la Directiva 2014/53/UE. El texto completo de la declaracin de conformidad de la UE est disponible en la siguiente direccin de Internet: Conformidad con COFETEL/IFETEL La operacin de este equipo est sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operacin no deseada. UNE EN 250:2014 La combinacin del sensor y el ordenador de buceo forman un dispositivo EPI de Categora III segn se define en el Reglamento sobre los EPI 2016/425 (UE). Est diseado para proteger al usuario contra sustancias y mezclas que son peligrosas para la salud segn se define en el Reglamento sobre los EPI 2016/425 (EU) en el Anexo I Categora III (a). Cumple con las especificaciones establecidas en el Estndar Europeo EN 250:2014 para el uso con aire de acuerdo con el Estndar EN 12021 (21% de oxgeno). La combinacin del sensor y el ordenador de buceo se ha probado y ha obtenido el certificado CE del Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, organismo notificado 0078, ubicado en Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge - B.P. 157 13267 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08 FRANCIA. El proceso de certificacin CE y la verificacin del rendimiento operativo conforme a la Norma EN250 se aplican a una profundidad mxima de 50m por debajo de la superficie. En el sensor se encuentran las siguientes referencias del instrumento:
Capacidad de presin: 300bares (4351psi) CE 0078 El nmero 0078 que aparece junto al smbolo CE identifica al organismo notificado autorizado para inspeccionar el producto final. NORTEAMRICA: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062 EUROPA: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 1A, 97080 WRZBURG, ALEMANIA Acuerdo de licencia del software AL UTILIZAR EL DISPOSITIVO, EL USUARIO SE COMPROMETE A RESPETAR LOS TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DEL SIGUIENTE ACUERDO DE LICENCIA DEL SOFTWARE. EL USUARIO DEBER LEER ESTE ACUERDO ATENTAMENTE. Garmin Ltd. y sus subsidiarias (Garmin) conceden al usuario una licencia limitada para utilizar el software incluido en este dispositivo (el Software) en formato profundidade, medidor de presso submersvel e temporizador ou relgio. Certifique-se de que voc entenda totalmente o uso, as exibies e as limitaes de seu dispositivo. Se voc tiver perguntas sobre este manual ou sobre o dispositivo, sempre resolva quaisquer discrepncias ou dvidas antes de mergulhar com o dispositivo. Lembre-
se sempre de que voc responsvel por sua prpria segurana. O transmissor usa tecnologia de sonar para se comunicar com dispositivos emparelhados embaixo d'gua. Os sinais podem ser perdidos se houver objetos grandes ou obstrues entre dispositivos emparelhados ao mergulhar em grupos. Cada mergulhador deve sempre usar seu prprio transmissor emparelhado com seu prprio computador de mergulho para garantir uma melhor conectividade entre o transmissor e o computador de mergulho. O computador de mergulho pode calcular sua taxa de consumo de ar de superfcie (SAC) e o tempo de ar restante (ATR). Esses clculos so uma estimativa e no devem ser considerados a nica fonte de informaes. Se voc tiver um marca-passo ou outro dispositivo mdico implantvel, consulte seu mdico antes de mergulhar. O mergulho autnomo cria tenses fsicas no corpo, o que pode no ser adequado para indivduos com marca-passos e outros dispositivos mdicos implantveis. Use uma chave inglesa ao instalar o transmissor no regulador do tanque. No aperte muito. No use a caixa do transmissor para apertar o transmissor. No segure o regulador ou o transmissor para mover, transportar ou ajustar o tanque de ar. Faa verificaes de segurana pr-mergulho, como verificao da funo e das configuraes do dispositivo adequadas, funo de exibio, nvel da bateria, presso do tanque e verificao de bolhas para verificar se h vazamentos nas mangueiras. Confirme se o computador de mergulho est recebendo um sinal do transmissor antes de comear o mergulho. O valor da presso e o nvel da bateria devem aparecer na tela do computador de mergulho. Cada mergulhador responsvel por sua prpria segurana e presso do tanque. Verifique seu dispositivo regularmente durante um mergulho. Se houver qualquer defeito aparente, encerre o mergulho imediatamente e retorne com segurana superfcie. Se o computador de mergulho no receber nenhum sinal do transmissor, o valor da presso ser substitudo por "SEM COMUNICAO". Verifique a posio do transmissor em relao ao computador de mergulho e altere a posio conforme necessrio para adquirir um sinal. Se o sinal no for captado, encerre o mergulho imediatamente e retorne com segurana superfcie. Se um aviso de presso do tanque ou aviso da bateria aparecer no computador de mergulho, finalize o mergulho imediatamente e retorne com segurana superfcie. Ignorar o alarme pode resultar em leses graves ou morte. Por motivos de segurana, voc nunca deve mergulhar sozinho. Mergulhe com um colega designado. Voc tambm deve permanecer na presena de outras pessoas por um tempo prolongado aps um mergulho, pois o possvel aparecimento de doena de descompresso (DCI) pode ser atrasado ou desencadeado por atividades na superfcie. Este dispositivo no destinado a atividades de mergulho comercial ou profissional. apenas para fins de lazer. Atividades de mergulho comerciais ou profissionais podem expor o usurio a profundidades extremas ou condies que aumentam o risco de DCI. No mergulhe com um tanque de gs se voc no verificou pessoalmente seu contedo e inseriu o valor analisado no dispositivo. A falha em verificar o contedo do tanque e inserir os valores de gs adequados no dispositivo resultar em informaes de planejamento de mergulho incorretas, podendo resultar em leses graves ou morte. Mergulhar com mais de uma mistura de gs apresenta um risco muito maior do que mergulhar com uma nica mistura de gs. Erros relacionados ao uso de diversas misturas de gs podem resultar em leses graves ou morte. Depois de analisar seu gs, sempre arredonde o resultado para baixo ao inserir o valor no dispositivo. Por exemplo, se o gs analisado for 31,7% oxignio, coloque o gs como 31%. Este buffer resultar em clculos mais conservadores e seguros. O transmissor no um produto que possa ser limpo por oxignio. No use o transmissor com nada que contenha mais de 40% de oxignio. Mergulhar com uma presso parcial de oxignio (PO2) maior que 1,6, uma toxicidade de oxignio do sistema nervoso central (CNS) a 80% ou mais, ou unidades de tolerncia de oxignio dirias (OTU) de 300 ou mais pode ser perigoso e resultar em leses graves ou morte. Encerre o mergulho se voc atingir os nveis de toxicidade do oxignio. A presso operacional mxima do transmissor no deve ser excedida. Viajar para um local de altitude elevada, incluindo viagem area, pode causar uma mudana temporria no equilbrio do nitrognio dissolvido no corpo. Sempre se acostume com novas altitudes antes e depois de mergulhar, pois no fazer isso pode resultar em leses pessoais ou morte. Avisos sobre a bateria Este dispositivo deve usar baterias de ltio substituveis. Em caso de descumprimento destas instrues, a vida til das baterias poder diminuir, ou estas podero apresentar o risco de danificar o dispositivo, de incndios, queimaduras qumicas, vazamento de eletrlito e/ou ferimentos. No exponha o dispositivo ou as baterias a fogo, exploso ou outros elementos nocivos. da declarao de conformidade da EU est disponvel no seguinte endereo da Internet: Informaes de Radiocomunicao Este equipamento no tem direito proteo contra interferncia prejudicial e no pode causar interferncia em sistemas devidamente autorizados. Para Maiores informaes, consulte o site da ANATEL: EN250:2014 A combinao de sensor e computador de mergulho um dispositivo de EPI da Categoria III, conforme definido pelo Regulamento de EPI (UE) 2016/425. Foi projetado para proteger o usurio contra substncias e misturas perigosas para a sade, conforme definido pelo Regulamento de EPI (UE) 2016/425, Anexo I, Categoria III(a). Est em conformidade com as especificaes definidas pela norma europeia harmonizada EN250:2014, para uso com ar em conformidade com a norma EN 12021 (contedo de oxignio de 21%). A combinao de sensor e computador de mergulho foi testada e certificada pela CE pelo Institut National De Plongee Professionnelle, organismo notificado 0078, localizado na Entre n03, Port de la Pointe Rouge - B.P. 157 13267 MARSEILLE CEDEX 08 FRANCE. O processo de certificao da CE e a verificao do desempenho operacional de acordo com a EN250 so aplicveis a uma profundidade mxima de 50 m abaixo da superfcie. As marcaes do instrumento esto localizadas no sensor e consistem no seguinte:
Classificao de presso: 300bar (4351psi) CE 0078 O nmero ao lado de CE identifica 0078, o organismo notificado autorizado a inspecionar o produto acabado. AMRICA NO NORTE: GARMIN INTERNATIONAL INC., 1200 EAST 151ST STREET, OLATHE, KS 66062 EUROPA: GARMIN WRZBURG GMBH, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 1A, 97080 WRZBURG, GERMANY Garantia limitada A garantia limitada padro da Garmin aplica-se a este acessrio. Para obter mais informaes, acesse 2020 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
1 2 | User Manual QSM | Users Manual | 1.51 MiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release |
Transceiver Position Transceiver Position Transceiver Position Transceiver Position Transceiver Position Transceiver Position 2 3 Tank Regulator Installation Tank Regulator Installation Tank Regulator Installation Tank Regulator Installation Tank Regulator Installation Tank Regulator Installation 4 5 High Pressure Hose Installation High Pressure Hose Installation High Pressure Hose Installation High Pressure Hose Installation High Pressure Hose Installation High Pressure Hose Installation 6 7 8 9 Transceiver Software Updates Transceiver Software Updates Transceiver Software Updates Transceiver Software Updates Transceiver Software Updates Transceiver Software Updates 10 E N including a depth gauge, submersible pressure gauge, and timer or watch. Make sure that you fully understand the use, displays, and limitations of your device. If you have questions about this manual or the device, always resolve any discrepancies or confusion before diving with the device. Always remember that you are responsible for your own safety. The dive computer can calculate your surface air consumption rate (SAC) and air time remaining (ATR). These calculations are an estimate and should not be relied on as the only source of information. Perform pre-dive safety checks, such as checking proper device function and settings, display function, battery level, tank pressure, and bubble checks to check hoses for leaks. If a tank pressure warning or battery warning appears on the dive computer, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the Quick Start Manual 13 E N transceiver from low power mode using a pressurized tank and regulator to complete the pairing process. For more information about compatible dive watch models, go to the Descent T2 transceiver product page on 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. 4 Quick Start Manual 15 N E When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) 16 Quick Start Manual Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) Underwater transmission range (sonar) Water rating Pressure rating Inspection interval 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum E N Up to 10m (33ft.) Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM1 300 bar (4351 psi) Inspect parts before each use for damage. Replace parts as needed.2 1 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to 2 Aside from normal wear and tear, performance is not affected by aging. Quick Start Manual 17 R F Pairing the Transceiver with a Descent Watch Before you use the transceiver for the first time, you must pair it with the a compatible Descent dive watch using ANT technology. Out of the box, the transceiver is in low power mode. You must wake the transceiver from low power mode using a pressurized tank and regulator to complete the pairing process. For more information about compatible dive watch models, go to the Descent T2 transceiver product page on 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. 22 Manuel de dmarrage rapide 4 The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. F R When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) Manuel de dmarrage rapide 23 R F Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) Underwater transmission range (sonar) Water rating Pressure rating From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum Up to 10m (33ft.) Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM3 300 bar (4351 psi) 3 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to 24 Manuel de dmarrage rapide T I remember that you are responsible for your own safety. The dive computer can calculate your surface air consumption rate (SAC) and air time remaining (ATR). These calculations are an estimate and should not be relied on as the only source of information. Perform pre-dive safety checks, such as checking proper device function and settings, display function, battery level, tank pressure, and bubble checks to check hoses for leaks. If a tank pressure warning or battery warning appears on the dive computer, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. Disregarding the alarm may result in serious injury or death. The transceiver is not an oxygen cleaned product. Do not use the transceiver with anything greater than 40% oxygen. 28 Manuale di avvio rapido 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. T I 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. 4 When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. 30 Manuale di avvio rapido I T From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) Up to 10m (33ft.) Manuale di avvio rapido 31 Underwater transmission range (sonar) T I Water rating Pressure rating Inspection interval Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM5 300 bar (4351 psi) Inspect parts before each use for damage. Replace parts as needed.6 Parti di ricambio Sono disponibili parti di ricambio per questo dispositivo. Contattare il rivenditore Garmin oppure visitare il sito Web per ulteriori informazioni. 5 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to 6 Aside from normal wear and tear, performance is not affected by aging. 32 Manuale di avvio rapido D E Pairing the Transceiver with a Descent Watch Before you use the transceiver for the first time, you must pair it with the a compatible Descent dive watch using ANT technology. Out of the box, the transceiver is in low power mode. You must wake the transceiver from low power mode using a pressurized tank and regulator to complete the pairing process. For more information about compatible dive watch models, go to the Descent T2 transceiver product page on 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. Schnellstartanleitung 37 E D 4 The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) 38 Schnellstartanleitung Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) Underwater transmission range (sonar) Water rating Pressure rating From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum Up to 10m (33ft.) D E Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM7 300 bar (4351 psi) 7 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to Schnellstartanleitung 39 remember that you are responsible for your own safety. The dive computer can calculate your surface air consumption rate (SAC) and air time remaining (ATR). These calculations are an estimate and should not be relied on as the only source of information. Perform pre-dive safety checks, such as checking proper device function and settings, display function, battery level, tank pressure, and bubble checks to check hoses for leaks. If a tank pressure warning or battery warning appears on the dive computer, terminate the dive immediately and safely return to the surface. Disregarding the alarm may result in serious injury or death. The transceiver is not an oxygen cleaned product. Do not use the transceiver with anything greater than 40% oxygen. E S Gua de inicio rpido 43 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. 4 When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. Gua de inicio rpido 45 E S From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) Up to 10m (33ft.) 46 Gua de inicio rpido S E Underwater transmission range (sonar) Water rating Pressure rating Inspection interval Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM9 300 bar (4351 psi) Inspect parts before each use for damage. Replace parts as needed.10 Piezas de repuesto Hay piezas de repuesto disponibles para este dispositivo. Ponte en contacto con tu distribuidor de Garmin o visita para obtener ms informacin. 9 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to 10 Aside from normal wear and tear, performance is not affected by aging. Gua de inicio rpido 47 E S Pairing the Transceiver with a Descent Watch Before you use the transceiver for the first time, you must pair it with the a compatible Descent dive watch using ANT technology. Out of the box, the transceiver is in low power mode. You must wake the transceiver from low power mode using a pressurized tank and regulator to complete the pairing process. For more information about compatible dive watch models, go to the Descent T2 transceiver product page on 1 Install the transceiver on the first-stage regulator. 2 Gradually open the tank valve to pressurize the first-stage regulator. When the transceiver detects pressure, it wakes from low power mode. The transceiver plays a tone when it wakes from low power mode and is ready to pair. 3 On your Descent dive watch, hold MENU, and select Dive Setup >
Dive Network & Air Integration >
Transmitters > Add New. 52 Manual de incio rpido T P 4 The dive watch starts searching and displays a list of nearby transceivers. From the list of transceivers, select the transceiver ID you want to pair. The transceiver ID is printed on the housing. When the pairing process is complete, the transceiver begins sending data, and it is ready to use on a dive. The next time the transceiver and dive watch are turned on and within wireless range, they connect automatically when you start a dive. If you are diving with a group, you can pair up to 10 Descent T2 transceivers with the dive watch. Specifications Battery Battery life Thread type Operating temperature range 3V CR123A lithium Up to 100 hr. 7/16 in. (20 UNF) From -20 to 60C (from
-4 to 140F) Manual de incio rpido 53 P T Underwater operating temperature range Storage temper ature range Wireless frequency Surface trans mission range
(ANT tech nology) Underwater transmission range (sonar) T P Water rating Pressure rating From 0 to 40C (from 32 to 104F) From -30 to 70C (from
-22 to 158F) 2.4GHz @ 5.22dBm maximum Up to 10m (33ft.) Pressure, distance, and depth data: up to 10m
(33ft.) Diver-to-diver messaging: up to 30 m
(98 ft.) 20ATM11 300 bar (4351 psi) 11 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 200m. For more information, go to 54 Manual de incio rpido Inspection interval Inspect parts before each use for damage. Replace parts as needed.12 Peas de reposio Peas de reposio esto disponveis para este dispositivo. Entre em contato com o seu revendedor Garmin ou acesse para obter mais informaes. Introduo ao Manual do proprietrio Acesse
/DescentT2. P T 12 Aside from normal wear and tear, performance is not affected by aging. Manual de incio rpido 55
1 2 | Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 331.12 KiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release |
1 2 | External Photos | External Photos | 194.85 KiB | October 18 2023 / May 12 2024 | delayed release |
1 2 | ID Label/Location Info | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | RF Exposure Info | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
1 2 | Attestation Statements | October 18 2023 / November 14 2023 |
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2023-11-14 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | Original Equipment |
2 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DTS - Digital Transmission System |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 | Effective |
1 2 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Garmin International Inc
1 2 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 | Physical Address |
1200 E. 151st. Street
1 2 |
Olathe, KS
1 2 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 | TCB Scope |
A2: Low Power Transmitters (except Spread Spectrum) and radar detectors operating above 1 GHz
1 2 |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 | Grantee Code |
1 2 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 | Name |
B**** K****
1 2 | Title |
Manager, Compliance Engineering
1 2 | Telephone Number |
1 2 | Fax Number |
913 3********
1 2 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 05/12/2024 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Equipment Class | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | ||||
1 2 | DTS - Digital Transmission System | |||||
1 2 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Transceiver for multiple types of diving purposes. | ||||
1 2 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 2 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 2 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Grant Comments | Output Power listed is the maximum conducted output power. | ||||
1 2 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 | Firm Name |
Garmin Compliance Lab
1 2 | Name |
S******** K****
1 2 | Telephone Number |
913 4********
1 2 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0037000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC