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1 |
Users Manual | Users Manual | 2.77 MiB | May 09 2014 / April 03 2015 | |||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 09 2014 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 09 2014 | ||||||
1 | External Photos | May 09 2014 / April 03 2015 | ||||||
1 | Internal Photos | May 09 2014 / April 03 2015 | ||||||
1 | ID Label/Location Info | May 09 2014 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | May 09 2014 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | May 09 2014 | ||||||
1 | Test Setup Photos | May 09 2014 / April 03 2015 |
1 | Users Manual | Users Manual | 2.77 MiB | May 09 2014 / April 03 2015 |
H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 1 M ultim edia System AUDIO SYSTEM ......................................................4-2 HOW VEHICLE AUDIO W ORKS .............................4-2 CARING FOR DISC ..................................................4-4 SYSTEM CONTROLLERS AND FUNCTIONS
- 3.8 INCH M ONO TFT.........................................4-16 Audio Head Unit (For RDS m odel)..............................4-16 Audio Head Unit (For Bluetooth equipped m odel)......4-18 Audio Head Unit..............................................................4-20 SETUP(for RDS m odel)..................................................4-21 System Settings...............................................................4-23 SETUP ................................................................................4-24 RADIO (FOR RDS M ODEL) :FM , AM ...........................4-31 RADIO : FM , AM ..............................................................4-33 M aking a call using the Steering w heel rem ote controller...........................................................................4-38 SYSTEM CONTROLLERS AND FUNCTIONS
- 4.3 INCH COLOR TFT LCD................................4-42 Audio Head Unit (For RDS m odel)..............................4-42 Audio Head Unit..............................................................4-43 Steering-w heel m ounted controls..............................4-44 RADIO M ODE (FOR RDS M ODEL)...............................4-46 RADIO M ODE....................................................................4-49 M EDIA M ODE ...................................................................4-51 AUDIO CD M ODE .............................................................4-52 M P3 CD M ODE.................................................................4-55 USB M ODE........................................................................4-58 iPod M ODE .....................................................................4-61 AUX M ODE........................................................................4-64 M Y M USIC M ODE............................................................4-65 Bluetooth W ireless Technology AUDIO M ODE......4-68 USING Bluetooth W ireless Technology...................4-75 USING Bluetooth W ireless Technology...................4-83 VOICE RECOGNITION ......................................................4-87 ENDING VOICE RECOGNITION ......................................4-88 SETUP (FOR RDS, BLUETOOTH W IRELESS TECHNOLOGY EQUIPPED M ODEL).............................4-95 SETUP (for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel).....................................4-102 REAR VIEW CAM ERA (if equipped)..........................4-108 44 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-1 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 2 M ultim edia System H ow vehicle audio w orks FM reception This can be due to factors, such as the distance from the radio station, closeness of other strong radio sta-
tions or the presence of buildings, bridges or other large obstructions in the area. A M reception JBM 002 AM broadcasts can be received at greater distances than FM broad-
casts. This is because AM radio w aves are transm itted at low fre-
quencies. These long distance, low frequency radio w aves can follow the curvature of the earth rather than travelling straight. In addition, they curve around obstructions resulting in better signal coverage. JBM 001 AM and FM radio signals are broad-
cast from transm itter tow ers located around your city. They are intercept-
ed by the radio antenna on your vehi-
cle. This signal is then processed by the radio and sent to your vehicle speakers. W hen a strong radio signal has reached your vehicle, the precise engineering of your audio system ensures the best possible quality reproduction. H ow ever, in som e cases the signal com ing to your vehi-
cle m ay not be strong and clear. 4-2 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 3 FM radio station JBM 003 FM broadcasts are transm itted at high frequencies and do not bend to follow the earth's surface. Because of this, FM broadcasts generally begin to fade w ithin short distances from the station. Also, FM signals are easily affected by buildings, m oun-
tains, and obstructions. This can lead to undesirable or unpleasant listen-
ing conditions w hich m ight lead you to believe a problem exists w ith your radio. The follow ing conditions are norm al and do not indicate radio trouble:
JBM 004
Fading - As your vehicle m oves aw ay from the radio station, the signal w ill w eaken and sound w ill begin to fade. W hen this occurs, w e suggest that you select another stronger station.
Flutter/Static - W eak FM signals or large obstructions betw een the transm itter and your radio can dis-
turb the signal causing static or fluttering noises to occur. R educing the treble level m ay lessen this effect until the disturbance clears. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m JBM 005
Station Swapping - As an FM signal weakens, another m ore powerful signal near the sam e frequency m ay begin to play. This is because your radio is designed to lock onto the clearest signal. If this occurs, select another station w ith a stronger signal.
M ulti-Path C ancellation - R adio sig-
nals being received from several directions can cause distortion or fluttering. This can be caused by a direct and reflected signal from the sam e station, or by signals from two stations w ith close frequencies. If this occurs, select another station until the condition has passed. 4-3 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 4
D epending on the type of C D -
R /C D -RW C D s, certain C D s m ay not operate norm ally according to the m anufacturing com panies. In such circum stances, continued use m ay cause m alfunctions to your audio system . N O TIC E -Playing an Incom patible C opy Protected Audio C D Som e copy protected C D s, w hich do not com ply w ith international audio C D standards (R ed Book), m ay not play on your car audio. Please note that inabilities to properly play a copy protected C D m ay indicate that the C D is defective, not the C D player. M P3 File Inform ation
Supported Audio Form ats File System Audio Com pression ISO 9660 Level 1 ISO 9660 Level 2 Rom eo / Juliet (128 characters) M PEG 1 Audio Layer3 M PEG 2 Audio Layer3 M PEG 2.5 Audio Layer3 W indow s M edia Audio Ver 7.X
& 8.X File form ats that do not com ply w ith the above form ats m ay not be properly recognized or play w ithout properly displaying file nam es or other inform ation. M ultim edia System C aring for disc
If the tem perature inside the car is too high, open the car windows to venti-
late before using the system .
It is illegal to copy and use M P3/W M A files w ithout perm ission. U se C D s that are created only by law ful m eans.
D o not apply volatile agents, such as benzene and thinner, norm al cleaners and m agnetic sprays m ade for analogue disc onto C D s.
To prevent the disc surface from getting dam aged, hold C D s by the edges or the center hole only.
C lean the disc surface w ith a piece of soft cloth before playback (w ipe it from the center to the outside edge).
D o not dam age the disc surface or attach pieces of sticky tape or paper.
M ake certain only C D s are insert-
ed into the C D player (D o not insert m ore than one C D at a tim e).
Keep C D s in their cases after use to protect them from scratches or dirt. 4-4 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 5
For M P3/W M A com pression files, differences in sound quality w ill occur depending on the bitrate.
(H igher sound quality can be expe-
rienced w ith higher bitrates.)
This device only recognizes files w ith M P3/W M A extensions. O ther file extensions m ay not be properly recognized. 3.M axim um num ber of recognized folders and files
- Folder : 255 folders for C D, 2,000 folders for U SB
- File : 999 files for C D, 6,000 files for U SB There are no lim itations to the num ber of recognized folder levels
Language Support
(U nicode Support) 1.English: 94 characters 2.Special characters and Sym bols :
986 characters Languages other than Korean and English (including C hinese) are not included. 3.Text D isplay (Based on U nicode)
- File nam e: M axim um 64 English characters
- Folder nam e: M ax 32 English characters U sing the scroll feature allow s you to see the entire nam e of files w ith nam es that are too long to be dis-
played at once. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m
Support for C om pressed Files 1. Supported Bitrates (Kbps) M PEG 1 Layer3 M PEG 2 M PEG 2.5 Layer3 Layer3 W M A High Range 48 64 80 96 128 160 192
) s p b k
E T A R IT B 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 256 320 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 2. Sam pling Frequencies (H z) M PEG 1 M PEG 2 44100 22050 24000 48000 3000 16000 M PEG 2.5 11025 12000 8000 W M A 32000 44100 48000 4-5 5.Prolonged use of C D -R /C D -RW discs that do not satisfy related standards and/or specifications could result in product m alfunc-
tion. 6.U nauthorized use or duplication of M P3/W M A files is prohibited by law. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 6 M ultim edia System
C om patibility by D isc Type 1.Playing M IXED C D s: First plays the audio C D, then plays the com -
pressed file(s). 2.Playing EXTR A C D s: First plays the audio C D, then plays the com -
pressed file(s). 3.Playing m ultisession C D s: Plays in order of sessions
- M IXED C D : C D type in w hich both M P3 and audio C D files are recognized in one disc.
- M ultisession C D C D type that includes m ore than tw o sessions. D ifferent from Extra C D s, m ulti-
session C D s are recorded by sessions and have no m edia lim -
Precautions upon W riting CDs 1.In all cases except w hen creating m ultisession discs, check the close session option before creat-
ing the disc. Though product m al-
functions w ill not occur, som e tim e m ay be required for the device to check w hether the session state is closed (approxim ately 25 sec-
onds). (Additional tim e m ay also be required depending on the num ber of folders or files.) 2.C hanging the M P3/W M A file extensions or changing files of other extensions to M P3/W M A m ay result in product m alfunction. 3.W hen nam ing files w ith M P3/W M A file extensions, w rite using only Korean and English.
(Languages other than Korean and English are not supported and are displayed as blank.) 4.U nauthorized use or duplication of m usic files are prohibited by law. 4-6 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 7 Using a cellular phone or a two-
way radio W hen a cellular phone is used inside the vehicle, noise m ay be produced from the audio system . This does not m ean that som ething is w rong w ith the audio equipm ent. In such a case, try to operate m obile devices as far from the audio equipm ent as possible. C AU TIO N W hen using a com m unication system such as a cellular phone or a radio set inside the vehicle, a separate external antenna m ust be fitted. W hen a cellular phone or a radio set is used w ith an internal antenna alone, it m ay interfere w ith the vehicle's electri-
cal system and adversely affect safe operation of the vehicle. W A R N IN G Do not use a cellular phone w hile driving. Stop at a safe location to use a cellular phone. N O TE:
O rder of playing files (folders) :
1.Song playing order :
to sequentially. 2.Folder playing order :
If no song file is contained in the folder, that folder is not displayed. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-7 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 8 M ultim edia System W A R N IN G C AU TIO N C AU TIO N
D o not stare at the screen w hile driving. Staring at the screen for prolonged periods of tim e could lead to traffic accidents.
D o not disassem ble, assem -
ble, or m odify the audio sys-
tem . Such acts could result in accidents, fire, or electric shock.
Using the phone w hile driving m ay lead to a lack of attention of traffic conditions and increase the likelihood of accidents. U se the phone feature after parking the vehicle.
H eed caution not to spill w ater or introduce foreign objects into the device. Such acts could lead to sm oke, fire, or product m alfunction. O perating the device w hile driv-
ing could lead to accidents due to a lack of attention to external surroundings. First park the vehicle before operating the device.
Adjust the volum e to levels that allow the driver to hear sounds from outside of the vehicle. Driving in a state w here exter-
nal sounds cannot be heard m ay lead to accidents.
Pay attention to the volum e setting w hen turning the device on. A sudden output of extrem e volum e upon turning the device on could lead to hearing im pairm ent. (A djust the volum e to a suitable levels before turning off the device.)
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
D o not place beverages close to the audio system . Spilling beverages m ay lead to system m alfunction.
In case of product m alfunction, please contact your place of purchase or After Service cen-
Placing the audio system w ithin an electrom agnetic environm ent m ay result in noise interference.
Prevent caustic solutions such as perfum e and cosm et-
ic oil from contacting the dashboard because they m ay cause dam age or discol-
oration. 4-8 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 9 N O TIC E - Using the discs
This device has been m anufac-
tured to be com patible with soft-
w are bearing the follow ing logo m arks.
Do not clean discs with chem ical solutions, such as record sprays, antistatic sprays, antistatic liquids, benzene, or thinners.
After using a disc, put the disc back in its original case to prevent disc scratches.
H old discs by their edges or within the center hole to prevent dam ages to disc surfaces.
Do not introduce foreign substances into the disc insert/eject slot. Introducing foreign substances could dam age the device interior.
Do not insert two discs sim ultane-
W hen using CD-R/CD-RW discs, differences in disc reading and play-
ing tim es m ay occur depending on the disc m anufacturer, production m ethod and the recording m ethod as used by the user.
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
C lean fingerprints and dust off the disc surface (coated side) w ith a soft cloth.
The use of C D -R /C D -RW discs attached w ith labels m ay result in disc slot jam s or difficulties in disc rem oval. Such discs m ay also result in noise w hile playing.
Som e C D -R /C D -RW discs m ay not properly operate depending on the disc m anufacturer, produc-
tion m ethod and the record m ethod as used by the user. If problem s persist, trying using a different C D as continued use m ay result in m alfunctions.
The perform ance of this product m ay differ depending on the C D -
RW D rive Softw are.
C opy-protected C D s such as S-
type C D s m ay not function in the device. D ATA discs cannot be played. (H ow ever, such discs m ay still operate but w ill do so abnor-
m ally.)
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
D o not use abnorm ally shaped discs (8cm , heart-shaped, octagon-
shaped) as such discs could lead to m alfunctions.
If the disc is straddled on the disc slot w ithout rem oval for 10 sec-
onds, the disc w ill autom atically be re-inserted into the disc player.
O nly genuine audio C D s are sup-
ported. O ther discs m ay result in recognition failure (e.g. copy C D -
R , C D s w ith labels) 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-9 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 10 M ultim edia System N O TIC E - U sing the U SB device
C onnect the U SB device after turning on the engine. The U SB device m ay becom e dam aged if it is already connected w hen the ignition is turned on.The U SB device m ay not operate properly if the car ignition is turned on or off w ith the U SB device connected.
H eed caution to static electricity w hen connecting/disconnecting U SB devices.
Encoded M P3 Players w ill not be recognized w hen connected as an external device.
W hen connecting an external U SB device, the device m ay not proper-
ly recognize the U SB is in som e states.
O nly products form atted w ith byte/sectors under 64K byte w ill be recognized.
This device recognizes U SB devices form atted in FAT 12/16/32 file form ats. This device does not recognize files in N TFS file for-
m at.
(C ontinued) 4-10
(C ontinued)
Som e U SB devices m ay not be sup-
ported due to com patibility issues.
Avoid contact betw een the U SB connector w ith bodily parts or for-
eign objects.
R epeated connecting/disconnect-
ing of U SB devices w ithin short periods of tim e m ay result in prod-
uct m alfunction.
A strange noise m ay occur w hen disconnecting the U SB.
M ake sure to connect/disconnect external U SB devices w ith the audio pow er turned off.
The am ount of tim e required to recognize the U SB device m ay dif-
fer depending on the type, size or file form ats stored in the U SB. Such differences in tim e are not indications of m alfunctions.
The device only supports U SB devices used to play m usic files.
U SB im ages and videos are not supported.
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
D o not use the U SB I/F to charge batteries or U SB accessories that generate heat. Such acts m ay lead to w orsened perform ance or dam -
age to the device.
The device m ay not recognize the U SB device if separately pur-
chased U SB hubs and extension cables are being used. C onnect the U SB directly w ith the m ultim edia term inal of the vehicle.
W hen using m ass storage U SB devices w ith separate logical drives, only files saved to the root drive can be played.
Files m ay not properly operate if application program s are installed to the U SBs.
The device m ay not operate nor-
m ally if M P3 Players, cellular phones, digital cam eras, or other electronic devices (U SB devices not recognized as portable disk drives) are connected w ith the device. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 11
(C ontinued)
Avoid use of U SB m em ory products that can also be used as key chains or m obile phone accessories. U se of such products m ay cause dam age to the U SB jack.
C onnecting an M P3 device or phone through various channels, such as A U X /BT or A udio/ U SB m ode m ay result in pop noises or abnorm al operation.
(C ontinued)
C harging through the U SB m ay not w ork for som e m obile devices.
The device m ay not support nor-
m al operation w hen using a U SB m em ory type besides (M etal C over Type) U SB M em ory.
The device m ay not support nor-
m al operation w hen using form ats such as H D D Type, C F, or SD M em ory.
The device w ill not support files locked by D R M (D igital R ights M anagem ent.)
U SB m em ory sticks used by con-
necting an A daptor (SD Type or C F Type) m ay not be properly rec-
The device m ay not operate prop-
erly w hen using U SB H D D s or U SBs subject to connection fail-
ures caused by vehicle vibrations.
(e.g. i-stick type)
(C ontinued) N O TIC E - U sing the iPod device
iPod is a registered tradem ark of A pple Inc.
In order to use the iPod w hile operating the keys, you m ust use a dedicated iPod cable. (the cable that is supplied w hen purchasing iPod/iPhone products)
If the iPod is connected to the vehicle w hile it is playing, a high pitch sound could occur for approxim ately 1-2 seconds im m e-
diately after connecting. If possi-
ble, connect the iPod to the vehicle w ith the iPod stopped/ paused.
D uring A C C O N state, connecting the iPod through the iPod cable w ill charge the iPod through the car audio system .
W hen connecting w ith the iPod cable, m ake sure to fully insert the jack to prevent com m unication interference.
(C ontinued) 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-11
(C ontinued)
Som e iPods m ay not sync w ith the System depending on its version. If the M edia is rem oved before the M edia is recognized, then the sys-
tem m ay not properly restore the previously operated m ode. (iPad charging is not supported.) H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 12 M ultim edia System
(C ontinued)
If your iPhone is connected to both the Bluetooth W ireless Technology and U SB, the sound m ay not be properly played. In your iPhone, select the D ock con-
nector or Bluetooth W ireless Technology to change the sound output (source).
iPod m ode cannot be operated w hen the iPod cannot be recog-
nized due to versions that do not support com m unication protocols.
For fifth generation iPod N ano devices, the iPod m ay not be rec-
ognized w hen the battery level is low. Please charge the iPod for use.
Search/play orders show n w ithin the iPod device m ay differ w ith the orders show n w ithin the audio system .
If the iPod m alfunctions due to an iPod device defect, reset the iPod and try again. (To learn m ore, refer to your iPod m anual)
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
W hen the EQ features of an exter-
nal device, such as the iPod, and the audio system are both active, EQ effects could overlap and cause sound deterioration and dis-
tortion. W henever possible, turn off the EQ feature w ithin the external device upon use by connecting w ith the audio system .
N oise m ay occur w hen an iPod or A U X device is connected. W hen such devices are not being used, disconnect the device for storage.
W hen the iPod or A U X device pow er is connected to the pow er jack, playing the external device m ay result in noise. In such cases, disconnect the pow er connection before use.
Skipping or im proper operation m ay occur depending on the char-
acteristics of your iPod /Phone device.
(C ontinued) 4-12 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 13 N O TIC E- U sing the AU X device
If an external device connector is connected w ith the A U X term inal, then A U X m ode w ill autom atically operate. O nce the connector is dis-
connected, the previous m ode w ill be restored.
A U X m ode can be used only w hen an external audio player (cam -
corder, car V C R , etc.) has been connected.
The A U X volum e can be con-
trolled separately from other audio m odes.
C onnecting a connector jack to the A U X term inal w ithout an external device w ill convert the system to A U X m ode, but only output noise. W hen an external device is not being used, also rem ove the con-
nector jack.
W hen the external device pow er is connected to the pow er jack, play-
ing the external device m ay output noise. In such cases, disconnect the pow er connection before use.
Fully insert the A U X cable to the A U X jack upon use. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-13 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 14 M ultim edia System N O TIC E - B efore using the Bluetooth handsfree N O TIC E - Precautions for safe driving N O TIC E - W hen connect-
ing a Bluetooth phone What is Bluetooth ?
Bluetooth refers to a short-dis-
tance w ireless netw orking technol-
ogy w hich uses a 2.4G H z ~
2.48G H z frequency to connect various devices w ithin a certain distance.
Supported w ithin PC s, external devices, Bluetooth phones, PDAs, various electronic devices, and auto-
m otive environm ents, Bluetooth allows data to be transm itted at high speeds without having to use a con-
nector cable.
Bluetooth H andsfree refers to a device w hich allow s the user to conveniently m ake phone calls w ith Bluetooth m obile phones through the audio system .
Bluetooth H andsfree m ay not be sup-
ported in som e m obile phones. To learn m ore about m obile device com -
Bluetooth H andsfree is a feature that enables drivers to practice safe driving. C onnecting the head unit w ith a Bluetooth phone allow s the user to conveniently m ake and receive calls and use contacts. Before using Bluetooth, carefully read the contents of this users m anual.
Excessive use or operations w hile driving m ay lead to negligent driv-
ing practices and result in acci-
dents. R efrain from excessive operations w hile driving.
View ing the screen for prolonged periods of tim e is dangerous and m ay lead to accidents. W hen driv-
ing, view the screen only for short periods of tim e. 4-14
Before connecting the head unit w ith the m obile phone, check to see that the m obile phone supports Bluetooth features.
Even if the phone supports Bluetooth, the phone w ill not be found during device searches if the phone has been set to hidden state or the Bluetooth pow er is turned off. D isable the hidden state or turn on the Bluetooth pow er prior to searching/connecting w ith the H ead unit.
Bluetooth phone is autom atically connected w hen the ignition on.
If you do not w ant autom atic con-
nection w ith your Bluetooth device, turn off the Bluetooth fea-
ture w ithin your m obile phone.
The H andsfree call volum e and quality m ay differ depending on the m obile phone.
(C ontinued) H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 15
(C ontinued)
Park the vehicle w hen connecting the head unit w ith the m obile phone.
Bluetooth connection m ay becom e interm ittently disconnect-
ed in som e m obile phones. Follow these steps to try again. 1.W ithin the m obile phone, turn the Bluetooth function off/on and try again. 2.Turn the m obile phone pow er O ff/O n and try again. 3.C om pletely rem ove the m obile phone battery, reboot, and then again. 4.R eboot the A udio System and 5.D elete all paired devices, pair try again. and try again.
H andsfree call quality and volum e m ay differ depending on the m odel of your m obile phone. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-15 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 16 M ultim edia System SYSTEM CONTROLLERS AND FUNCTIONS D isplay and settings m ay differ depending on the selected audio. Audio H ead U nit (For R D S m odel) N am e M EDIA D escription
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of C D, U SB, iPod, AU X, M y M usic m odes. In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen w ill be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned O n
. W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the SEEK TR AC K PW R /
VOL knob 6 1
(Preset) N am e D escription FM AM Ejects the disc.
C hanges to FM m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of FM 1 FM 2.
C hanges to AM m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of AM . 4-16 4 1
to TU N E knob or keys select the desired m ode.
R adio M ode : Autom atically searches for broadcast frequencies.
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m odes :
- Shortly press the key : M oves to next or pre vious song(file)
- Press and hold the key : R ew inds or fast-for w ards the current song(file)
pressing the knob
the knob left/right
R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels) or receives saved frequencies (channels)
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m ode Volum e Knob : Sets volum e by turning Pow er Knob : Turns pow er O n/O ff by
1 2
: R epeat
: R andom H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 17 Audio H ead U nit (For R D S m odel) N am e DISP TA SETUP M ENU FO LD ER T U N E knob D escription
Each tim e the button is shortly pressed, it sets the screen O ff Screen O n Screen O ff Audio operation is m aintained and only the screen w ill be turned O ff. In the screen O ff state, press any key to turn the screen O n again. Set TA(Traffic Announcem ent) feature O n/O ff.
Shortly press the key : M oves to the D isplay, Sound, System setting m odes
D isplays m enus for the current m ode.
M P3, C D, U SB m ode : Folder Search M ay differ depending on the selected audio
R adio m ode : C hanges frequency by turning the knob left/right
C D, U SB, iPod m ode: Searches songs (files) by turning the knob left/right W hen the desired song is displayed, press the knob to play the song. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-17 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 18 M ultim edia System Audio H ead U nit (For Bluetooth equipped m odel) N am e M EDIA D escription
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of C D, U SB, iPod, AU X, M y M usic, BT Audio m odes. In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen w ill be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned O n
. W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the N am e RADIO D escription Ejects the disc.
C onvert to R adio m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed,the m ode is changed in order of FM 1,FM 2, AM . PHO NE SEEK TR AC K PO W ER/
VO LUM E knob 6 1
(Preset) 5 1
TU N E knob or keys select the desired m ode.
(for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel)
C onverts to Phone m ode to W hen a phone is not connected, the connection screen is displayed.
R adio M ode : Autom atically searches for broadcast frequencies.
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m odes :
- Shortly press the key : M oves to next or previous song(file)
- Press and hold the key : R ew inds or fast-
forw ards the current song(file)
pressing the knob
the knob left/right
R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels) or receives saved frequencies (channels)
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m ode Volum e Knob : Sets volum e by turning Pow er Knob : Turns pow er O n/O ff by 4-18
1 2
: R epeat
: R andom H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:41 AM Page 19 N am e SCAN D escription
R adio M ode
- Shortly press the key : Preview s each broadcast for 5 seconds each
- Press and hold the key : Preview s the broadcasts saved in Preset for 5 seconds each. Press the listening to the current frequency. key again to continue SCAN N am e DISP D escription
Each tim e the button is shortly pressed, it sets the screen O ff Screen O n Screen O ff Audio operation is m aintained and only the screen w ill be turned O ff. In the screen O ff state, press any key to turn the screen O n again. SETUP M ENU FO LD ER T U N E knob
C D, U SB m ode
- Shortly press the key : Preview s each song
(file) for 10 seconds each Press the SCAN key again to continue listening to the current song (file).
Shortly press the key : M oves to the D isplay, Sound, Phone, System setting m odes
D isplays m enus for the current m ode.
M P3, C D, U SB m ode : Folder Search M ay differ depending on the selected audio
R adio m ode : C hanges frequency by turning the knob left/right
C D, U SB, iPod m ode: Searches songs (files) by turning the knob left/right W hen the desired song is displayed, press the knob to play the song. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-19 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 20 M ultim edia System Audio H ead U nit N am e M EDIA D escription
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of C D, U SB, iPod, AU X, M y M usic m odes. In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen w ill be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned O n
. W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the SEEK TR AC K PW R /
VOL knob 6 1
(Preset) N am e FM AM D escription Ejects the disc.
C hanges to FM m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of FM 1 FM 2.
C hanges to AM m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of AM . 4-20 4 1
to TU N E knob or keys select the desired m ode.
R adio M ode : Autom atically searches for broadcast frequencies.
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m odes :
- Shortly press the key : M oves to next or pre vious song(file)
- Press and hold the key : R ew inds or fast-for w ards the current song(file)
pressing the knob
the knob left/right
R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels) or receives saved frequencies (channels)
C D, U SB, iPod, M y M usic m ode Volum e Knob : Sets volum e by turning Pow er Knob : Turns pow er O n/O ff by
1 2
: R epeat
: R andom H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 21 SETUP(for RDS m odel) D isplay Settings Press the SETUP key Select [D isplay]
Scroll text
[Scroll text] Set
: M aintains scroll
: Scrolls only one (1) tim e. O ff O ff O n O n Song Info W hen playing an M P3 file, select the desired display info from Folder/File or Album /Artist/Song. M ode Pop up
[M ode Pop up] C hanges selection m ode
D uring O n state, press the or key to display the m ode RADIO M EDIA change pop up screen. O n
. Sound Settings Press the SETUP key Select [Sound]
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-21 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 22 M ultim edia System Audio Settings This m enu allow s you to set the Bass, M iddle, Treble and the Sound Fader and Balance. Select [Audio Settings] Select m enu through TU N E knob Turn TU N E knob left/right to set Speed D ependent Volum e C ontrol This feature is used to autom atically con-
trol the volum e level according to the speed of the vehicle. Select [Speed D ependent Vol.] Turn SDVC O n/O ff by pressing the TU N E knob
Bass, M iddle, Treble : Selects the sound tone.
Fader, Balance : M oves the sound fader and balance.
D efault : R estores default settings. R eturn : W hile adjusting values, re-
pressing the TU N E knob w ill restore the parent m enu. 4-22 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 23 System Settings M em ory Inform ation (if equipped) Press the SETUP key Select [System ]
D isplays currently used m em ory and total system m em ory. Select [M em ory Inform ation] O K The currently used m em ory is displayed on the left side w hile the total system m em ory is displayed on the right side. Language This m enu is used to set the display and voice recognition language. Select [Language] Set through TUNE knob M ay differ depending on the selected audio. The system w ill reboot after the lan-
guage is changed. Language support by region
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-23 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 24 Sound Settings
O ff Press the
SETUP key Select M ode Pop up
[M ode Pop up] C hanges selection m ode
D uring O n state, press the O n RADIO key to display the m ode M EDIA or change pop up screen. Text Scroll
[Text Scroll] Set
O ff O n
: M aintains scroll
: Scrolls only one (1) tim e. O n
O ff M edia D isplay W hen playing an M P3 file, select the desired display info from Folder/File or Album /Artist/Song. M ultim edia System SETUP D isplay Settings Press the
[D isplay]
SETUP key Select 4-24 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 25 Speed D ependent Volum e C ontrol This feature is used to autom atically control the volum e level according to the speed of the vehicle. Select Speed D ependent Vol. Turn SDVC O n/O ff by pressing the Tune knob. Sound Settings This m enu allow s you to set the Bass, M iddle, Treble and the Sound Fader and Balance. Select [Sound Settings] Select m enu through TU N E knob Turn TU N E knob left/right to set
Bass, M iddle, Treble : Selects the sound tone.
Fader, Balance : M oves the sound fader and balance.
D efault : R estores default settings. Back : W hile adjusting values, pressing the TU N E knob w ill restore the parent m enu. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-25 It is possible to pair up to five Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled m obile phones. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 26 M ultim edia System Phone Setup
(for B luetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel) Press the
SETUP key Select 4-26 Pair Phone C AU TIO N To pair a Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled mobile phone, authentication and connection processes are first required. As a result, you cannot pair your mobile phone while driving the vehicle. First park your vehicle before use. Select [Pair Phone] Set through TU N E knob Search for device nam es as displayed on your m obile phone and connect. Input the passkey displayed on the screen. (Passkey : 0000) The device nam e and passkey w ill be displayed on the screen for up to 3 m inutes. If pairing is not com -
pleted w ithin the 3 m inutes, the m obile phone pairing process w ill autom atically be canceled. Pairing com pletion is displayed. In som e m obile phones, pairing w ill autom atically be follow ed by connection. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 27 Phone List The nam es of up to 5 paired phones w ill be displayed. A [ ] is displayed in front of the currently connected phone. C onnection com pletion is displayed. If a phone is already connected, dis-
connect the currently connected phone and select a new phone to con-
D isconnecting a connected phone Select [Phone List] Select m obile phone through TU N E knob Select
[D isconnect Phone]
Select the currently connected m obile phone. D isconnect the selected m obile phone. D isconnection com pletion is dis-
played. Select the desired nam e to setup the selected phone.
C onnecting a phone Select [Phone List] Select m obile phone through TU N E knob Select
[C onnect Phone]
Select a m obile phone that is not cur-
rently connected. C onnect the selected m obile phone.
C hanging connection sequence
(Priority) This is used to change the order (priori-
ty) of autom atic connection for the paired m obile phones. Select [Phone List] Select [Priority]
through TU N E knob Select N o. 1 Priority m obile phone Select [Priority]. From the paired phones, select the phone desired for N o.1 priority. The changed priority sequence is dis-
played. O nce the connection sequence (prior-
ity) is changed, the new no. 1 priority m obile phone w ill be connected.
- w hen the no. 1 priority cannot be con-
nected: Autom atically attem pts to con-
nect the m ost recently connected phone.
- C ases w hen the m ost recently con-
nected phone cannot be connected:
Attem pts to connect in the order in w hich paired phones are listed. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-27 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 28 M ultim edia System
D elete Select [Phone List] Select m obile phone through TU N E knob Select
[D elete]
Select the desired m obile phone. D elete the selected m obile phone. D eletion com pletion is displayed. W hen attem pting to delete a currently connected phone, the phone is first disconnected. C AU TIO N
W hen you delete a mobile phone, the mobile phone contacts will also be erased.
For stable Bluetooth W ireless Technology communication, delete the mobile phone from the audio and also delete the audio from your mobile phone. C ontacts D ow nload This feature is used to dow nload con-
tacts and call histories into the audio sys-
tem . Select [C ontacts D ow nload] Select through TU N E knob Audio Stream ing Songs (files) saved in your Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled m obile phone can be played through the audio system . Select [Audio Stream ing] Set
O n O ff through TU N E knob C AU TIO N
The download feature may not be supported in some mobile phones.
If a different operation is per-
formed while Contacts are being downloaded, downloading will be discontinued. Contacts already downloaded will be saved.
W hen downloading new Contacts, delete all previously saved Contacts before starting down-
load. Auto D ow nload W hen connecting a m obile phone, it is possible to autom atically dow nload new C ontacts and C all H istories. Select [Auto D ow nload] Set O n
C AU TIO N The Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio streaming feature may not be supported in some mobile phones. O utgoing Volum e This is used to set the volum e of your voice as heard by the other party w hile on a Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled handsfree call. Select [O utgoing Volum e] Set vol-
um e through TU N E knob Even w hile on a call, the volum e can be changed by using the key. SEEK TR AC K O ff through TU N E knob 4-28 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 29
Turning O n Bluetooth W ireless SETUP Technology through the key Press the SETUP key Select [Phone]
A screen asking w hether to turn on Bluetooth W ireless Technology w ill be displayed. O n the screen, select to turn on Bluetooth W ireless Technology and display guidance. YES If the Bluetooth W ireless Technology system is turned on, the system w ill autom atically try to connect the m ost recently connected Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phone. Bluetooth W ireless Technology System O ff This feature is used w hen you do not w ish to use the Bluetooth W ireless Technology system . Select [Bluetooth System O ff] Set through TU N E knob If a phone is already connected, dis-
connect the currently connected phone and turn the Bluetooth W ireless Technology system off. U sing the Bluetooth W ireless Technology System To use Bluetooth W ireless Technology w hen the system is currently off, follow these next steps.
Turning O n Bluetooth W ireless Technology through the PHO NE Key Press the PHO NE key Screen G uidance M oves to the screen w here Bluetooth W ireless Technology functions can be used and displays guidance. C AU TIO N
Bluetooth W ireless Technology connection may become intermit-
tently disconnected in some mobile phones. Follow these next steps to try again. 1) Turn the Bluetooth W ireless Technology function within the mobile phone ON/OFF and try to connect again. 2) Turn the mobile phone power ON/OFF and try to connect again. 3) Completely remove the mobile phone battery, reboot, and then try to connect again. 4) Reboot the audio system and try to connect again 5) Delete all paired devices in your mobile phone and the audio sys-
tem and pair again for use. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-29 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 30 M ultim edia System System Settings Press the SETUP key Select [System ]
M em ory Inform ation D isplays currently used m em ory and total system m em ory. Select [M em ory Inform ation] O K The currently used m em ory is dis-
played on the left side w hile the total system m em ory is displayed on the right side. 4-30 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 31 RADIO (FOR RDS M ODEL) :
FM , AM C hanging R A D IO m ode SEEK Press the
Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8 SEEK TR AC K key seconds): C hanges the frequency.
Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8 seconds): Autom atically searches for the next frequency. Preset SEEK Press the 1
Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8 seconds): Plays the frequency saved in the corresponding key. key
Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8 seconds): Pressing and holding the desired key from w ill save the currently playing broadcast to the selected key and sound a BEEP.
1 6 TA key SC A N Press the
Pressing and holding the key : The broadcast frequency increases and preview s each broadcast for 5 seconds each. After scanning all frequencies, returns and plays the current broadcast frequency. Selecting through m anual search Turn the TU N E knob left/right to adjust the frequency.
AC 101C 1G G
- FM : C hanges by 100KH z
- AM : C hanges by 9KH z Traffic A nnouncem ent (TA ) Shortly pressing the 0.8 seconds): Set O n Announcem ent) m ode. TA
O ff key (under TA Traffic M EN U W ithin Store) and Info functions. M ENU key are the AST (Auto 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-31 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 32 M ultim edia System R egion Press the through TU N E knob or The R egion option can be turned O n/O ff. key Set [ R egion]
key. M ENU 3 N ew s Press the through TU N E knob or key. The N ew s option can be turned O n/O ff. key Set [ N ew s]
M ENU 4 Info Volum e Info Volum e refers to the sound volum e upon receiving N ew s or Traffic inform ation. The info volum e can be controlled by turning the VO L knob left/right w hile a new s or traffic broadcast is playing. AF, R egion, and N ew s are R D S R adio m enus. A ST (Auto Store) Press the through TU N E knob or M ENU key Set [ AST]
1 RPT key. Select AST (Auto Store) to save fre-
quencies w ith superior reception to presets
. If no frequencies are received, then the m ost recently received frequency w ill be broadcast.
1 6 Saves only to the Preset m em ory of FM A or AM A m ode.
1 6 A F (A lternative Frequency) Press the through TU N E knob or The Alternative Frequency option can be turned O n/O ff. key Set [ AF]
key. M ENU 2 RDM 4-32 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 33 RADIO : FM , AM SEEK Press the
Shortly pressing the key : C hanges SEEK TR AC K key the frequency.
Pressing and holding the key :
Autom atically searches for the next frequency. 1 Preset SEEK Press the
Shortly pressing the key : Plays the frequency saved in the correspon-
ding key. key
Pressing and holding the key :
Pressing and holding the desired key from w ill save the currently playing broadcast to the selected key and sound a BEEP.
6 1 SCAN key SC A N Press the
Shortly pressing the key : The broadcast frequency increases and preview s each broadcast for 5 seconds each. After scanning all frequencies, returns and plays the current broadcast frequency.
Pressing and holding the key :
Preview s the broadcasts saved in Preset for 5 seconds each.
6 1 Selecting through m anual search Turn the adjust the frequency.
A C 1 0 0 C 1 G G ,A C 1 0 0 C 1 M G , TU N E knob left/right to AC 111C 1M G
- FM : C hanges by 100KH z
- AM : C hanges by 9KH z
AC 100C 1G N
- FM : C hanges by 200KH z
- AM : C hanges by 10KH z
AC 100C 1G E
- FM : C hanges by 50KH z
- AM : C hanges by 9KH z
AC 100C 1G C
- FM : C hanges by 100KH z
- AM : C hanges by 10KH z 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-33 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 34 M ultim edia System M enu Press the Auto Store] through the TU N E knob or key Select [
M ENU key 1 R epeat Set [ R PT] through the knob or rent song. 1 RPT TUNE key to repeat the cur-
M EN U : M P3 C D / U SB In M P3 C D / U SB m ode, press M ENU key. Press R PT again to turn off. R andom Set [ R D M ] through the knob or songs w ithin the current folder. Press R D M again to turn off. TUNE key to random ly play 2 RDM Inform ation Set [ Info] through the knob or tion of the current song. TUNE key to display inform a-
3 Press the info display. M ENU key to turn off R epeat Set [ R PT] through the knob or rent song. 1 RPT TUNE key to repeat the cur-
Press R PT again to turn off. Folder R andom Set [ F.R D M ] through the TUNE knob or key to random ly play songs w ithin the current folder. 2 RDM Press F.R D M again to turn off. M ENU key Set [A.Store]
A.Store Press the through TU N E knob or Saves broadcasts w ith superior reception to keys. If no frequencies are received, then the m ost recently received frequency w ill be broadcast. key
6 1 1 M EN U : Audio C D In C D m ode, press M ENU key. 4-34 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 35 Folder R epeat Set [ F.R PT] through the knob or w ithin the current folder. TUNE key to repeat songs 3 Press F.R PT again to turn off. A ll R andom Set [ A.R D M ] through the TUNE knob or key to random ly play all songs w ithin the C D. 4 Press A.R D M again to turn off. Inform ation Set [ Info] through the knob or tion of the current song. TUNE key to display inform a-
5 Press the info display. M ENU key to turn off C opy Set [ C opy] through the knob or key. 6 M EN U : iPod In iPod m ode, press TU N E M ENU key. This is used to copy the current song into M y M usic. You can play the copied M usic in M y M usic m ode. If another key is pressed w hile copying is in progress, a pop up asking you w hether to cancel copying is displayed. If another m edia is connected or inserted (U SB, C D, iPod, AU X) w hile copying is in progress, copy-
ing is canceled. M usic w ill not be played w hile copying is in progress. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m R epeat Set [ R PT] through the knob or rent song. 1 RPT TUNE key to repeat the cur-
Press R PT again to turn repeat off. R andom Set [ R D M ] through the knob or Plays all songs w ithin the currently playing category in random order. TUNE key. 2 RDM Press R D M again to turn off. 4-35 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 36 M ultim edia System Inform ation Set [ Info] through the knob or D isplays inform ation of the current song. TUNE key. 3 M EN U : M y M usic M ode In M y M usic m ode, press M ENU key. Inform ation Set [ Info] through the TUNE knob or D isplays inform ation of the current song. key. 3 Press the info display. M ENU key to turn off Press the info display. M ENU key to turn off Search Set [ Search]through the TUNE knob or D isplays iPod category list. key. 4 Searching iPod category is key pressed, m ove to par-
M ENU ent category. 4-36 R epeat Set [ RPT] through the TUNE knob or R epeats the currently playing song. Press R PT again to turn repeat off. key. 1 RPT R andom Set [ RDM ] through the TUNE knob or Plays all songs w ithin the currently playing folder in random order. key. 2 RDM Press R D M again to turn random off. 4 key. TUNE D elete Set [ D elete] through the knob or
D eletes currently playing file In the play screen, pressing delete w ill delete the currently playing song.
D eletes file from list Select the file you w ish to delete by using the TU N E knob. M ENU Press the key and select the delete m enu to delete the selected file. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 37 D elete A ll Set [ D el.All] through the knob or D eletes all songs of M y M usic. key. 5 TUNE M ENU D elete Selection key Set [ D el.Sel]
Press the through the TUNE knob or key. Songs w ithin M y M usic are selected and deleted. 6 AU X AU X is used to play external M ED IA currently connected w ith the AU X term inal. AU X m ode w ill autom atically start w hen an external device is connect-
ed to the AU X term inal. If an external device is connected, you can also press the key to change to AU X m ode. M EDIA Select the songs you w ish to delete from the list. After selecting, press the M ENU key and select the delete m enu. AU X m ode cannot be started unless there is an external device connected to the AU X term inal. N O TIC E - U SIN G TH E AU X
Fully insert the A U X cable into the A U X term inal for use. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-37 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 38 M ultim edia System M aking a call using the Steering w heel rem ote controller N am e M O D E D escription
Each tim e this key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of FM 1 FM 2 FM A AM AM A CD USB or iPod AUX M y M usic BT Audio
If the m edia is not connected or a disc is not insert-
ed, corresponding m odes w ill be disabled. VO L+
R aises or low ers speaker volum e. key key Places and transfers calls. Ends calls or cancels functions.
C heck call history and m aking call Shortly press (under 0.8 seconds) the on the steering rem ote controller. key The call history list w ill be displayed on the screen. Press the selected num ber. key again to connect a call to the
R edialing the m ost recently called num ber Press and hold (over 0.8 seconds) the on the steering rem ote controller. key The m ost recently called num ber is redialed. The actual feature in the vehicle m ay differ from the illustration. 4-38 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 39 Phone M EN U Press the key to display three PHO NE m enus (C all H istory, C ontacts, Phone Setup). PHO NE key Set [
C ontacts Press the C ontacts] through the TUNE knob or 2 RDM The C ontacts are displayed and can be used to select a num ber and m ake a call. key. 1 RPT PHO NE TUNE knob or key Set [ H istory]
C all history Press the through the key. The call history is displayed and can be used to select a num ber and m ake a call. If call history does not exist, a screen asking w hether to dow nload call his-
tory is displayed. (The dow nload fea-
ture m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones) If m ore than one num ber is saved to one contact, then a screen show ing the m obile phone num -
ber, H om e and office num ber is displayed. Select the desired num -
ber to m ake the call. If C ontacts do not exist, a screen asking w hether to dow nload C ontacts is displayed. (The dow n-
load feature m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones) Setup]
key Set [
TUNE knob or Phone Setup Press the PHO NE through the key. The Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phone setup screen is dis-
played. For m ore inform ation, refer to Phone Setup. 3 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-39 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 40 M ultim edia System N O TIC E - U SIN G TH E Bluetooth W ireless Technology C ELLU LA R PH O N E
D o not use a cellular phone or per-
form W ireless Technology settings (e.g. pairing a phone) w hile driving. Bluetooth
Som e Bluetooth W ireless Technology -enabled phones m ay not be recognized by the system or fully com patible w ith the system .
Before using Bluetooth W ireless Technology related features of the audio system , refer your phones U sers M anual for phone-side Bluetooth W ireless Technology operations.
The phone m ust be paired to the audio system to use Bluetooth W ireless Technology related fea-
You w ill not be able to use the hands-free feature w hen your phone (in the car) is outside of the cellular service area (e.g. in a tun-
nel, in a underground, in a m oun-
tainous area, etc.).
( C ontinued) 4-40
( C ontinued)
If the cellular phone signal is poor or the vehicles interior noise is too loud, it m ay be difficult to hear the other persons voice during a call.
D o not place the phone near or inside m etallic objects, otherw ise com m unications w ith Bluetooth W ireless Technology system or cel-
lular service stations can be dis-
W hile a phone is connected through Bluetooth W ireless Technology your phone m ay dis-
charge quicker than usual for additional Bluetooth W ireless Technology-related operations.
Som e cellular phones or other devices m ay cause interference noise or m alfunction to audio sys-
tem . In this case, store the device in a different location m ay resolve the condition.
Phone contact nam es should be saved in English or they m ay not be displayed correctly.
( C ontinued) O N ),
( C ontinued)
If Priority is set upon vehicle igni-
the tion(IG N /A C C Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone w ill be autom atically con-
nected. Even if you are outside, the Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone w ill be autom atically con-
nected once you are in the vicinity of the vehicle. If you do not w ant autom atic Bluetooth W ireless Technology connection, turn the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature off.
The hands-free call volum e and quality m ay differ depending on the m obile phone type.
Bluetooth W ireless Technology features can be used only w hen the m obile phone has been paired and connected w ith the device. For m ore inform ation on pairing and connecting Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled m obile phones, refer to the Phone Setup section.
( C ontinued) H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 41
( C ontinued)
W hen a Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phone is con-
nected, a ( ) icon w ill appear at the top of the screen. If a ( ) icon is not displayed, this indicates that a Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled device has not been con-
nected. You m ust connect the device before use. For m ore infor-
m ation on Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phones, refer to the Phone Setup section.
Pairing and connecting a Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled m obile phone w ill w ork only w hen the Bluetooth W ireless Technology option w ithin your m obile phone has been turned on.
(M ethods of turning on the Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled feature m ay differ depending on the m obile phone.)
( C ontinued)
( C ontinued)
In som e m obile phones, starting the ignition w hile talking through Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled handsfree call w ill result in the call becom ing disconnected.
(Sw itch the call back to your m obile phone w hen starting the ignition.)
Som e features m ay not be sup-
ported in som e Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phone and devices.
Bluetooth W ireless Technology enabled operation m ay be unsta-
ble depending on the com m unica-
tion state.
Placing the audio system w ithin an electrom agnetic environm ent m ay result in noise interference. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-41 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 42 M ultim edia System SYSTEM CONTROLLERS AND FUNCTIONS D isplay and settings m ay differ depending on the selected audio Audio H ead U nit (For R D S m odel) N am e M EDIA PHO NE D escription
Each tim e the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of C D, U SB, iPod, AU X, M y M usic, BT Audio m odes.
(for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel)
C onverts to Phone m ode W hen a phone is not connected, the PO W ER/
VOL knob SEEK TR AC K N am e RADIO D escription Ejects the disc.
C onvert to R adio m ode.
Each tim e the key is pressed,the m ode is changed in order of FM 1, FM 2, FM A, AM , AM A 4-42 Volum e : Sets volum e by turning the knob Pow er : Turns pow er O n/O ff by pressing connection screen is displayed.
the knob
W hen pressed shortly
- R adio m ode : plays previous/next frequency.
- M edia (C D /U SB/iPod/M y M usic) m odes :
changes the track, Song(file)
W hen pressed and held
- R adio m ode : continuously changes the frequency. U pon release, plays the current frequency.
- M edia(C D /U SB/iPod/M y M usic) m odes :
rew inds or fast forwards the track or file
- During a Handsfree call, controls the call volum e. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 43 N am e DISP TA SCAN SETUP TU N E knob D escription
Each tim e the button is shortly pressed, it sets the screen O ff Screen O n Screen O ff Audio operation is m aintained and only the screen w ill be turned O ff. In the screen O ff state, press any key to turn the screen O n again. Set TA(Traffic Announcem ent) feature O n/O ff.
R adio M ode
- Shortly press the key : Preview s each broad cast for 5 seconds each
- Press and hold the key : Preview s the broad casts saved in Preset for 5 seconds each. Press the SCAN key again to continue listening to the current frequency.
C D, U SB m ode
- Shortly press the key : Preview s each song
(file) for 10 seconds each Press the SCAN key again to continue listening to the current song (file). C onverts to Setup m ode.
R adio m ode : turn to change broadcast frequencies.
M edia (C D /U SB/iPod/M y M usic) m odes :
turn to search tracks/ channels/files. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m FO LD ER
M P3, C D, U SB m ode : Folder Search M ay differ depending on the selected audio 4-43 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 44 M ultim edia System Steering-w heel m ounted controls N am e M O D E VO L+
, VO L-
, D escription
Each tim e this key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of FM 1 FM 2 FM A AM AM A C D U SB or iPod AU X M y M usic BT Audio.
If the m edia is not connected or a disc is not inserted, corresponding m odes will be disabled. U sed to control volum e. M ute the m icrophone during a call.
W hen pressed shortly (under 0.8 seconds)
- R adio m ode : searches broadcast frequen cies saved to presets.
- M edia(C D / U SB / iPod / M y M usic / BT Audio) m odes : changes the track, file or chapter.
W hen pressed and held (over 0.8 seconds)
- R adio m ode, autom atically searches broadcast frequencies and channels
- M edia(C D / U SB / iPod / M y M usic) m odes, rew inds or fast forw ards the track or song(file)
- BT Audio m ode m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones. The actual feature in the vehicle m ay differ from the illustration. 4-44 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 45 N am e D escription
W hen pressed shortly
- W hen pressed in the phone screen, displays call history screen
- W hen pressed in the dial screen, m akes a call
- W hen pressed in the incom ing call screen, answ ers the call
- W hen pressed during call waiting, sw itches to waiting call (C all W aiting)
W hen pressed and held (over 0.8 seconds)
- W hen pressed in the Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree wait m ode, redials the last call
- W hen pressed during a Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree call, sw itches call back to m obile phone (Private)
- W hen pressed w hile calling on the m obile phone, sw itches call back to Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree (O perates only w hen Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree is connected) Ends phone call 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-45 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 46 M ultim edia System RADIO M ODE
(FOR RDS M ODEL) B asic M ode Screen 4-46 1. M ode D isplay D isplays currently operating m ode Sw itching to R adio M ode 2. Frequency D isplays the current frequency Pressing the key w ill change the operating m ode in order of FM 1 RADIO FM 2 FM A AM AM A 3. Preset D isplays current preset num ber
6 1 If [Pop up M ode]is turned on w ithin
[D isplay], then pressing the SETUP key w ill display the R adio RADIO Pop-up M ode screen. 4. Preset D isplay D isplays preset buttons 5. Autostore Autom atically saves frequencies w ith superior reception to Preset buttons 6. R D S Info D isplays R D S broadcast inform ation Turn the TU N E knob to m ove the focus. Press the knob to select. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 47 Searching R adio Frequencies U sing R adio M ode N O TIC E Using Seek Press the previous/next frequency. SEEK TR AC K key to play the Selecting /Saving Presets Press the 6 the desired preset.
1 buttons to play Using TUNE Turn the TU N E knob to select the desired frequency.
FM : Increases/decreased by 100kH z
AM : Increases/decreased by 9kH z Press the button to display the broadcast inform ation for the fre-
quency saved to each button. W hile listening to a frequency you w ant to save as a preset, press and hold one of the [1] ~ [6] preset buttons
(over 0.8 seconds) to save the current frequency to the selected preset. Auto Store Press the button to autom ati-
cally save receivable frequencies to Preset buttons. N O TIC E W hile A uto Store is operating, press-
ing the [C ancel] button again w ill can-
cel A uto Store and restore the previ-
ous frequency. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-47 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 48 M ultim edia System RDS Menu Press the button to set the AF
(Alternative Frequency), R egion and N ew s features. SCAN Scan Press the key to preview fre-
quencies w ith superior reception for 5 seconds each. Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds) to preview presets for 5 seconds each. SCAN TA (Traffic A nnouncem ent) TA Press the key to turn the TA
(Traffic Announcem ent) feature O n/O ff. N O TIC E O nce scan is com plete, the previous frequency w ill be restored. W hile Scan is operating, pressing and holding the key (over 0.8 sec-
onds) w ill cancel the scan operation. SCAN N O TIC E The R D S M enu is not supported w ith-
in A M or A M A m ode. 4-48 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 49 RADIO M ODE B asic M ode Screen 1. M ode D isplay D isplays currently operating m ode. Sw itching to R adio M ode 2. Frequency D isplays the current frequency. Pressing the key w ill change the operating m ode in order of FM 1 RADIO FM 2 AM 3. Preset D isplays current preset num ber
. P1 If [M ode Pop up] is turned on w ithin SETUP RADIO
[D isplay], then pressing the key w ill display the R adio Pop-up M ode screen. 4. Preset D isplay D isplays preset buttons. 5. Auto store Autom atically saves frequencies w ith superior reception to Preset buttons. Turn the TU N E knob to m ove the focus. Press the knob to select. 4-49 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 50 M ultim edia System Searching R adio Frequencies U sing R adio M ode Using Seek Press the previous/next frequency. SEEK TR AC K key to play the Selecting Presets/Saving Presets Press the button to display the broadcast inform ation for the fre-
quency saved to each button. Preset Using TUNE Turn the TU N E knob to select the desired frequency.
FM : Increases/decreased by 200kH z
AM : Increases/decreased by 10kH z 4-50 Press the P6 the desired preset.
P1 buttons to play N O TIC E W hile listening to a frequency you w ant to save as a preset, press and hold one of the preset buttons (over 0.8 seconds) to save the current frequency to the selected preset.
P1 P6 Auto Store Press the button to auto-
m atically save receivable frequen-
cies to Preset buttons. Auto store N O TIC E W hile A uto Store is operating, pressing the [C ancel] button again w ill cancel A uto Store and restore the previous frequency. SCAN key to preview fre-
Scan Press the quencies w ith superior reception for 5 seconds each. Press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds) to preview presets for 5 seconds each. O nce scan is com plete, the previous frequency w ill be restored. W hile Scan is operating, pressing key w ill cancel the scan the SCAN operation. SCAN H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 51 M EDIA M ODE M EDIA Pressing the key w ill change the operating m ode in order of C D U SB(iPod) AU X M y M usic BT Audio. Title Icon W hen a Bluetooth W ireless Technology, iPod, U SB, or AU X device is connected or a C D is inserted, the corresponding m ode icon w ill be displayed. Icon Title Bluetooth W ireless Technology C D iPod U SB AU X If [M ode Pop up] is turned on w ithin
[D isplay], then pressing the SETUP key w ill display the M edia M EDIA Pop-up M ode screen. Turn the TU N E knob to m ove the focus. Press the knob to select. N O TIC E The m edia m ode pop up screen can be displayed only w hen there are tw o or m ore m edia m odes turned on. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-51 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 52 M ultim edia System AUDIO CD M ODE U sing Audio C D M ode Playing/Pausing CD Tracks O nce an audio C D is inserted, the m ode w ill autom atically start and begin playing.
<For R D S m odel>
W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to N O TIC E
O nly genuine audio C D s are sup-
ported. O ther discs m ay result in recognition failure (e.g. copy C D -
R , C D s w ith labels)
The artist and title inform ation are displayed on the screen if track inform ation is included w ithin the audio C D . 4-52 Changing Tracks Press the the previous or next track. SEEK TR AC K key to m ove to N O TIC E
Pressing the SEEK TR AC K key after the track has been playing for 2 sec-
onds w ill start the current track from the beginning. SEEK TR AC K
Pressing the key before the track has been playing for 1 seconds w ill start the previous track. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 53 Selecting from the List Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired track. Audio C D M ode M enu W ithin this m ode, you w ill have access to the Info, R andom (Shuffle), R epeat and List features. Info Press the
) button to display details about the current disc. Info
O nce you find the desired track, press the TU N E knob to start playing.
R andom (Shuffle): Plays all tracks
<For R D S m odel>
in random (Shuffle) order. Shuffle Random(Shuffle) Press the
) button to
play tracks in random (Shuffle) order. Press the
) button again to turn the R andom (Shuffle) feature off. Shuffle
Rewinding / Fast-forwarding Tracks W hile playing, press and hold the key to rew ind or fast-for-
SEEK TR AC K w ard the current track. Repeat Press the
) button to repeat the current track. Press the button again to turn the repeat fea-
ture off. Repeat
Scan Press the 10 seconds of each file. SCAN key to play the first
R epeat : R epeats the current track. 4-53 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 54 M ultim edia System List Press the display the track list screen. List
) button to Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for tracks. O nce the desired track is displayed, press the knob to select and play. 4-54 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:42 AM Page 55 M P3 CD M ODE U sing M P3 C D M ode Playing/Pausing MP3 Files O nce an M P3 disc is inserted the m ode w ill autom atically start and being playing.
<For R D S m odel>
W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to Selecting from the List Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired file. N O TIC E If there are num erous files and fold-
ers w ithin the disc, reading tim e could take m ore than 10 seconds and the list m ay not be displayed or song searches m ay not operate. O nce loading is com plete, try again. Changing Files SEEK Press the TR AC K the previous or next file. key to m ove to N O TIC E
Pressing the SEEK TR AC K key after the file has been playing for 2 seconds w ill start the current file from the beginning.
Pressing the key before the file has been playing for 1 sec-
onds w ill start the previous file. SEEK TR AC K O nce you find the desired file, press the TU N E knob to start playing. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-55 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 56 M ultim edia System Rewinding / Fast-forwarding Files W hile playing, press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds) to rew ind or fast-forw ard the current file. SEEK TR AC K M P3 C D M ode M enu W ithin this m ode, you w ill have access to the Info, R andom (Shuffle), R epeat, C opy and List features. Scan Press the 10 seconds of each file. SCAN key to play the first Searching Folders key to select Press the FO LD ER and search folders. O nce the desired folder is displayed, press the TU N E knob to select.
<For R D S m odel>
The first file w ithin the selected fold-
er w ill begin playing. 4-56 Info Press the
) button to display details about the current file. Info
W hen the Folder File option is set as the default display w ithin D isplay setup, the album /artist/file inform ation are displayed as detailed file inform ation.
W hen the A lbum A rtist Song option is set as the default display, the folder nam e/file nam e are dis-
played as detailed file inform ation.
The title, artist and album info are displayed only w hen such infor-
m ation are recorded w ithin the M P3 file ID 3 tag. Shuffle
) button to Random(Shuffle) Press the
play files in random (Shuffle) order. Each tim e the button is pressed, the feature changes in order of R andom
(Shuffle) Folder R andom (Shuffle) All O ff.
R andom (Shuffle) Folder : Plays all files w ithin the current folder in R andom (Shuffle) order.
R andom (Shuffle) All : Plays all files in R andom (Shuffle) order. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 57 Repeat Press the repeat the current file or folder. Each tim e the button is pressed, the feature changes in order of R epeat
) button to Repeat
R epeat Folder O ff.
R epeat: R epeats the current file.
R epeat Folder: R epeats all files w ithin the current Folder. Copying Files Press the
) button to copy the current file into M y M usic. Copy
N O TIC E Selecting another feature during copying w ill display a pop-up asking w hether you w ish to cancel copying. To cancel, select 'Yes. List Press the display the file list screen. List
) button to Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for files. O nce the desired file is displayed, press the knob to select and play. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-57 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 58 M ultim edia System USB M ODE U sing U SB M ode Playing/Pausing USB Files O nce a U SB is connected, the m ode w ill autom atically start and begin playing a U SB file.
<For R D S m odel>
4-58 W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to Selecting from the List Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired file. N O TIC E
Loading m ay require additional tim e if there are m any files and folders w ithin the U SB and result in faulty list display or file search-
ing. N orm al operations w ill resum e once loading is com plete.
The device m ay not support nor-
m al operation w hen using a U SB m em ory type besides (M etal C over Type) U SB M em ory. Changing Files Press the the previous or next file. SEEK TR AC K keys to m ove to N O TIC E
Pressing the SEEK TR AC K key after the file has been playing for 2 seconds w ill start the current file from the beginning.
Pressing the key before the file has been playing for 1 sec-
onds w ill start the previous file. SEEK TR AC K O nce you find the desired file, press the TU N E knob to start playing. Rewinding / Fast-forwarding Files W hile playing, press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds) to rew ind or fast-forw ard the current file. SEEK TR AC K Scan Press the 10 seconds of each file. SCAN key to play the first H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 59 Searching Folders Press the and search folders. FO LD ER key to select U SB M ode M enu W ithin this m ode, you w ill have access to the Info, R andom (Shuffle), R epeat, C opy and List features. O nce the desired folder is displayed, press the TU N E knob to select. The first file w ithin the selected fold-
er w ill begin playing.
<For R D S m odel>
Info Press the
) button to display details about the current file. Info
W hen the Folder File option is set as the default display w ithin D isplay setup, the album /artist/file inform ation are displayed as detailed file inform ation.
W hen the A lbum A rtist Song option is set as the default display, the folder nam e/file nam e are dis-
played as detailed file inform ation.
The title, artist and album info are displayed only w hen such infor-
m ation are recorded w ithin the M P3 file ID 3 tag.
) button to Random (Shuffle) Press the play files in random (Shuffle) order. Each tim e the button is pressed, the feature changes in order of R andom (Shuffle) Folder R andom
(Shuffle) All O ff.
R andom (Shuffle) Folder : Plays the files in the current folder in ran-
dom (Shuffle) order.
R andom (Shuffle) All : Plays all files in random (Shuffle) order. 4-59 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 60 M ultim edia System List Press the display the file list screen. List
) button to Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for files. O nce the desired file is displayed, press the knob to select and play.
R epeat
) button to Repeat Press the repeat the current file or folder. Each tim e the button is pressed, the feature changes in order of R epeat R epeat Folder O ff.
R epeat : R epeats the current file.
R epeat Folder : R epeats all files w ithin the current folder. Copying Files Press the
) button to copy the current file into M y M usic. Copy
N O TIC E Selecting another feature during copying w ill display a pop-up asking w hether you w ish to cancel copying. To cancel, select 'Yes. 4-60 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 61 iPod M ODE U sing iPod M ode Playing/Pausing iPod Songs O nce an iPod is connected, the m ode w ill autom atically start and begin playing an iPod song. W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to N O TIC E iPods w ith unsupported com m uni-
cation protocols m ay not properly operate in the audio system . Changing Songs Press the the previous or next song. SEEK TR AC K key to m ove to
<For R D S m odel>
Pressing the SEEK TR AC K key after the song has been playing for 2 sec-
onds w ill start the current song from the beginning.
Pressing the key before the song has been playing for 1 sec-
onds w ill start the previous song. SEEK TR AC K
Slight tim e differences m ay exist depending your iPod product. Rewinding / Fast-forwarding Songs W hile playing, press and hold the key (over 0.8 seconds) to rew ind or fast-forw ard the current song. SEEK TR AC K Searching Categories Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired category. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m
<For R D S m odel>
4-61 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 62 M ultim edia System O nce you find the desired category, press the TU N E knob to select and play. N O TIC E There are eight categories that can be searched, including Playlists, A rtists, A lbum s, G enres, Songs, C om posers, A udiobooks and Podcasts. C ategory M enu W ithin the iPod C ategory m enu,
, you w ill have access to the
, and features.
<For R D S m odel>
4-62 iPod M ode M enu W ithin this m ode, you w ill have access to the R andom (Shuffle), R epeat and List features.
<For R D S m odel>
Random(Shuffle) Press the
) button to
Shuffle play songs in random (Shuffle) order.
R andom (Shuffle) All : Plays all songs in R andom (Shuffle) order. 1. 2. 3.
: D isplays the play screen
(H om e): M oves to the iPod root category screen
: M oves to the previous cate-
gory N O TIC E
If the search m ode is accessed w hile playing a song, the m ost recently searched category is dis-
Search steps upon initial connec-
tion m ay differ depending on the type of iPod device. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 63
R epeat Repeat Press the
) button to repeat the current song. Press the button again to turn the repeat fea-
ture off.
R epeat : R epeats the current song List Press the display the C ategory M enu. List
) button to
<For R D S m odel>
Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired category. O nce you find the desired category, press the TU N E knob to select and play. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-63 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 64 M ultim edia System AUX M ODE U sing AU X M ode Press the M EDIA key Select [AU X]
C onnecting an External D evice External audio players (C am corders, car VC R , etc.) can be played through a dedicated cable. An external device can be connected to play m usic. 4-64 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 65 M Y M USIC M ODE U sing M y M usic M ode Playing/Pausing My Music Files
<For R D S m odel>
W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to N O TIC E If there are no files saved w ithin M y M usic, the button w ill be disabled. M y M usic Selecting from the List Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for the desired file. Changing Files Press the the previous or next file. SEEK TR AC K key to m ove to N O TIC E SEEK TR AC K
Pressing the key after the file has been playing for 2 sec-
onds w ill start the current file from the beginning.
Pressing the key before the file has been playing for 1 sec-
onds w ill start the previous file. SEEK TR AC K
<For R D S m odel>
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m O nce you find the desired file, press the TU N E knob to start playing. 4-65 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 66 M ultim edia System Rewinding / Fast-forwarding Files W hile playing, press and hold the key to rew ind or fast-for-
SEEK TR AC K w ard the current file. Scan Press the 10 seconds of each file. SCAN key to play the first 4-66 M y M usic M ode M enu W ithin this m ode, you w ill have access to the Info, R andom (Shuffle), R epeat, D elete and List features. N O TIC E The title, artist and album info are displayed only w hen such inform a-
tion is recorded w ithin the M P3 file ID 3 tag. Random Press the
) button to play files in random order. Press the button again to turn the R andom fea-
ture off. Shuffle
<For R D S m odel>
Repeat Press the
) button to repeat the current song. Press the button again to turn the repeat fea-
ture off. R epeat
Deleting Files Press the delete the current file.
D elete
) button to Info Press the
) button to display details about the current file. Info
H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 67 List Press the List file list screen. button to display the List M enu From the List screen, it is possible to delete files you previously saved into M y M usic. 1) 2) 3) 4)
: M oves to the previous screen
(Selects all) : Selects all files
(U nselect All) : D eselects all selected files
(D elete) : D eletes selected files
<For R D S m odel>
N O TIC E After selecting the files you w ant to delete, press the
) button to delete the selected files. D elete
<For R D S m odel>
Turn the TU N E knob left/right to search for files. O nce the desired file is displayed, press the knob to select and play.
) button or Press the individually select the files you want to delete. O nce files are selected, the Select All
If there is m em ory available, up to 6,000 files can be saved.
Identical files cannot be copied m ore than 1,000 tim es.
To check m em ory inform ation, go
[System ] [M em ory SETUP to Inform ation]
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m Unselect All
) button and
D elete
) buttons will be enabled. 4-67 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 68 M ultim edia System Bluetooth W ireless Technology AUDIO M ODE
(for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel) N O TIC E The play/pause feature m ay operate differently depending on the m obile phone. Changing Files Press the the previous or next file. SEEK TR AC K key to m ove to Setting Connection If a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device has not been connected, key [Phone] but-
press the SETUP ton to display the Bluetooth W ireless Technology connection screen. It is possible to use the pair phone, connect/disconnect and delete fea-
tures from your Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone. U sing Bluetooth W ireless Technology Audio M ode Playing/Pausing Bluetooth W ireless Technology Audio O nce a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device is connected, the m ode w ill autom atically start. W hile playing, press the to pause and press play. button button to 4-68 N O TIC E
If the Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio is not operating properly, check w hether the feature is turned off at
[A udio stream ing] (Stream ing A udio). If the feature is off, turn back on and try again. SETUP
If m usic is not yet playing from your m obile device after converting to Bluetooth W ireless Technology A udio m ode, pressing the play but-
ton once m ay start playing the m ode. C heck to see that m usic is playing from the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device after converting to Bluetooth W ireless Technology A udio M ode. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 69 Bluetooth W ireless Technology
(for R D S, Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel) U sing Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree
Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree refers to a device w hich allow s the user to conveniently m ake phone calls w ith Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phones through the audio system .
Bluetooth W ireless Technology refers to a short-distance wireless networking technology which uses a 2.45G Hz frequency to connect vari-
ous devices within a certain dis-
Supported w ithin PC s, external devices, Bluetooth W ireless Technology phones, PDAs, vari-
ous electronic devices, and auto-
m otive environm ents, Bluetooth W ireless Technology allow s data to be transm itted at high speeds w ith-
out having to use a connector cable. C AU TIO N
Bluetooth W ireless Technology Handsfree is a feature that enables drivers to practice safe driving. Connecting the car audio system with a Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone allows the user to conveniently make calls, receive calls, and manage the phone book. Before using the Bluetooth W ireless Technology , carefully read the contents of this users manual.
Excessive use or operations while driving may lead to negli-
gent driving practices and be the cause of accidents.
Do not operate the device exces-
sively while driving.
Viewing the screen for prolonged periods of time is dangerous and may lead to accidents. W hen driv-
ing, view the screen only for short periods of time. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-69 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 70 M ultim edia System N O TIC E - U SIN G U PO N C O N N EC TIN G Bluetooth W ireless Technology PH O N E
Before connecting the car audio system w ith the m obile phone, check to see that the m obile phone supports Bluetooth W ireless Technology features.
Even if the phone supports Bluetooth W ireless Technology, the phone w ill not be found during device searches if the phone has been set to hidden state or the Bluetooth W ireless Technology pow er is turned off. D isable the hidden state or turn on the Bluetooth W ireless Technology pow er prior to searching/connecting w ith the car audio system .
If you do not w ant to autom atically W ireless connect your Bluetooth Technology phone, try the follow ing. 1. Turn off the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature in your m obile phone.
- For m ore inform ation on Bluetooth W ireless Technology features w ithin your m obile, refer to your m obile phone users m anual. 2. Turn off the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature in your car audio system .
(C ontinued) 4-70
- To turn off the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature in your car audio system , go to
[Phone] and
[turn off] the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature. SETUP
Park the vehicle w hen connecting the car audio system w ith your m obile phone.
Bluetooth W ireless Technology con-
nection m ay becom e interm ittently disconnected in som e m obile phones. Follow these steps to try again. 1. Turn the Bluetooth W ireless Technology function w ithin the m obile phone off/on and try again. 2. Turn the m obile phone pow er O ff/O n and try again. 3 C om pletely rem ove the m obile phone battery, reboot, and then again. 4. R eboot the audio system and try again. try again. 5. D elete all paired devices, pair and
The H andsfree call volum e and quali-
ty m ay differ depending on the m obile phone.
(C ontinued)
Bluetooth W ireless Technology fea-
tures supported w ithin the vehicle are as follow s. Som e features m ay not be supported depending on your Bluetooth W ireless Technologydevice.
- A nsw ering and placing Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree calls
- M enu operation during call (Sw itch to Private, Sw itch to call w aiting, O utgoing volum e)
- D ow nload C all H istory
- D ow nload M obile Phone book
- Phone book/Call H istory Auto Download W ireless Technology
-Bluetooth device auto connection - Bluetooth W ireless Technology A udio
It is possible to pair up to five W ireless Technology Bluetooth devices to the car system .
O nly one Bluetooth W ireless Technology device can be connected at a tim e.
O ther devices cannot be paired w hile a Bluetooth W ireless Technologydevice is already connected.
W hen a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device is being connected, the connec-
tion process cannot be canceled.
(C ontinued) H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 71
O nly Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree and Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio related features w ill operate w ithin this system .
N orm al operation is possible only for devices that support H andsfree or audio features, such as a Bluetooth W ireless Technology m obile phone or a Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio device.
O nly one function can be used at a tim e betw een the Bluetooth W ireless Technology H andsfree and Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio. (W hile playing Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio, stream ing will end upon entering the Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone screen.)
If a connected Bluetooth W ireless Technology device becom es discon-
nected for various reasons, such as being out of range, turning the device O FF, or a Bluetooth W ireless Technology com m unication error, W ireless Technology Bluetooth devices are autom atically searched and connected.
Placing the audio system w ithin an electrom agnetic environm ent m ay result in noise interference. Pairing a Bluetooth W ireless Technology w ireless technolo-
gy D evice W hat is Bluetooth W ireless Technology Pairing?
Pairing refers to the process of syn-
chronizing your Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone or device w ith the car audio system for connection. Pairing is necessary to connect and use the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature. PHO NE Pairing on the Steering R em ote C ontroller K ey /
K ey When No Devices have been Paired 1. Press the key or the PHO NE key on the steering rem ote con-
troller. The follow ing screen is dis-
played. 2. Press the button to enter the Pair Phone screen. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-71 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 72 N O TIC E Pairing through [PH O N E]
Setup Press the
[Phone] Select [Pair Phone]
Select TU N E knob SETUP key Select
If Bluetooth key or the W ireless Technology devices are paired but none are cur-
rently connected, pressing the key on the PHO NE steering rem ote controller displays the follow ing screen. Press the [Pair] but-
ton to pair a new device or press the
[C onnect] to connect a previously pair device. 1. The follow ing steps are the sam e as the steps described in the W hen N o D evices have been Paired section. M ultim edia System 1) D evice : N am e of device as show n w hen searching from your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device 2)Passkey : Passkey used to pair the device 3.From your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device (i.e. M obile Phone), search and select your car audio system . 4.After a few m om ents, a screen is displayed w here the passkey is entered. H ere, enter the passkey 0000 to pair your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device w ith the car audio system . 5. O nce pairing is com plete, the fol-
low ing screen is displayed. 4-72 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 73 N O TIC E
The w aiting period during phone pair-
ing w ill last for one m inute. The pair-
ing process w ill fail if the device is not paired w ithin the given tim e. If the pairing process fails, you m ust start the process from the beginning.
G enerally, m ost Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices w ill autom atically connect once pairing is com plete. H ow ever, som e devices m ay require a separate verification process to con-
nect. C heck to see w hether Bluetooth W ireless Technology has been proper-
ly connected w ithin your m obile phone.
List of paired Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices can be view ed at
[Phone] [Paired Phone SETUP List]. C onnecting a D evice Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP From the paired phone list, select the device you w ant to connect and press the button. 1) C onnected Phone : D evice that is cur-
rently connected 2) Paired Phone : D evice that is paired but not connected 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-73 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 74 From the paired phone list, select the phone you w ant to change to the highest priority, then press the button from the M enu. The selected device w ill be changed to the high-
est priority. D isconnecting a D evice Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP From the paired phone list, select the currently connected device and press the button. M ultim edia System C hanging Priority W hat is Priority?
It is possible to pair up to five Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices w ith the car audio system . As a result, the C hange Priority fea-
ture is used to set the connection pri-
ority of paired phones. H ow ever, the m ost recently connected phone w ill alw ays be set as the highest priority. Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP 4-74 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 75 D eleting a D evice Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP USING Bluetooth W ireless Technology 1)D ial N um ber : D isplays the dial screen w here num bers can be dialed to m ake calls 2)C all H istory : D isplays the call history Phone M enu Screen list screen Phone Menus W ith a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device connected, press the key to display the Phone m enu screen. PHO NE From the paired phone list, select the device you w ant to delete and press the button. N O TIC E
W hen deleting the currently connect-
ed device, the device w ill autom atical-
ly be disconnected to proceed w ith the deleting process.
If a paired Bluetooth W ireless Technology device is deleted, the devices call history and phone book data w ill also be deleted.
To re-use a deleted device, you m ust pair the device again. 3)Phone book : D isplays the Phone book list screen 4)Setup : D isplays Phone related set-
tings N O TIC E
If you press the [C all H istory] button but there is no call history data, a prom pt is displayed w hich asks w hether to dow nload call history data.
If you press the [Phone book] button but there is no phone book data, a prom pt is displayed w hich asks w hether to dow nload phone book data.
This feature m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones. For m ore infor-
m ation on dow nload support, refer to your m obile phone users m anual. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-75 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 76 M ultim edia System C alling by D ialing a N um ber A nsw ering C alls N O TIC E
W hen the incom ing call pop-up is dis-
played, m ost A udio and SETU P m ode features w ill not operate. O nly the call volum e can be operated.
The telephone num ber m ay not be properly displayed in som e m obile phones.
W hen a call is answ ered w ith the m obile phone, the call m ode w ill auto-
m atically convert to Private m ode. Press the N um ber]
PHO NE key Select [D ial Answering a Call Answ ering a call w ith a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device connect-
ed w ill display the follow ing screen. 1) D ial Pad : U sed to enter phone num -
ber 2) C all : If a num ber has been entered, calls the num ber If no num ber has been entered, sw itches to call history screen 1) C aller : D isplays the other parts nam e w hen the incom ing caller is saved w ithin your phone book 2)Incom ing N um ber : D isplays the 3) End : D eletes the entered phone num -
incom ing num ber ber 4) D elete : D eletes entered num bers one digit at a tim e 3) Accept : Accept the incom ing call 4) R eject : R eject the incom ing call 4-76 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 77 During a Handsfree Call C all H istory Press the H istory]
PHO NE key Select [C all 1)C aller : D isplays the other partys nam e if the incom ing caller is saved w ithin your phone book 2)Incom ing N um ber : D isplays the incom ing num ber 3) C all tim e : D isplays the call tim e 4) End : Ends call 5) Private : C onverts to Private m ode 6) O ut Vol. : Sets call volum e as heard by the other party A list of incom ing, outgoing and m issed calls is displayed. Press the [D ow nload] button to dow nload the call history. 1)C all H istory :
- D isplays recent calls (call history)
- C onnects call upon selection 2)D ow nload : D ow nload R ecent C all 7) M ute : Turns M ic M ute O n/O ff H istory N O TIC E If the m ic is m uted, the other party w ill not be able to hear your voice. N O TIC E
The call history list w ill display up to 30 outgoing, incom ing, and m issed calls.
U pon dow nloading call histories, pre-
viously saved histories are deleted.
Incom ing calls w ith hidden caller ID s w ill not be saved in the call history list.
Previously saved phone book entries are stored even if a device is discon-
nected and re-connected.
The dow nload feature m ay not be sup-
ported in som e m obile phones. C heck to see that the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device supports the dow n-
load feature. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-77 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 78 N O TIC E
U p to 1,000 phone book entries can be copied into car phone book.
U pon dow nloading phone book data, previously saved phone book data w ill be deleted.
D ow nloading is not possible if the phone book dow nload feature is turned off w ithin the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device. A lso, som e devices m ay require device authorization upon attem pting to dow nload. If dow nloading cannot be norm ally conducted, check the W ireless Technology Bluetooth device setting or the screen state.
C aller ID inform ation w ill not be dis-
played for unsaved callers.
The dow nload feature m ay not be sup-
ported in som e m obile phones. C heck to see that the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device supports the dow n-
load feature. M ultim edia System Phone B ook Press the
[Phone book]
PHO NE key Select The list of saved phone book entries is displayed. Press the [D ow nload] button to dow nload the call history. 1)Phone book List :
-D isplays dow nloaded phone book entries
-C onnects call upon selection 2)D ow nload : D ow nload phone book entries 4-78 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 79 Pairing Key on the Steering Rem ote Controller Key /
PHO NE When No Devices have been Paired 1. Press the key or the PHO NE key on the steering rem ote con-
troller. The follow ing screen is dis-
played. 2. Press the button to enter the Pair Phone screen. Bluetooth W ireless Technology
(for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel) Pairing a Bluetooth W ireless Technology w ireless technolo-
gy D evice W hat is Bluetooth W ireless Technology Pairing?
Pairing refers to the process of syn-
chronizing your Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone or device w ith the car audio system for connection. Pairing is necessary to connect and use the Bluetooth W ireless Technology feature. 1)D evice : N am e of device as show n w hen searching from your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device 2)Passkey : Passkey used to pair the device 3.From your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device (i.e. M obile Phone), search and select your car audio system . 4.After a few m om ents, a screen is displayed w here the passkey is entered. H ere, enter the passkey 0000 to pair your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device w ith the car audio system . 5.O nce pairing is com plete, the fol-
low ing screen is displayed. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-79 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 80 M ultim edia System N O TIC E Pairing through [PH O N E]
Setup Press the
[Phone] Select [Pair Phone]
Select TU N E knob SETUP key Select
If Bluetooth key or the W ireless Technology devices are paired but none are cur-
rently connected, pressing the key on the PHO NE steering rem ote controller displays the follow ing screen. Press the [Pair] but-
ton to pair a new device or press the
[C onnect] to connect a previously pair device. 1.The follow ing steps are the sam e as the steps described in the W hen N o D evices have been Paired section. 4-80 N O TIC E
The w aiting period during phone pairing w ill last for one m inute. The pairing process w ill fail if the device is not paired w ithin the given tim e. If the pairing process fails, you m ust start the process from the beginning.
G enerally, m ost Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices w ill autom atically connect once pairing is com plete. H ow ever, som e devices m ay require a separate verification process to con-
nect. C heck to see w hether Bluetooth W ireless Technology has been prop-
erly connected w ithin your m obile phone.
List of paired Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices can be view ed at
[Phone] [Paired Phone SETUP List]. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 81 C onnecting a D evice Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP From the paired phone list, select the device you w ant to connect and press the C onnect button. 1) C onnected Phone : D evice that is cur-
rently connected 2) Paired Phone : D evice that is paired but not connected C hanging Priority W hat is Priority?
It is possible to pair up to five Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices w ith the car audio system . As a result, the C hange Priority fea-
ture is used to set the connection pri-
ority of paired phones. H ow ever, the m ost recently connected phone w ill alw ays be set as the highest priority. Press the SETUP key Select [Phone]
Select [Paired Phone List]
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-81 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 82 M ultim edia System From the paired phone list, select the phone you w ant to change to the highest priority, then press the button from the M enu. C hange priority The selected device w ill be changed to the highest priority. D isconnecting a D evice D eleting a D evice Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP From the paired phone list, select the currently connected device and press the From the paired phone list, select the device you w ant to delete and press the D isconnect button. D elete button. 4-82 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 83 N O TIC E
W hen deleting the currently connect-
ed device, the device w ill autom atical-
ly be disconnected to proceed w ith the deleting process.
If a paired Bluetooth W ireless Technology device is deleted, the devices call history and contactsdata w ill also be deleted.
To re-use a deleted device, you m ust pair the device again. USING Bluetooth W ireless Technology Phone M enu Screen Phone Menus W ith a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device connected, press the key to display the Phone m enu screen. PHO NE 4) Setup : D isplays Phone related set-
tings N O TIC E
If you press the [C all H istory] button but there is no call history data, a prom pt is displayed w hich asks w hether to dow nload call history data.
If you press the [contacts] button but there is no contacs data, a prom pt is displayed w hich asks w hether to dow nload contactsdata.
This feature m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones. For m ore infor-
m ation on dow nload support, refer to your m obile phone users m anual. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 1) Dial Number : D isplays the dial screen w here num bers can be dialed to m ake calls 2) C all H istory : D isplays the call history list screen 3) C ontacts : D isplays the C ontacts list screen 4-83 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 84 M ultim edia System C alling by D ialing a N um ber A nsw ering C alls N O TIC E
W hen the incom ing call pop-up is dis-
played, m ost A udio and SETU P m ode features w ill not operate. O nly the call volum e can be operated.
The telephone num ber m ay not be properly displayed in som e m obile phones.
W hen a call is answ ered w ith the m obile phone, the call m ode w ill auto-
m atically convert to Private m ode. Press the N um ber]
PHO NE key Select [D ial Answering a Call Answ ering a call w ith a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device connect-
ed w ill display the follow ing screen. 1) D ial Pad : U sed to enter phone num -
ber 2) C all : If a num ber has been entered, calls the num ber If no num ber has been entered, sw itches to call history screen 3) End : D eletes the entered phone num -
ber 4) D elete : D eletes entered num bers one digit at a tim e 1)C aller : D isplays the other parts nam e w hen the incom ing caller is saved w ithin your contacts 2)Incom ing N um ber : D isplays the incom ing num ber 3) Accept : Accept the incom ing call 4) R eject : R eject the incom ing call 4-84 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 85 During a Handsfree Call C all H istory Press the H istory]
PHO NE key Select [C all C ontacts Press the
[C ontacts]
PHO NE key Select 1)C aller : D isplays the other partys nam e if the incom ing caller is saved w ithin your contacts 2)Incom ing N um ber : D isplays the incom ing num ber 3) C all tim e : D isplays the call tim e 4) End : Ends call 5) Private : C onverts to Private m ode 6) O ut Vol. : Sets call volum e as heard by the other party A list of incom ing, outgoing and m issed calls is displayed. Press the the call history. button to dow nload D ow nload 1)C all H istory :
- D isplays recent calls (call history)
- C onnects call upon selection 2)D ow nload : D ow nload R ecent C all 7) M ute : Turns M ic M ute O n/O ff H istory N O TIC E If the m ic is m uted, the other party w ill not be able to hear your voice. The list of saved phone book entries is displayed. Press the button to dow nload the call history. D ow nload 1) C ontacts List :
- D isplays dow nloaded contacts entries
- C onnects call upon selection 2) D ow nload : D ow nload contacts entries 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-85 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:43 AM Page 86 M ultim edia System N O TIC E
U p to 1,000 contacts entries can be copied into car contacts.
U pon dow nloading contactsdata, pre-
viously saved contacts data w ill be deleted.
D ow nloading is not possible if the con-
tacts dow nload feature is turned off W ireless w ithin the Bluetooth Technology device. A lso, som e devices m ay require device authorization upon attem pting to dow nload. If dow nloading cannot be norm ally con-
ducted, check the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device setting or the screen state.
C aller ID inform ation w ill not be dis-
played for unsaved callers.
The dow nload feature m ay not be sup-
ported in som e m obile phones. C heck to see that the Bluetooth W ireless Technology device supports the dow n-
load feature. 4-86 N O TIC E - U SIN G TH E Voice R ecognition
W hen using the voice recognition fea-
ture, only com m ands listed w ithin the user's m anual are supported.
Be aw are that during the operation of the voice recognition system , pressing any key other than the key or touching the screen w ill term inate voice recognition m ode.
For superior voice recognition per-
form ance, position the m icrophone used for voice recognition above the head of the drivers seat and m aintain a proper position w hen saying com -
m ands.
W ithin the follow ing situations, voice recognition m ay not function properly due to external sound.
- W hen the w indow s and sunroof are
- W hen the w ind of the cooling / heat-
ing device is strong
- W hen entering and passing through
- W hen driving on rugged and uneven open tunnels roads
- D uring severe rain (heavy rains, w indstorm s)
Phone related voice com m ands can be used only w hen a Bluetooth W ireless Technology device is connected.
W hen m aking calls by stating a nam e, the corresponding contact m ust be dow nloaded and stored w ithin the audio system .
A fter dow nloading the Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone book, it takes som e tim es to convert the phone book data into voice inform ation. D uring this tim e, voice recognition m ay not properly operate.
Pronounce the voice com m ands natu-
rally and clearly as if in a norm al con-
versation. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 87 VOICE RECOGNITION
(if equipped) U sing Voice R ecognition Starting Voice Recognition Shortly press the key on the steering rem ote controller .Say a com m and If voice recognition is in [N orm al M ode], then the system w ill say Please say a com m and. Beep~
If voice recognition is in [Expert M ode], then the system w ill only say a Beep~
To change the N orm al M ode/Expert M ode setting, go to
[System ] [Prom pt Feedback]. SETUP Re-starting Voice Recognition W hile system w aits for a com m and key on the Shortly press the steering rem ote controller (under 0.8 seconds) The com m and w ait state is im m ediately ended and the beep ton w ill sound. After the beep, say the voice com m and. N O TIC E For proper recognition, say the com -
m and after the voice instruction and beep tone. Skipping Prompt Messages W hile prom pt m essage is being stat-
ed Shortly press the key on the steering rem ote controller (under 0.8 seconds) The prom pt m essage is im m ediately ended and the beep tone w ill sound. After the beep, say the voice com m and.
<For R D S m odel>
4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-87 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 88 M ultim edia System ENDING VOICE RECOGNITION Press and hold the W hile Voice R ecognition is operating key on the steering rem ote controller (over 0.8 seconds) N O TIC E
W hile using voice com m and, pressing a steering w heel rem ote control or a different key w ill end voice com m and.
In a state w here the system is w aiting for a voice com m and, say cancel or end to end voice com m and.
In a state w here the system is w aiting for a voice com m and, press and hold the key on the steering rem ote controller to end voice com m and. 4-88 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 89 Illustration on using voice com m ands
End voice command.
Starting voice command. Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8 seconds):
Please say a com m and D ing~
Shortly pressing the key (under 0.8 seconds):
Please say a com m and D ing~
M ore H elp M ore H elp. You can say R adio, FM , AM , M edia, C D, U SB, Aux, M y M usic, iPod, Bluetooth Audio, Phone, C all H istory or Phone book. Please say a com m and. Phone book Phone book. Please say the nam e of the phone book you w ant to call. D ing~
C ancel
Skipping Voice Recognition Please say a... Shortly pressing the 0.8 seconds):
key (under D i-D ing~(C ancel Sound) Shortly pressing the
(under 0.8 seconds) key D ing~
M ore H elp M ore H elp. You can say R adio, FM , AM , M edia, C D, U SB, Aux, M y M usic, iPod, Bluetooth Audio, Phone, C all H istory or Phone book. Please say a com m and. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-89 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 90 M ultim edia System Voice C om m and List
C om m on C om m ands: These are com m ands that can be used in all situations. (H ow ever, som e com m ands m ay not be support-
ed in special circum stances.) Function C om m and Function Provides guidance on com m ands that can be used anyw here in the system . Provides guidance on com m ands that can be used w ithin the current m ode. C alls <N am e> saved in phone book Ex) C all John Provides guidance on Phone related com -
m ands. After saying this com m and, say C all H istory, Phone book, D ial N um ber to exe-
cute corresponding functions. D isplays the C all H istory screen. D isplays the phone book screen. After saying this com m and, say the nam e of a phone book saved in the phone book to autom atically con-
nect the call. D isplay the D ial num ber screen. After saying this com m and, you can say the num ber w hat you want to call. C onnects the m ost recently called num ber.
W hen listening to the radio, displays the next radio screen. (FM 1 FM 2 FM A AM AM A)
W hen listening to a different m ode, displays the m ost recently played radio screen. FM
W hen currently listening to the FM radio, m aintains the current state.
W hen listening to a different m ode, displays the m ost recently played FM screen. D isplays the FM 1 screen. D isplays the FM 2 screen. D isplays the FM A screen. D isplays the AM screen. D isplays the AM A screen. Plays the m ost recently played broadcast saved in FM Preset 1~6. Plays the broadcast saved in AM Preset 1~6. Plays the FM broadcast of the corresponding frequency. Plays the AM broadcast of the corresponding frequency. Enable Traffic Announcem ent D isable Traffic Announcem ent Enable R D S N ew s feature D isable R D S N ew s feature FM 1(FM O ne) FM 2(FM Tw o) FM A AM AM A FM Preset 1~6 AM Preset 1~6 FM 87.5~107.9 AM 530~1710 TA on TA off N ew s on N ew s off C om m and M ore H elp H elp C all<N am e>
Phone C all H istory Phone book D ial N um ber R edial R adio 4-90 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 91 Function M oves to the m ost recently played m edia screen. If a m usic C D has been inserted, plays the corresponding track. Plays the m usic saved in the C D. M oves to the C D track or file selection screen.
For audio CDs, m ove to the screen and say the track num ber to play the corresponding track.
M oves to M P3 C D file selection screen. After m anually operate the device to select and play m usic. C om m and AU X (Auxiliary) Bluetooth Audio M ute Pardon?
C ancel (Exit) Function Plays the connected external device. Plays the m usic saved in connected Bluetooth W ireless Technology device. M utes the radio or m usic volum e. R epeats the m ost recent com m ent. Ends voice com m and. C om m and M edia Play Track 1~30 C D Search C D USB Search U SB iPod Search iPod Plays USB m usic. M oves to U SB file selection screen. After m anually operate the device to select and play m usic. Plays iPod m usic. M oves to the iPod file selection screen. After, m anually operate the device to select and play m usic. Plays the m usic saved in M y M usic. M y M usic Search M y M usic M oves to M y M usic file selection screen. After m anually operate the device to select and play m usic. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-91 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 92 M ultim edia System
FM /AM radio com m ands: C om m ands that can be used w hile
Audio C D com m ands: C om m ands that can be used w hile listening to FM , AM radio. listening to Audio C D. C om m and Preset 1~6 Auto Store Function Plays the broadcast saved in Preset 1~6. Autom atically selects radio broadcast fre-
quencies w ith superior reception and saves in Presets 1~6. Preset Save 1~6 Saves the current broadcast frequency to Seek up Seek dow n N ext Preset Preset 1~6. Plays the next receivable broadcast. Plays the previous receivable broadcast. Selects the preset num ber next to the m ost recently selected preset. (Exam ple: W hen cur-
rently listening to preset no. 3, then preset no. 4 w ill be selected.) Scan Previous Preset Selects the preset num ber previous to the m ost recently selected preset. (Exam ple:
W hen currently listening to preset no. 3, then preset no. 2 w ill be selected.) Scans receivable frequencies from the current broadcast and plays for 10 seconds each. M oves to the next preset from the current present and plays for 10 seconds each. Enable Alternative Frequency feature D isable Alternative Frequency feature Enable R egion feature AF on AF off R egion Preset Scan 4-92 C om m and R egion off Program Type R andom R andom O ff R epeat R epeat O ff N ext Track Previous Track Scan Track 1~30 Search Track Inform ation Function D isable R egion feature M oves to the R D S Program type selection screen. After, m anually operate the device to select a desired program type. R andom ly plays the tracks w ithin the C D. C ancels random play to play tracks in sequen-
tial order. R epeats the current track. C ancels repeat play to play tracks in sequen-
tial order. Plays the next track. Plays the previous track. Scans the tracks from the next track for 10 seconds each. Plays the desired track num ber. M oves to the track selection screen. After, say the track nam e to play the corresponding track. D isplays the inform ation screen of the current track. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 93
M P3 C D / U SB com m ands: C om m ands that can be used
iPod C om m ands: C om m ands that can be used w hile playing w hile listening to m usic files saved in C D and U SB. iPod. C om m and R andom All R andom R andom O ff R epeat Folder R epeat R epeat O ff N ext File Previous File Scan Search File Search Folder Inform ation C opy Function R andom ly plays the files w ithin the current folder. R andom ly plays all saved files. C ancels random play to play files in sequential order. R epeats the current file. R epeats all files in the current folder. C ancels repeat play to play files in sequential order. Plays the next file. Plays the previous file. Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-
onds each. M oves to the file selection screen. M oves to the folder selection screen. D isplays the inform ation screen of the current file. C opies the current file into M y M usic. C om m and All R andom R andom R andom O ff R epeat R epeat O ff N ext Song Previous Song Search Song Inform ation Function R andom ly plays all saved songs. R andom ly plays the songs w ithin the current category. C ancels random play to play songs in sequen-
tial order. R epeats the current song. C ancels repeat play to play songs in sequen-
tial order. Plays the next song. Plays the previous song. M oves to the song selection screen. D isplays the inform ation screen of the current song. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-93 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 94 M ultim edia System
M y M usic C om m ands: C om m ands that can be used w hile
Bluetooth W ireless Technology Audio C om m ands:
playing M y M usic. C om m ands that can be used w hile playing Phone M usic. C om m and Function Play Pause Plays the currently paused song. Pauses the current song. C om m and R andom R andom O ff R epeat R epeat O ff N ext File Previous File Scan Search File Inform ation D elete D elete All Function R andom ly plays all saved files. C ancels random play to play files in sequential order. R epeats the current file. C ancels repeat play to play files in sequential order. Plays the next file. Plays the previous file. Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-
onds each. M oves to the file selection screen. D isplays the inform ation screen of the current file. D eletes the current file. You w ill bypass an additional confirm ation process. D eletes all files saved in M y M usic. You w ill bypass an additional confirm ation process. 4-94 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 95 SETUP
(FOR RDS, BLUETOOTH W IRELESS TECHNOLOGY EQUIPPED M ODEL) Starting M ode Press the Setup screen. SETUP key to display the You can select and control options related to [D isplay], [Sound], [Phone] and
[System ]. D isplay Settings Adjusting the Brightness Press the
[D isplay] Select [Brightness]
SETUP key Select Pop-up Mode Press the
[D isplay] Select [Pop-up M ode]
SETUP key Select This feature is used to display the Pop-up M ode screen w hen entering radio and m edia m odes. W hen this feature is turned on, pressing the key w ill display the Pop-up M ode screen. RADIO M EDIA or 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m
, buttons to adjust the U se the screen brightness or set the Brightness on Autom atic, D ay, or N ight m ode. Press the button to reset. D efault 1)Autom atic : Adjusts the brightness autom atically 2) D ay : Alw ays m aintains the bright-
ness on high 3) N ight: Alw ays m aintains the brightness on low N O TIC E The m edia Pop-up M ode screen can be displayed only w hen tw o or m ore m edia m odes have been connected. 4-95 Sound Settings Audio Settings Press the
[Sound] Select [Audio Setting]
SETUP key Select H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 96 M ultim edia System Scroll Text Press the
[D isplay] Select [Scroll text]
SETUP key Select MP3 Information Display Press the
[D isplay] Select [Song Info]
SETUP key Select This feature is used to scroll text dis-
played on the screen w hen it is too long to be displayed at once. W hen turned on, the text is repeat-
edly scrolled. W hen turned off, the text is scrolled just once. This feature is used to change the inform ation displayed w ithin U SB and M P3 C D m odes. 1)Folder File : D isplays file nam e and folder nam e 2)Album Artist Song : D isplays album nam e/artist nam e/song 4-96 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 97 buttons to U se the , , , adjust the Fader/Balance settings. U se the , Bass/M iddle/Treble settings. Press the button to reset. buttons to adjust the D efault SDVC (Speed Dependent Volume Control) Press the key Select
[Sound] Select [Speed D ependent Vol.]
SETUP Touch Screen Beep Press the key Select SETUP
[Sound] Select [Touch Screen Beep]
The volum e level is controlled auto-
m atically according to the vehicle speed. SDVC can be set by selecting from O n / O ff. This feature is used to turn the touch screen beep on/off. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-97 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 98 M ultim edia System Bluetooth W ireless Technology Setting Viewing Paired Phone List Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP Pairing a New Device Press the
[Phone] Select [Pair Phone]
SETUP key Select Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices can be paired w ith the audio system . For m ore inform ation, refer to the Pairing through Phone Setup sec-
tion w ithin Bluetooth W ireless Technology. This feature is used to view m obile phones that have been paired w ith the audio system . U pon selecting a paired phone, the setup m enu is dis-
played. For m ore inform ation, refer to the Setting Bluetooth W ireless Technology C onnection section w ithin Bluetooth W ireless Technology. 4-98 1) 2) 3) 4)
: M oves to the previous screen
: C onnect/ disconnects cur-
rently selected phone
: D eletes the currently selected phone
: Sets currently selected phone to highest connection priority N O TIC E B EFO R E D O W N -
O nly phone books w ithin connected phones can be dow nloaded. A lso check to see that your m obile phone supports the dow nload feature.
To learn m ore about w hether your m obile phone supports phone book dow nloads, refer to your m obile phone users m anual.
The Phone book for only the con-
nected phone can be dow nloaded. Before dow nloading, check to see w hether your phone supports the dow nload feature. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 99 Downloading Phone books Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Phone book D ow nload]
SETUP Auto Download (Phone Book) Press the
[Phone] Select [Auto D ow nload]
SETUP key Select Audio Streaming Press the
[Phone] Select [Audio Stream ing]
SETUP key Select The Phone book is dow nloaded from the m obile phone and the dow nload progress is displayed. This feature is used to autom atically dow nload m obile phone book entries once a Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone is connected. W hen Audio Stream ing is turned on, you can play m usic files saved in your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device from the car. N O TIC E
U p to 1,000 phone book entries can be copied into car phone book.
U p to 1,000 phone book entries can be saved for each paired device.
U pon dow nloading phone book data, previously saved phone book data w ill be deleted. H ow ever, Phone book entries saved to other paired phones are not deleted. N O TIC E
The A uto D ow nload feature w ill dow nload m obile phone book entries every tim e the phone is con-
nected. The dow nload tim e m ay dif-
fer depending on the num ber of saved phone book entries and the com m unication state.
W hen dow nloading a phone book, first check to see that your m obile phone supports the phone book dow nload feature. 4-99 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 100 M ultim edia System Outgoing Volume Press the
[Phone] Select [O utgoing Volum e]
key Select SETUP N O TIC E To turn Bluetooth Technology back on, go to
[Phone] and press Yes. W ireless SETUP SETUP key Select Turning BluetoothSystem Off Press the
[Phone] Select [Bluetooth System O ff]
O nce Bluetooth W ireless Technology is turned off, Bluetooth W ireless Technology related features w ill not be supported w ithin the audio system . U se the the outgoing volum e level.
, buttons to adjust 4-100 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 101 System Setting Memory Information Press the key Select SETUP
[System ] Select [M em ory Inform ation]
Language Press the
[System ] Select [Language]
SETUP key Select C AU TIO N
Bluetooth W ireless Technology audio streaming may not be sup-
ported in some Bluetooth W ireless Technology phones. This feature is used to change the system and voice recognition lan-
guage. If the language is changed, the sys-
tem w ill restart and apply the select-
ed language. This feature displays inform ation related to system m em ory. 1) U sing : D isplays capacity currently in use 2) C apacity : D isplays total capacity 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-101 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 102 M ultim edia System SETUP
(for Bluetooth W ireless Technology equipped m odel) Starting M ode Press the Setup screen. SETUP key to display the You can select and control options related to [D isplay], [Sound], [Phone]
and [System ]. 4-102 D isplay Settings Adjusting the Brightness Press the
[D isplay] Select [Brightness]
SETUP key Select U se the , buttons to adjust the screen brightness or set the Brightness on Autom atic, D aylight, or N ight m ode. Press the button to reset. D efault 1) Autom atic : Adjusts the brightness autom atically 2 D ay : Alw ays m aintains the bright-
ness on high 3) N ight: Alw ays m aintains the brightness on low Mode Pop up Press the
[D isplay] Select [M ode Pop up]
SETUP key Select This feature is used to display the M ode Pop up screen w hen entering radio and m edia m odes. W hen this feature is turned on, pressing the key w ill display the M ode Pop up screen. RADIO M EDIA or N O TIC E The m edia M ode Pop up screen can be displayed only w hen tw o or m ore m edia m odes have been connected. H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 103 Text Scroll Press the
[D isplay] Select [Text Scroll]
SETUP key Select MP3 Information Display Press the
[D isplay] Select [M edia D isplay]
SETUP key Select Sound Settings Sound Settings Press the
[Sound] Select [Sound Setting]
SETUP key Select This feature is used to scroll text dis-
played on the screen w hen it is too long to be displayed at once. W hen turned on, the text is repeat-
edly scrolled. W hen turned off, the text is scrolled just once. This feature is used to change the inform ation displayed w ithin U SB and M P3 C D m odes. 1)Folder File : D isplays file nam e and folder nam e 2)Album Artist Song : D isplays album nam e/artist nam e/song 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-103 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 104 M ultim edia System buttons to U se the , , , adjust the Fader/Balance settings. U se the , Bass/M iddle/Treble settings. Press the button to reset. buttons to adjust the D efault SDVC (Speed Dependent Volume Control) key Select Press the
[Sound] Select [Speed D ependent Vol.]
SETUP Touch Screen Beep Press the key Select SETUP
[Sound] Select [Touch Screen Beep]
The volum e level is controlled auto-
m atically according to the vehicle speed. SDVC can be set by selecting from O n/O ff. 4-104 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 105 Bluetooth W ireless Technology Setting Viewing Paired Phone List Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [Paired Phone List]
SETUP Pairing a New Device Press the
[Phone] Select [Pair Phone]
SETUP key Select Bluetooth W ireless Technology devices can be paired w ith the audio system . For m ore inform ation, refer to the Pairing through Phone Setup sec-
tion w ithin Bluetooth W ireless Technology. This feature is used to view m obile phones that have been paired w ith the audio system . U pon selecting a paired phone, the setup m enu is dis-
played. For m ore inform ation, refer to the Setting Bluetooth W ireless Technology C onnection section w ithin Bluetooth W ireless Technology. 1)
: M oves to the previous screen 2)C onnect/D isconnect Phone
C onnect/ disconnects currently selected phone 3)D elete : D eletes the currently selected phone 4)C hange Priority : Sets currently selected phone to highest connec-
tion priority N O TIC E B EFO R E D O W N -
O nly contacts w ithin connected phones can be dow nloaded. A lso check to see that your m obile phone supports the dow nload feature.
To learn m ore about w hether your m obile phone supports contacts dow nloads, refer to your m obile phone users m anual.
The contacts for only the connected phone can be dow nloaded. Before dow nloading, check to see w hether your phone supports the dow nload feature. 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-105 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 106 M ultim edia System Downloading Contacts Press the key Select
[Phone] Select [C ontacts D ow nload]
SETUP Auto Download (Contacts) Press the
[Phone] Select [Auto D ow nload]
SETUP key Select Streaming Audio Press the
[Phone] Select [Stream ing Audio]
SETUP key Select The contacts is dow nloaded from the m obile phone and the dow nload progress is displayed. This feature is used to autom atically dow nload m obile contacts entries once a Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone is connected. W hen Stream ing Audio is turned on, you can play m usic files saved in your Bluetooth W ireless Technology device from the car. N O TIC E
U p to 1,000 contacts entries can be copied into car contacts.
U p to 1,000 contacts entries can be saved for each paired device.
U pon dow nloading contacts data, previously saved contacts data w ill be deleted. H ow ever, contacts entries saved to other paired phones are not deleted. N O TIC E
The A uto D ow nload feature w ill dow nload m obile contacts entries every tim e the phone is connected. The dow nload tim e m ay differ depending on the num ber of saved contacts entries and the com m uni-
cation state.
W hen dow nloading a contacts, first check to see that your m obile phone supports the contactsdow nload fea-
ture. 4-106 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 107 Outgoing Volume Press the
[Phone] Select [O utgoing Volum e]
key Select SETUP U se the outgoing volum e level.
, buttons to adjust the SETUP key Select Turning BluetoothSystem Off Press the
[Phone] Select [Bluetooth System O ff]
W ireless O nce Bluetooth Technology is turned off, Bluetooth W ireless Technology related features w ill not be supported w ithin the audio system . System Setting Memory Information Press the key Select SETUP
[System ] Select [M em ory Inform ation]
N O TIC E To turn Bluetooth Technology back on, go to
[Phone] and press Yes. W ireless SETUP This feature displays inform ation related to system m em ory. 1) U sing : D isplays capacity currently in use 2) C apacity : D isplays total capacity 4 M u lt im e d ia S y s t e m 4-107 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 108 M ultim edia System REAR VIEW CAM ERA
(if equipped)
The system has been equipped w ith a rear view cam era for user safety by allow ing a w ider rear range of vision.
The rear view cam era w ill autom at-
ically operate w hen the ignition key is turned O N and the transm ission lever is set to R .
The rear view cam era w ill autom at-
ically stop operating w hen set to a different lever. C AU TIO N The rear view cam era has been equipped w ith an optical lens to provide a w ider range of vision and m ay appear different from the actual distance. For safety, directly check the rear and left/right sides. 4-108 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 109 A PPEN D IX N am e M onday Tuesday W ednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday U se tune knob Volum e M ax M in AST (Auto store) N o M edia N o File Em pty File Info (Inform ation) Artist Title Album G enres C om posers D escription N am e M onday Tuesday W ednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday U se tune knob Volum e Volum e m axinm um Volum e m ininm um Autom atically selects and saves channels Em pty m edia file in C D or U SB Em pty m edia file in C D or U SB Em pty m edia file in M Y M U SIC Inform ation of playing files Artist nam e, M P3/C D file currently being played Song nam e, M P3/C D file currently being played Album nam e, M P3/C D file cur-
rently being played
"G enres" is keyw ord for search-
ing m ode of playlists for iPod
"C om posers" is filtering keyw ord for searching m ode of playlists for iPod Playlists Songs Audiobooks Podcasts R PT (R epeat) FLD.RPT (Folder Repeat) R D M (R andom ) FLD.RDM (Folder Random ) ALL RDM (All Random ) C O PY C ancel copy File copied Free C opy failed Search Loading C D R eading C D R eading Error M echanism Error Features of your vehicle D escription
"Playlists" is filtering keyword for searching m ode of playlists for iPod
"Songs" is filtering keyword for searching m ode of playlists for iPod
"Audiobooks" is filtering key-
w ord for searching m ode of playlists for iPod
"Podcasts" is filtering keyw ord for searching m ode of playlists for iPod Audio play m ode of R eapeat Audio play m ode of Folder R eapeat Audio play m ode of R andom Audio play m ode of Folder R andom Audio play m ode of All R andom C opy M P3 file to flash m em ory for M Y M U SIC C ancel copy m ode C om pleted File copy Free size of m em ory C opy failed Search files Loading C D R eading C D R eading Error M echanism Error 4 109 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 110 Features of your vehicle N am e Ejecting C D Audio C D Track R eading M edia N ot supported Em pty iPod C om m unication Error D elete D el.All D el.Sel R eturn List Select Files M em ory is full, D elete files O ver 6000 files. can copied not be copied O ver 1000 sam e files can not be copied System will autom ati cally switchoff after 1 hour with ignition off Battery discharge Start the engine 4 110 D escription Ejecting C D Audio C D Audio C D song order R eading M edia N ot supported file form at Em pty iPod, iPod don't have playable data C om m unication error betw een audio and iPod or usb D elete the paired phone or files in M Y M U SIC D elete all files Select files to delete R eturn m enu List files or paired phones Select Files M em ory is full, D elete files O ver 6000 files. can not be O ver 1000 sam e files can not be copied System w ill autom atically sw itchoff after 1 hour w ith igni-
tion off Battery discharge Start the engine N am e Setup D isplay M ode Pop up Scroll text Song Info Folder/File Album /Artist/Song Sound Audio Settings Pow erBass Speed Dependent Vol. Volum e D ialogue Bass M iddle D escription Setup Setup display m ode This function is used to select popup m enu on or off This function is used to display characters longer than the LC D text displays Setup display inform ation being played D isplay Folder/file nam e, file currently being played D isplay Album /Artist/Song nam e, file currently being played Setup sound m ode Setup Audio settings that consist BASS,M iddle,Treble,Fader and Balance This function is used to im prove bass sound quality Autom atically adjust the volum e according to the car speed Adjust volum e level of D ialogue Bass is sound of low frequency. It can be adjusted sound by user M iddle is sound of m iddle fre-
quency. It can be adjusted sound by user H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 111 N am e Treble Fader Balance D efault C lock C lock Settings D ay Settings Tim e Form at C lock D isp.(Pw r O ff) Autom atic RDS Tim e tim e autom atically. System M em ory Inform ation VR S M ode N orm al D escription Treble is sound of high frequency. It can be adjusted sound by user Fader is sound positon betw een FR O N T and R EAR . It can be adjusted sound by user Balance is sound positon betw een R ight and Left. It can be adjusted sound by user This function is used to initialize setting value Setup tim e Enters tim e advanced settings Enters day advanced settings R efer to the tim e display The tim e can be displayedin 12 hours or 24 hours This function is used to select clock display m ode in pow er off This function is used to set the RDS Setup system or system infor m ation D isplay used m em ory size Setup Voice com m and m ode N orm al m ode. This function is used to set default value of voice recognition factor N am e Expert Language D eutsch English(U K) Franais Italiano Espaol N ederlands Svenska D ansk Polski The system w ill be rebooted Please change language when ignition O N Bluetooth not ready Please wait Add a new Bluetooth device from your phone Processing Bluetooth Please try later Features of your vehicle D escription Expert m ode. This function is used to set exercised value of voice recognition factor This function is used to select user language D eutsch English(U K) French Italian Spanish dutch sw edish D anish R ussian Polish Turkish The system w ill be rebooted Please change language w hen ignition O N You can use BT System for a m om ent Because BT system is being initialized Add a new Bluetooth W ireless Technology device from your phone You can use BT System for a m om ent Because BT system is being initialized or processing other com m and 4 111 H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 112 Features of your vehicle N am e Incom ing C all C all Ended C all R ejected U nknow n C all is not possible M IC M ute Activate Bluetooth System ?
Bluetooth System activated N o phone paired. Pair a phone?
N o connected phone. Connect a phone?
Phone book is em pty. D ow nload?
Available only w hen Listening... Phone book Download vehicle is stationary Auto D ow nload 4 112 D escription R eceivng phone C all Ended W hen there is unw anted call, You push the button on the steering rem ote controller
"U nknow n" m ean H eadunit or phone don't have any inform a-
tion about phone num ber C all is not possible M icrophone m ute Activate Bluetooth W ireless Technology System Bluetooth W ireless Technology system activated Em pty phone paired. Pair a phone?
N o connected phone. C onnect a phone?
Phone book is em pty This is a w arning, D o not enter the M EN U about BT Setup. W hen vehicle is m oving Listen to instruction of audio D ow nloading phone book from phone paired to audio After pairing phone, audio system autom atically dow nload phone book N am e Audio Stream ing O utgoing Volum e Bluetooth System O ff Bluetooth System O N D evice :
Passkey Pairing com plete Pairing failed Already 5 devices paired. D elete a paired phone?
C onnection com plete C onnection failed. R etry?
Priority changed O verw rite previous phone book?
D escription After pairing phone, audio system can support Bluetooth W ireless Technology stream ing m ode Set outoging volum e "0 ~ 5"
Turn off Bluetooth W ireless Technology System Turn on Bluetooth W ireless Technology System Bluetooth W ireless Technology device nam e Passkey for pairing a phone Pair a Bluetooth W ireless Technology phone to the audio Audio & Phone connection have failed All 5 phones have already been paired. D elete a previously paired phone to pair new phone Audio & Phone connection have succeed Audio & Phone connection have failed C hanged priority about the registered phones O verw rite previous phone book inform ation H_LF_A,B_AUDIO:BH hma 4-109~(Audio).qxd 5/19/2014 9:44 AM Page 113 Features of your vehicle N am e Phone does not support Phone book download N o connected Bluetooth device Phone does not support Bluetooth audio Downloading stopped D escription Phone does not support Phone book dow nload There are phone in the connec-
tion list But it was actually not connected BT pairing D ow nloading stopped 4 113 FCC Warning This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2014-09-05 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
203, Teheran-ro
1 |
Seoul, N/A 135-977
1 |
South Korea
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
S******** C********
1 | Title |
Senior Engineer
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 03/04/2015 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | DIGITAL CAR AUDIO SYSTEM | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Power listed is conducted | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
SGS Korea Co., Ltd
1 | Name |
J**** C****
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0022600 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC