UHF DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER NX-220/ NX-320 INSTRUCTION MANUAL H S I L G N E Thank You We are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your land mobile radio applications. noTices To The user Government law prohibits the operation of unlicensed radio transmitters within the territories under government control. Illegal operation is punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. Refer service to qualified technicians only. Safety: It is important that the operator is aware of, and understands, hazards common to the operation of any transceiver. The AMBE+2 voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. This voice coding Technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications Equipment. The user of this Technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to extract, remove, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into a human-readable form. U.S. Patent Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365,
#5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772,
#5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166. Firmware Copyrights The title to and ownership of copyrights for firmware embedded in Kenwood product memories are reserved for Kenwood Corporation. ATTENTION:
The RBRC Recycle seal found on Kenwood lthum-on (L-on) battery packs ndcates Kenwoods voluntary partcpaton n an ndustry program to collect and recycle L-on batteres after ther operatng lfe has expred. The RBRC program
s an alternatve to dsposng L-on batteres wth your regular refuse or n muncpal waste streams, whch s llegal n some areas. For nformaton on L-on battery recyclng n your area, call (toll free) 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837). Kenwoods nvolvement n ths program s part of our commtment to preserve our envronment and conserve our natural resources. ATTENTION:
The RBRC Recycle seal found on Kenwood nckel metal hydrde (N-MH) battery packs ndcates Kenwoods voluntary partcpaton n an ndustry program to collect and recycle N-MH batteres after ther operatng lfe has expred. The RBRC program
s an alternatve to dsposng N-MH batteres wth your regular refuse or n muncpal waste streams, whch s llegal n some areas. For nformaton on N-MH battery recyclng n your area, call (toll free) 1-800-8-BATTERY (1-800-822-8837). Kenwoods nvolvement n ths program s part of our commtment to preserve our envronment and conserve our natural resources.
Terminal DescripTions Speaker/ Microphone Jacks You can use a resn-based cover for the Speaker/ Mcrophone jacks. No. Name Description Impedance I/O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PTT/RXD PTT nput / Seral data nput MICI MICO MIC nput Output from nternal MIC OPTDET Opton Detect 50V AE TXD SPI SPO 5V output Audo Earth Seral data output To nternal SP AF power output 10 k 1.8 k 74 k GND 6.8 k 8 (Load) I I O I O O I O Antenna Terminal 50 impedance
One or more of the following statements may be applicable:
FCC WARNING Ths equpment generates or uses rado frequency energy. Changes or modfcatons to ths equpment may cause harmful
nterference unless the modfcatons are expressly approved n the
nstructon manual. The user could lose the authorty to operate ths equpment f an unauthorzed change or modfcaton s made. INFORMATION TO THE DIGITAL DEVICE USER REQUIRED BY THE FCC Ths equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the lmts for a Class B dgtal devce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganst harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton. Ths equpment generates, uses and can generate rado frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance wth the nstructons, may cause harmful nterference to rado communcatons. However, there s no guarantee that the
nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths equpment does cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton, whch can be determned by turnng the equpment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of the followng measures:
Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna. Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever. Connect the equpment to an outlet on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the recever s connected. Consult the dealer for techncal assstance.
precauTions Do not charge the transcever and battery pack when they are wet. Ensure that there are no metallc tems located between the transcever and the battery pack. Do not use optons not specfed by Kenwood. If the de-cast chasss or other transcever part s damaged, do not touch the damaged parts. If a headset or headphone s connected to the transcever, reduce the transcever volume. Pay attenton to the volume level when turnng the squelch off. Do not place the mcrophone cable around your neck whle near machnery that may catch the cable. Do not place the transcever on unstable surfaces. Ensure that the end of the antenna does not touch your eyes. When the transcever s used for transmsson for many hours, the radator and chasss wll become hot. Do not touch these locatons when replacng the battery pack. Always swtch the transcever power off before nstallng optonal accessores. The charger s the devce that dsconnects the unt from the AC mans lne. The AC plug should be readly accessble. Turn the transceiver power off in the following locations:
Near explosves or blastng stes. In arcrafts. (Any use of the transcever must follow the
nstructons and regulatons provded by the arlne crew.) Where restrctons or warnngs are posted regardng the use of rado devces, ncludng but not lmted to medcal facltes. Near persons wearng pacemakers. Turn the transceiver power off in the following locations, unless the model is specifically qualified for such use
(Intrinsically Safe such as approved by Factory Mutual, CSA):
In explosve atmospheres (nflammable gas, dust partcles, metallc powders, gran powders, etc.). Whle takng on fuel or whle parked at gasolne servce statons.
v Do not dsassemble or modfy the transcever for any reason. Do not place the transcever on or near arbag equpment whle the vehcle s runnng. When the arbag nflates, the transcever may be ejected and strke the drver or passengers. Do not transmt whle touchng the antenna termnal or f any metallc parts are exposed from the antenna coverng. Transmttng at such a tme may result n a hgh-frequency burn. If an abnormal odor or smoke s detected comng from the transcever, swtch the transcever power off mmedately, remove the battery pack from the transcever, and contact your Kenwood dealer. Use of the transcever whle you are drvng may be aganst traffc laws. Please check and observe the vehcle regulatons
n your area. Do not expose the transcever to extremely hot or cold condtons. Do not carry the battery pack (or battery case) wth metal objects, as they may short the battery termnals. Danger of exploson f the battery s ncorrectly replaced;
replace only wth the same type. When operatng the transcever n areas where the ar s dry, t
s easy to buld up an electrc charge (statc electrcty). When usng a earphone accessory n such condtons, t s possble for the transcever to send an electrc shock through the earphone and to your ear. We recommend you use only a speaker/
mcrophone n these condtons, to avod electrc shocks. v informaTion concerning The baTTery pack The battery pack ncludes flammable objects such as organc solvent. Mshandlng may cause the battery to rupture producng flames or extreme heat, deterorate, or cause other forms of damage to the battery. Please observe the followng prohbtve matters. Do not disassemble or reconstruct battery!
The battery pack has a safety functon and protecton crcut to avod danger. If they suffer serous damage, the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not short-circuit the battery!
Do not jon the + and termnals usng any form of metal (such as a paper clp or wre). Do not carry or store the battery pack
n contaners holdng metal objects (such as wres, chan-
necklace or harpns). If the battery pack s short-crcuted, excessve current wll flow and the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. It wll also cause metal objects to heat up. Do not incinerate or apply heat to the battery!
If the nsulator s melted, the gas release vent or safety functon
s damaged, or the electrolyte s gnted, the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not leave the battery near fires, stoves, or other heat generators (areas reaching over 80C/ 176F)!
If the polymer separator s melted due to hgh temperature, an nternal short-crcut may occur n the ndvdual cells and the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Avoid immersing the battery in water or getting it wet by other means!
If the battery becomes wet, wpe t off wth a dry towel before use. If the batterys protecton crcut s damaged, the battery may charge at extreme current (or voltage) and an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. v
Do not charge the battery near fires or under direct sunlight!
If the batterys protecton crcut s damaged, the battery may charge at extreme current (or voltage) and an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Use only the specified charger and observe charging requirements!
If the battery s charged n unspecfed condtons (under hgh temperature over the regulated value, excessve hgh voltage or current over regulated value, or wth a remodelled charger),
t may overcharge or an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not pierce the battery with any object, strike it with an instrument, or step on it!
Ths may break or deform the battery, causng a short-crcut. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not jar or throw the battery!
An mpact may cause the battery to leak, generate heat or smoke, rupture, and/or burst nto flame. If the batterys protecton crcut s damaged, the battery may charge at an abnormal current (or voltage), and an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. Do not use the battery pack if it is damaged in any way!
The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not solder directly onto the battery!
If the nsulator s melted or the gas release vent or safety functon s damaged, the battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not reverse the battery polarity (and terminals)!
When chargng a reversed battery, an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. In some cases, an unexpected large amount of current may flow upon dschargng. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. v
Do not reverse-charge or reverse-connect the battery!
The battery pack has postve and negatve poles. If the battery pack does not smoothly connect wth a charger or operatng equpment, do not force t; check the polarty of the battery. If the battery pack s reverse-connected to the charger, t wll be reverse-charged and an abnormal chemcal reacton may occur. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not touch a ruptured and leaking battery!
If the electrolyte lqud from the battery gets nto your eyes, wash your eyes out wth fresh water as soon as possble, wthout rubbng your eyes. Go to the hosptal mmedately. If left untreated, t may cause eye-problems. Do not charge the battery for longer than the specified time!
If the battery pack has not fnshed chargng even after the regulated tme has passed, stop t. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Do not place the battery pack into a microwave or high pressure container!
The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. Keep ruptured and leaking battery packs away from fire!
If the battery pack s leakng (or the battery emts a bad odor),
mmedately remove t from flammable areas. Electrolyte leakng from battery can easly catch on fre and may cause the battery to generate smoke or burst nto flame. Do not use an abnormal battery!
If the battery pack emts a bad odor, appears to have dfferent colorng, s deformed, or seems abnormal for any other reason, remove t from the charger or operatng equpment and do not use t. The battery may generate heat or smoke, rupture, or burst nto flame. v
CONTENTS UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT ....................................1 PREPARATION ...................................................................................2 ORIENTATION .....................................................................................6 PROGRAMMABLE AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ..................................10 BASIC OPERATIONS ........................................................................12 SCAN .................................................................................................15 FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION ............17 TRUNKING CALLS (ANALOG) .........................................................20 ADVANCED OPERATIONS ..............................................................22 BACKGROUND OPERATIONS ........................................................27 UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT Note: These unpacking instructions are for use by your Kenwood dealer, an authorized Kenwood service facility, or the factory. Carefully unpack the transceiver. If any items are missing or damaged, file a claim with the carrier immediately. SUPPlIED ACCESSOrIES Belt clip .................................................................................................
Speaker/ microphone jacks cap ...........................................................
Speaker/ microphone locking bracket ..................................................
Stopper .................................................................................................
Instruction manual ................................................................................
Note: Inquire at your dealer for a stopper.
PrEPArATION INSTAllING/ rEMOvING THE (OPTIONAl) BATTEry PACK 1 Match the guides of the battery pack with the grooves on the upper rear of the transceiver, then firmly press the battery pack in place. 2 Lock the safety catch to prevent accidentally releasing the battery pack. 3 To remove the battery pack, lift the safety catch, press the release latch, then pull the battery pack away from the transceiver. 2 1 3 Note:
For battery pack charging procedures and useage, refer to the battery charger Instruction Manual. The battery pack is not charged at the factory; charge it before use. Before charging a battery pack that is attached to the transceiver, ensure that the safety catch is firmly closed. INSTAllING/ rEMOvING AlKAlINE BATTErIES (OPTIONAl BATTEry CASE) Do not install batteries in a hazardous environment where sparks could cause an explosion. Never discard batteries in fire; extremely high temperatures can cause batteries to explode. Do not short circuit the battery case terminals. Do not use rechargeable batteries.
If you do not plan to use the transceiver for a long period, remove the batteries from the battery case. This battery case has been designed for transmitting at a power of approximately W (the low power setting on your transceiver). If you want to transmit a stronger signal (using the high power setting on your transceiver), use an optional rechargeable battery pack. 1 To open the battery case, press on the two tabs on the upper rear of the case, then pull the two halls apart. 2 Insert 6 AA (LR6) Alkaline batteries into the battery case. Be sure to match the polarities with those marked in the bottom of the battery case. 3 Align the tabs of the cover with the base, then push down on the cover until it locks in place. INSTAllING THE (OPTIONAl) ANTENNA Screw the antenna into the connector on the top of the transceiver by holding the antenna at its base and turning it clockwise until secure.
INSTAllING THE BElT ClIP Note: When first installing the belt clip, you must remove the battery pack from the rear of the transceiver. 1 Remove the screws from the rear of the transceiver, then remove the small, plastic black covering that was held in place. Insert the belt clip mount into the space on the rear of the transceiver. 2 Plastic covering 3 Using the screws, affix the belt clip in place. When the belt clip is not installed, leave the plastic covering in place. Do not use glue which is designed to prevent screw loosening when installing the belt clip, as it may cause damage to the transceiver. Acrylic ester, which is contained in these glues, may crack the transceivers back panel. INSTAllING THE CAP OvEr THE SPEAKEr/ MICrOPHONE JACKS Install the cap over the speaker/ microphone jacks when not using an optional speaker/ microphone. Note: To keep the transceiver water resistant, you must cover the speaker/ microphone jacks with the supplied cap. 1 Place the cap over the jacks so that the locking tabs insert into the transceiver grooves.
2 While holding the cap in place, push it towards the bottom of the transceiver until the tabs on the cap click into place. To remove the cap, hold the top of the cap in place with your finger while inserting a
mm or smaller flat blade screwdriver under the bottom of the cap. Slowly slide the screwdriver in until its tip touches the tab inside the cap, then gently pry the cap up
(handle of screwdriver moving away from the transceiver) to remove the cap. INSTAllING THE (OPTIONAl) SPEAKEr/ MICrOPHONE Note: The transceiver is not fully water resistant when using a speaker/ microphone or headset. 1 Insert the speaker/ microphone plugs into the speaker/ microphone jacks of the transceiver. 2 Place the locking bracket over the speaker/
microphone plugs so that the locking tabs insert into the transceiver grooves. 3 While holding the locking bracket in place, push it towards the bottom of the transceiver until the tabs on the bracket click into place. To remove the locking bracket, push the bracket up from the base.
OrIENTATION There are types available:
Type I: Equipped with a display and full keypad. Type II: Equipped with a display and -key keypad (S, A, <B, and C>). Type III: Basic models. Type I Antenna Microphone Battery pack Battery pack Type II Microphone Antenna Microphone Speaker 6 Type III Antenna Microphone Battery pack Speaker Transmit/ Receive/ Battery low indicator If enabled by your dealer, lights red while transmitting, green while receiving a call (Conventional channels only), and orange when receiving an optional signaling call. Blinks red when the battery power is low while transmitting. Selector knob Rotate to select a zone or channel/group ID (default). Power switch/ Volume control Rotate to turn the transceiver ON/OFF and to adjust the volume. Auxiliary (orange) key Press to activate its programmable function {page 0}. PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch Press and hold this switch, then speak into the microphone to call a station. Side 1 key Press to activate its programmable function {page 0}. The default is Squelch Off Momentary.
Side 2 key Press to activate its programmable function {page 0}. The default is Backlight. S, A, <B, C> key <Type I, II>
Press to activate its programmable function {page 0}. S key: The default setting is [None] (no function). A key: The default setting is [None] (no function).
<B key: The default setting is [Channel Down]. C> key: The default setting is [Channel Up]. Keypad <Type I>
Press these keys to send DTMF tones. These keys can also be programmed with secondary functions {page 0} if a programmable function key is programmed as Function. Speaker/ Microphone jacks Insert the Speaker/ Microphone or Headset plug into this jack.
Indicator Description Signal strength indicator {page }. Monitor or Squelch Off is activated. Blinks when an incoming call matches your Optional Signaling. Talk Around is activated. Scan is in progress. Blinks while scan is paused. A message is stored in memory. Blinks when a new message has arrived. The current channel is a Priority channel. The channel is using low transmit power. Scrambler/ Encryption is activated. Battery power indicator {page }. The current zone (left icon) or CH/GID
(right icon) is added to scan. VOX is activated. The auxiliary function is activated.
PrOGrAMMABlE AUXIlIAry FUNCTIONS The Selector, Auxiliary (orange), Side 1, Side 2, S, A, <B, and C> keys can be programmed with the functions listed below. Please contact your dealer for further details on these functions.
-tone ,
None Activity Detection Activity Reset Autodial
Autodial Programming
Auto Telephone ,
AUX Backlight
Battery Indicator
Call ~ 6 CH/GID Down Channel Entry
CH/GID Recall CH/GID Select
CH/GID Up CW Message 6 Direct CH/GID ~
Direct CH/GID Select ~
Display Format
Fixed Volume Forced Search
Function GPS Position Display
Group 6 Group + Short Message ,
Group + Status ,
0 Individual ,
Individual + Short Message ,
Individual + Status ,
Home CH/GID Select Key Lock Maintenance ,
Monitor Momentary
Lone Worker Low Transmit Power Operator Selectable Tone
(OST) , 0 Priority-channel Select
Scan Scan Delete/Add Scrambler/ Encryption Selcall , 0 Selcall + Short Message , 0 Selcall + Status , 0 Send the GPS data Site Down
Site Lock
Site Select
Site Up
Squelch Level , 0 Squelch Off 0 Squelch Off Momentary 0 Stack
Short Message
Talk Around Telephone Disconnect
Transceiver Password
Zone Delete/Add Zone Down Zone Select
Zone Up
Available only for Type I, II.
Available only for Analog Trunking operation.
Available only for Type III.
Available only for NXDN Trunking operation.
Can be programmed only on the Selector. 6 Available only for NXDN Conventional operation.
Can be programmed only on the Auxiliary (orange) key.
Available only for NXDN Conventional operation, and NXDN Trunking operation.
Available only for Analog Conventional, Analog Trunking, and NXDN Conventional operation.
0 Available only for Analog Conventional operation.
Available only for Analog Conventional and NXDN Conventional operation.
BASIC OPErATIONS SwITCHING POwEr ON/OFF Turn the Power switch/ Volume control clockwise to switch the transceiver ON. Turn the Power switch/ Volume control counterclockwise fully to switch the transceiver OFF. Transceiver Password <Type I, II>
If your transceiver is password protected, you must first enter the password before you can use the transceiver. 1 Rotate the Selector to select the first digit of the password. 2 Press the C> key to accept the entry and move to the next digit. Press the A or # key to delete an incorrect digit. 3 Repeat steps and to enter the entire password. The password can contain a maximum of 6 digits. 4 Press the S or key to confirm the entered password. If you enter an incorrect password, an error tone sounds and the transceiver remains locked. ADJUSTING THE vOlUME Rotate the Power switch/ Volume control to adjust the volume. Clockwise increases the volume and counterclockwise decreases it. SElECTING A ZONE AND CHANNEl/GrOUP ID Select the desired zone using the key programmed as [Zone Select] or [Zone Up/Down]. Each zone contains a group of channels. Select the desired channel/group ID using the Selector knob
(default). Each channel/group ID is programmed with settings for transmitting and receiving.
TrANSMITTING 1 Select the desired zone and channel/group ID. 2 Press the key programmed as [Monitor] or [Squelch Off]
to check whether or not the channel is free. If the channel is busy, wait until it becomes free. 3 Press the PTT switch and speak into the microphone. Release the PTT switch to receive. For best sound quality, hold the transceiver approximately
. inches ( ~ cm) from your mouth. Making Group Calls (Digital) <Type I, II>
If a key has been programmed with [Group] or [Group +
Status], you can select a group ID from the list to make a call to those parties on a Conventional channel. To select a group ID:
1 Press the key programmed as [Group] or [Group +
Status]. 2 Press the <B or C> key programmed to select a group ID/name from the list. 3 Press and hold the PTT switch to make the call. Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission. Making Individual Calls (Digital) <Type I, II>
If a key has been programmed with [Individual] or
[Individual + Status], you can make calls to specific persons. 1 Press the key programmed as [Individual] or
[Individual + Status]. 2 Press the <B or C> to select a unit ID from the list. On Type I, you can enter a unit ID directly. 3 Press and hold the PTT switch to make the call. Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.
rECEIvING Select the desired zone and channel. If signaling has been programmed on the selected channel, you will hear a call only if the received signal matches your transceiver settings. Note: Signaling allows your transceiver to code your calls. This will prevent you from listening to unwanted calls. Refer to SIGNALING on page for details. receiving Group Calls (Digital) When you receive a group call on a Conventional channel and the received group ID matches the ID set up on your transceiver, you can hear the callers voice. When you receive a group call on a Trunking channel, the transceiver automatically switches to the communications channel to receive the call. receiving Individual Calls (Digital) When you receive an individual call, a ringing tone will sound and the callers ID will appear on the display <Type I, II>. To respond to the call, press and hold the PTT switch and speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal transmission.
SCAN Scan monitors for signals on the transceiver channels. While scanning, the transceiver checks for a signal on each channel and only stops if a signal is present. To begin scanning, press the key programmed as [Scan]. The The LED blinks green. When a signal is detected on a channel, Scan pauses at that indicator on the display <Type I, II>. channel. The transceiver will remain on the busy channel until the signal is no longer present, at which time Scan resumes. To stop scanning, press the [Scan] key again. Note: To use Scan, there must be at least channels in the scan sequence. TEMPOrAry CHANNEl lOCKOUT During scan, you can temporarily remove specific channels from the scanning sequence by selecting them and pressing the key programmed as [Scan Delete/Add]. The channel is no longer scanned. However, when scanning is ended and restarted, the channels are reset and deleted channels will again be in the scanning sequence. PrIOrITy SCAN If a Priority channel has been programmed, the transceiver will automatically change to the Priority channel when a call is received on that channel, even if call is being received on a normal channel. The indicator appears when the selected channel is the Priority channel (depending on dealer setting) <Type I, II>.
SCAN rEvErT The Scan Revert channel is the channel selected when you press the PTT switch to transmit during scan. Your dealer can program one of the following types of Scan Revert channels:
Selected: The last channel selected before scan. Selected + Talkback: Same as Selected, plus you can respond to calls on the channel at which scan is paused. Priority: The Priority channel. Priority + Talkback: Same as Priority, plus you can respond to calls on the channel at which scan is paused. Last Called + Selected: The last channel on which you receive a call. SCAN DElETE/ADD You can add and remove zones and/or channels/group IDs to and from your scan list. 1 Select your desired zone and/or channel/group ID. 2 Press the key programmed as [Zone Delete/Add] (to add/remove zones) or [Scan Delete/Add] (to add/remove channels/group IDs) <Type I, II>. You can also press and hold the key programmed as [Scan Delete/Add] to add/remove zones.
6 FleetSync: AlPHANUMErIC 2-wAy PAGING FUNCTION FleetSync is an Alphanumeric -way Paging Function, and is a protocol owned by Kenwood Corporation. Note: This function is available only in analog operation. SElCAll (SElECTIvE CAllING) A Selcall is a voice call to a station or group of stations. Transmitting <Type I, II>
1 Select your desired zone and channel. 2 Press the key programmed as [Selcall] or [Selcall +
Status] to enter Selcall mode. 3 Press the <B or C> key to select the station you want to call. On keypad models, if Manual Dialing is enabled, you can directly enter the station ID. 4 Press the PTT switch and begin your conversation. receiving An alert tone will sound and the transceiver will enter Selcall mode. The calling stations ID will appear when a Selcall is received <Type I, II>. You can respond to the call by pressing the PTT switch and speaking into the microphone. Identification Codes An ID code is a combination of a -digit Fleet number and a
-digit ID number. Each transceiver has its own ID. Enter a Fleet number (00 ~ ) to make a group call. Enter an ID number (000 ~ ) to make an individual call in your fleet. Enter a Fleet number to make a call to all units in the selected fleet (Fleet call). Enter an ID number to make a call to the selected ID in all fleets (Supervisor call).
Select ALL Fleet and ALL ID to make a call to all units
(Broadcast call). STATUS MESSAGE <TyPE I, II>
You can send and receive -digit Status messages which may be decided in your talk group. Messages can contain up to 6 alphanumeric characters. Status messages range from 0 to
(0 ~ are reserved for special messages). A maximum of received messages (combined status messages and short messages) can be stored in the stack memory of your transceiver. Transmitting 1 Select your desired zone and channel. 2 Press the key programmed as [Status] to enter Status mode (proceed to step ) or [Selcall + Status] to enter Selcall mode (proceed to step ). 3 Press the <B or C> key to select the station you want to call. If Manual Dialing is enabled, you can enter a station ID by using the DTMF keypad, or by using the <B or C> key. When using the <B or C> key, cycle through the digits to select a digit, then press the S key to set the digit and move the cursor to the right. Repeat this process until the entire ID is entered. 4 Press the S key to enter Status mode. 5 Press the <B or C> key to select the status you want to transmit. If Manual Dialing is enabled, you can enter a status ID by using the DTMF keypad, or by using the <B or C> key
(refer to step , above). 6 Press the PTT switch or Side 2 key to initiate the call. COMPLETE appears on the display when the status has been successfully transmitted.
receiving A calling ID or text message will appear when a Status call is received. Press any key to return to normal operation. reviewing Messages in the Stack Memory 1 Press the key programmed as [Stack], or press and hold the key programmed as [Selcall], [Status], or [Selcall +
Status] to enter Stack mode. The last received message is displayed. 2 Press the <B or C> key to select the desired message. Message types are identified as follows:
I: Caller ID, S: Status Message, M: Short Message Press and hold the S key for second to cycle the display information as follows:
ID Name > Status/Short Message > CH/GID > Time Stamp 3 Press the Side 1 key to return to normal operation. To delete the selected message, press the A key. To confirm the deletion, Press the S key. To delete all messages, press and hold the A or # key for
second. To confirm the deletion, Press the S or key. SHOrT/lONG MESSAGES Received short messages are displayed the same as Status messages and are stored in the same stack memory (Type I, II). To send short messages, and to send and receive long messages, you must connect the transceiver to a PC. Ask your dealer for details. GPS rEPOrT To send your location data, you must first connect a GPS unit to the transceiver. GPS data can be manually transmitted by pressing the key programmed as [Send the GPS data]. If set up by your dealer, GPS data may be automatically transmitted at a preset time interval.
TrUNKING CAllS (ANAlOG) PlACING A DISPATCH CAll 1 Select the desired zone and group ID using the selector and the Zone or CH/GID keys. 2 Press and hold the PTT switch. 3 If the PTT Proceed tone sounds, communication is possible; start speaking into the microphone. Release the PTT switch to receive. For best sound quality at the receiving station, hold the microphone approximately . inches ( ~ cm) from your mouth. Your dealer can deactivate the Proceed PTT tone, if necessary. Ask your dealer for details. rECEIvING A DISPATCH CAll 1 When a dispatch call is received, the transceiver will automatically change to the correct group ID and you will hear the call. 2 Readjust the volume as necessary. PlACING A TElEPHONE CAll 1 Select the desired zone and group ID using the selector and the Zone or CH/GID keys. Alternatively, you can press the key programmed as [Auto Telephone] to automatically search for a Telephone Repeater. 2 Press and hold the PTT switch for approximately second to ensure a connection. Confirm that there is a dial tone after you release the PTT switch. 3 Place the call, following the instructions for making a DTMF call, starting on page .
0 4 When the called party responds, press the PTT switch and speak into the microphone. Release the PTT switch to receive. Only one person can speak at a time. 5 To end the call, press and hold the PTT switch, then press the # key or the key programmed as [Telephone Disconnect]. rECEIvING A TElEPHONE CAll 1 When a telephone call is received, the transceiver will automatically change to the correct group ID and you will hear the call. A ringer tone will sound when a call is received. 2 Press and hold the PTT switch to speak, and release it to receive. Only one person can speak at a time. 3 To end the call, press and hold the PTT switch, then press the # key or the key programmed as Telephone Disconnect.
Manual Dialing <Type I>
1 Press and hold the PTT switch. 2 Enter the desired digits using the DTMF keypad. If you release the PTT switch, transmit mode will end even if the complete number has not been sent. If the Keypad Auto PTT function has been enabled by your dealer, you do not need to press the PTT switch to transmit; you can make the call simply pressing the DTMF keys. Store & Send 1 Press the key programmed as [Autodial]. 2 Enter up to 0 digits using the DTMF keypad. Alternatively, you can enter digits by using the <B or C>
key . 3 Press the PTT switch to make the call. Autodial <Type I, II>
Autodial allows you to quickly call DTMF numbers that have been programmed onto your transceiver. 1 Press the key programmed as Autodial. The first entry in the Autodial list appears on the display. 2 Press the <B or C> key to select your desired Autodial list number, or enter the list number directly (0 ~ ). The stored entry appears on the display. 3 Press the PTT switch to make the call. Stun Code This function is used when a transceiver is stolen or lost. When the transceiver receives a call containing a stun
code, the transceiver becomes disabled. The stun code is cancelled when the transceiver receives a call with a revive code. EMErGENCy CAllS If your transceiver has been programmed with the Emergency function, you can make emergency calls. 1 Press and hold the key programmed as [Emergency]. Ask your dealer for the length of time necessary to hold this key before the transceiver enters Emergency mode. When the transceiver enters Emergency mode, it will change to the Emergency channel and begin transmitting based on how it is set up by your dealer. 2 To exit Emergency mode, press the [Emergency] key again. If the Emergency mode completes a preset number of cycles, Emergency mode will automatically end and the transceiver will return to the zone and channel that was in use before Emergency mode was entered. Note:
Your dealer can set the transceiver to emit a tone when transmitting in Emergency mode. Your dealer can set the transceiver to emit tones and received signals as normal, or mute the speaker during Emergency operation. Activity Detection Press the key programmed as [Activity Detection], toggle Activity Detection ON and OFF. If an event occurs while Activity Detection is enabled, the transceiver enters Emergency mode. Note:
When Activity Detection has been turned off, and the transceiver power is then turned off and back on, Activity Detection is automatically enabled. When using this function, verify that it operates before taking the transceiver.
Activity reset While Activity Detection is active, press the key programmed as [Activity Reset] to reset the Activity Detection countdown timer. This will allow you to remain in a tilted or stationary position, etc., without the Emergency mode activating unnecessarily. SCrAMBlEr Press the key programmed as [Scrambler/ Encryption], to switch the transceiver to secure (encrypted) transmission. Pressing the PTT switch after the Scrambler function has been turned ON encrypts the transmitted signal. SIGNAlING Quiet Talk (QT)/ Digital Quiet Talk (DQT) Your dealer may have programmed QT or DQT signaling on your transceiver channels. A QT tone/ DQT code is a sub-audible tone/code which allows you to ignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel. Operator Selectable Tone <Type I, II>
If a key has been programmed with [OST], you can reprogram the QT/DQT settings on each of your channels. 1 Select your desired channel. 2 Press and hold the key programmed as [OST] for
second. 3 Press the <B or C> key to select your desired tone or code. Your dealer can set up to 0 tones/codes. 4 Press the S key to save your new setting. 5 When you have finished operating using OST, press the
[OST key again to turn the OST function OFF.
radio Access Number (rAN) RAN is a new signaling system designed for digital radio communications. When a channel is set up with a RAN, squelch will only open when a call containing a matching RAN is received. If a call containing a different RAN is made on the same channel you are using, you will not hear the call. This allows you to ignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel. Optional Signaling Your dealer may also program several types of optional signaling for your transceiver channels. DTMF Signaling : DTMF Signaling opens the squelch only when the transceiver receives a call containing a matching DTMF code. FleetSync Signaling : Refer to SELCALL (SELECTIVE CALLING) on page . NXDN ID Signaling: NXDN ID is an optional signaling system available only for digital communications. vOICE OPErATED TrANSMISSION (vOX) VOX can be activated or deactivated by your dealer. VOX operation allows you to transmit hands-free. Note: To operate VOX, you must use an optional headset. vOX Gain level <Type I, II>
1 Connect the headset to the transceiver. 2 Press the key programmed as [VOX]. The current VOX Gain level appears on the display. 3 Press the <B or C> key to increase or decrease the VOX Gain level. The VOX Gain can be adjusted from levels to 0.
4 While adjusting the level, speak into the headset microphone to test the sensitivity level. (Your voice is not transmitted during this test procedure.) When sound is recognized, the LED lights orange. 5 Press the S key to save the setting. vOX Operation 1 Connect the headset to the transceiver. 2 Press and hold the key programmed as [VOX] for
seconds. 3 To transmit, simply speak into the microphone. The transceiver recognizes sound levels depending on the VOX Gain level. If it is too sensitive, it will transmit when there is noise in the background. If it is not sensitive enough, it will not pick up your voice when you begin speaking. 4 When you finish speaking, transmission ends. 5 To turn the VOX function OFF, press and hold the
[VOX] key again, for seconds. Note: If a speaker/ microphone is connected to the transceiver while VOX is ON, and the VOX Gain Level is set to a sensitive level, louder received signals may cause the transceiver to transmit.
6 BACKGrOUND OPErATIONS Your dealer can activate a variety of transceiver functions to perform without any additional operation on your part. TIME-OUT TIMEr (TOT) The Time-out Timer is used to prevent you from using a channel for an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for a preset time, the transceiver will stop transmitting and an alert tone will sound. Release the PTT switch. BATTEry SAvEr The Battery Saver can be activated only on Conventional channels. This function decreases the amount of power used when a signal is not being received and no operations are being performed. KEy lOCK Press the key programmed as [Key Lock] to lock and unlock the transceiver keys. The following keys still function when Key Lock is activated:
Emergency, Backlight, Monitor, Monitor Momentary, Squelch Off, Squelch Off Momentary, Function, Key Lock, PTT. lOw BATTEry wArNING <TyPE I, II>
Your dealer can set an alert tone to sound and the LED indicator to blink red when the battery power is low. The battery power icon displays the battery power remaining, as described in the table below. When the battery power is very low, recharge or replace the battery pack. High Sufficient Low Very low
Press the key programmed as [Battery Indicator]. The LED lights for seconds, displaying the battery power remaining, as described in the table below. When the battery power is very low, recharge or replace the battery pack. Lights Red Lights Orange Lights Green Blinks Red High Sufficient Low Very low SIGNAl STrENGTH INDICATOr <TyPE I, II>
The signal strength indicator displays the strength of received calls. No icon appears when no signal is available. Strong Sufficient Weak Very weak flashes when out of range (NXDN Trunking only). COMPANDEr If programmed by your dealer for a channel, the compander will remove excessive noise from transmitted signals, to provide higher clarity of signals. Note: The COMPANDER is used only in analog operation. BUSy CHANNEl lOCKOUT (BCl) On Conventional channels, if BCL is set up by your dealer, you will be unable to transmit if the channel is already in use. Use a different channel or wait until the channel becomes free. If BCL Override has been programmed, you can transmit over the current signal:
1 Press and hold the PTT switch. If the channel is already in use, a warning tone will sound. 2 Quickly release and then press the PTT switch again. 3 Speak into the transceiver as you would during a normal call.
CONTrOl CHANNEl HUNT On digital Trunking channels, the transceiver automatically searches for a control channel. While searching for a control channel, the antenna icon will flash
<Type I, II> and no signals can be received. PTT ID PTT ID is the transceiver unique ID code which is sent each time the PTT switch is pressed and/or released. Note: PTT ID can be made only in analog operation.
Radio FRequency eneRgy SaFety inFoRmation This Kenwood transceiver has been tested and complies with the standards listed below, in regards to Radio Frequency (RF) energy and electromagnetic energy (EME) generated by the transceiver. FCC RF exposure limits for Occupational Use Only. RF Exposure limits adopted by the FCC are generally based on recommendations from the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, & the American National Standards Institute. FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C American National Standards Institute (C95.1 1992) American National Standards Institute (C95.3 1992) This Kenwood transceiver generates RF EME while transmitting. RF EME (Radio Frequency Electric &
Magnetic Energy) has the potential to cause slight thermal, or heating effects to any part of your body less than the recommended distance from this radio transmitters antenna. RF energy exposure is determined primarily by the distance to and the power of the transmitting device. In general, RF exposure is minimized when the lowest possible power is used or transmission time is kept to the minimum required for consistent communications, and the greatest distance possible from the antenna to the body is maintained. The transceiver has been designed for and is classified for Occupational Use Only. Occupational/ controlled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which persons are exposed to RF energy as a consequence of their employment, and such persons have been made aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. This means you can use the transceiver only if you are aware of the potential hazards of operating a transceiver and are familiar in ways to minimize these hazards. This transceiver is not intended for use by the general public in uncontrolled environments. Uncontrolled environment exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed to RF energy, or in which the persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. The following list provides you with the information required to ensure that you are aware of RF exposure and of how to operate this transceiver so that the FCC RF exposure limitations are not exceeded. While transmitting (holding the PTT switch or speaking with VOX enabled), always keep the antenna and the radio at least 3 cm (1 3/16 inches) from your body or face, as well as from any bystanders. A LED on the top of the radio shows red when the transmitter is operating in both PTT and VOX modes. Do not transmit for more than 50% of the total transceiver use time; transmitting over 50% of the total use time may exceed the limits in accordance to the FCC RF exposure requirements. Nominal transceiver operation is 5% transmission time, 5% reception time, and 90% stand-by time. Use only the specified antenna for this transceiver; this may be either the antenna provided with the transceiver or another antenna authorized by Kenwood. Use only Kenwood authorized accessories (antennas, battery packs, belt clips, Speaker/ Mics or headsets etc.): When worn on the body, always place the radio in a Kenwood recommended clip or carrying case meant for this product. The use of other than recommended or approved body- worn accessories may result in RF exposure levels which exceed the FCCs occupational/ controlled environment RF exposure limits. To ensure that your exposure to RF EME is within the FCC limits for occupational use, you must observe and adhere to the above points. Electromagnetic Interference Compatibility Electronic devices are susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if they are not adequately shielded or designed for electromagnetic compatibility. Because this transceiver generates RF energy, it can cause interference to such equipment. Turn OFF your transceiver where signs are posted to do so. Hospitals and health care facilities use Turn OFF your transceiver while on board an aircraft when so instructed. Use of the transceiver must B59-2546-00 equipment that is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. be in accordance with airline regulations and/or crew instructions.