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A Install the KOHLER Konnect Module RF Exposure Warning
*This equipment complies with FCC, IC, and CE radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
*This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 7-7/8 (200 mm) between the radiator and your body. Note: Before installing Konnect Module make sure the following hardware/software versions are in place:
Software Hardware 7.44 99693-P-NA UI 8.11 99693-P-NA Eco UI 99695-NA Controller 3.75 99695-E-NA Eco Controller 4.14 Update UI and controller software if ! appears on the UI screen. This product is for use with a DTV+ system. 1. Plug the cable into the controller and create a drip loop. 2. Download the KOHLER Konnect App. 3. Follow the App instructions to enable the bridge. 4. Use hook and loop to attach the module to a wall or stud frame, within 6 (1.8 m) of the controller and in a location that will not block a WiFi signal. If more than 6 (1.8 m) is required, use a standard eithernet cable or connector to extend it. Need help? Contact the KOHLER Customer Care Center at 1-800-4KOHLER (1-800-456-4537). Install the KOHLER Konnect Module RF Exposure Warning
*This equipment complies with FCC, IC, and CE radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
*This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 7-7/8 (200 mm) between the radiator and your body. Note: Before installing Konnect Module make sure the following hardware/software versions are in place:
Software Hardware 7.44 99693-P-NA UI 8.11 99693-P-NA Eco UI 3.75 99695-NA Controller 99695-E-NA Eco Controller 4.14 Update UI and controller software if ! appears on the UI 1332919-2-A 3241Kohler Co.1PROOF screen. This product is for use with a DTV+ system. 1. Plug the cable into the controller and create a drip loop. 2. Download the KOHLER Konnect App. 3. Follow the App instructions to enable the bridge. 4. Use hook and loop to attach the module to a wall or stud frame, within 6 (1.8 m) of the controller and in a location that will not block a WiFi signal. If more than 6 (1.8 m) is required, use a standard eithernet cable or connector to extend it. Need help? Contact the KOHLER Customer Care Center at 1-800-4KOHLER (1-800-456-4537). Install the KOHLER Konnect Module RF Exposure Warning
*This equipment complies with FCC, IC, and CE radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
*This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 7-7/8 (200 mm) between the radiator and your body. Note: Before installing Konnect Module make sure the following hardware/software versions are in place:
Software Hardware 7.44 99693-P-NA UI 8.11 99693-P-NA Eco UI 99695-NA Controller 3.75 99695-E-NA Eco Controller 4.14 Update UI and controller software if ! appears on the UI screen. This product is for use with a DTV+ system. 1. Plug the cable into the controller and create a drip loop. 2. Download the KOHLER Konnect App. 3. Follow the App instructions to enable the bridge. 4. Use hook and loop to attach the module to a wall or stud frame, within 6 (1.8 m) of the controller and in a location that will not block a WiFi signal. If more than 6 (1.8 m) is required, use a standard eithernet cable or connector to extend it. Need help? Contact the KOHLER Customer Care Center at 1-800-4KOHLER (1-800-456-4537). 2019 Kohler Co. 1332919-2-A USA/Canada: 1-800-4KOHLER Mexico: 001-800-456-4537 kohler.comConformidad del productoFCC ID: N82-KOHLER029 IC: 4554A-KOHLER029Este dispositivo cumple las normas FCC seccin 15 y RSS de excepcin de licencia de la Industria de Canad. La operacin de este equipo est sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:1. Este equipo o dispositivo no puede causar interferencia perjudicial, y 2. Este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia que reciba, incluida la interferencia que pudiera causar funcionamiento no deseado.Cualquier modificacin o cambio que no haya sido aprobado expresamente por la parte responsable de la conformidad podra invalidar el derecho del usuario a utilizar el producto.Este equipo ha sido probado, y se ha encontrado que satisface los lmites de un aparato digital Clase B, de acuerdo a la seccin 15 de las normas de la FCC. Estos lmites estn diseados para proveer proteccin razonable contra interferencia perjudicial en una instalacin residencial. Este equipo genera, usa y puede radiar energa de radiofrecuencia y, si no se instala y utiliza en cumplimiento de las instrucciones, puede causar interferencia perjudicial a las comunicaciones de radio. Sin embargo, no se garantiza que la interferencia no pudiera ocurrir en una instalacin en particular. Si este equipo causa interferencia perjudicial a la recepcin de radio o televisin, lo que se puede determinar al encender y apagar el equipo, se le recomienda al usuario que trate de corregir la interferencia mediante una de las siguientes medidas:Cambiar la orientacin o el lugar de la antena receptora.Aumentar la separacin entre el equipo y el receptor.Conectar el equipo a un tomacorriente en un circuito diferente al que utiliza el receptor.Consultar al distribuidor o a un tcnico con experiencia en radio/televisin para obtener ayuda.Garanta limitada de cinco aos de las griferas electrnicas, vlvulas y controles KOHLERKohler Co. garantiza que las griferas electrnicas, vlvulas y controles estarn libres de defectos de material y mano de obra durante el uso normal residencial, por cinco aos a partir de la fecha de instalacin del producto. Esta garanta se aplica slo a la grifera electrnica, vlvulas y controles instalados en los Estados Unidos de Amrica, Canad y Mxico (Norteamrica).Si se encuentra un defecto durante el uso residencial normal, Kohler Co., a su criterio, reparar, proveer una pieza de repuesto o producto, o realizar los ajustes pertinentes en los casos en que la inspeccin realizada por Kohler Co. determine dicho defecto. Esta garanta no cubre daos causados por accidente, abuso o uso indebido. El cuidado y la limpieza indebidos anularn la garanta*. Al presentar las reclamaciones de garanta a Kohler Co., es necesario incluir la prueba de compra (recibo de venta original). Kohler Co. no se hace responsable de costos de mano de obra, instalacin u otros costos incidentales o indirectos, aparte de los mencionados arriba. En ningn caso la responsabilidad de Kohler Co. exceder el precio de compra de la grifera, vlvula o control.Si la grifera electrnica, vlvulas o controles se utilizan comercialmente o se instalan fuera del territorio de Norteamrica, Kohler Co. garantiza que la grifera, vlvula o control est libre de defectos de material y mano de obra por un (1) ao, a partir de la fecha de instalacin, estando en efecto todas las dems condiciones de esta garanta, excepto la duracin.Si usted considera que tiene una reclamacin en virtud de la garanta, comunquese con su centro de remodelacin, distribuidor, contratista de plomera o distribuidor por Internet. Por favor, asegrese de proporcionar toda la informacin pertinente a su reclamacin, incluyendo una descripcin completa del problema, el producto, el nmero de modelo, la fecha de compra del producto, el lugar de compra del producto, y la fecha de instalacin. Tambin incluya el recibo original. Para informacin adicional, o para obtener el nombre y direccin del lugar de reparacin y servicio ms cercano a usted, escriba a Kohler Co., Attn: Customer Care Center, Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USA, o llame al 1-800-4-KOHLER (1-800-456-4537) desde los EE.UU. y Canad, y al 001-800-456-4537 desde Mxico, o visite www.kohler.com desde los EE.UU., www.ca.kohler.com desde Canad, o www.mx.kohler.com en Mxico.LAS GARANTAS ANTERIORMENTE MENCIONADAS SUSTITUYEN TODAS LAS DEMS GARANTAS, EXPRESAS O IMPLCITAS, INCLUYENDO, ENTRE OTRAS, LAS GARANTAS IMPLCITAS DE COMERCIALIZACIN E IDONEIDAD PARA UN USO DETERMINADO.KOHLER CO. Y/O EL VENDEDOR DESCARGAN TODA RESPONSABILIDAD POR CONCEPTO DE DAOS PARTICULARES, INCIDENTALES O INDIRECTOS. Algunos estados/provincias no permiten limitaciones en cuanto a la duracin de una garanta implcita o a la exclusin o limitacin de dichos daos, por lo que estas limitaciones y exclusiones pueden no aplicar a su caso. Esta garanta otorga al consumidor ciertos derechos legales especficos. Adems, usted puede tener otros derechos que varan de estado a estado y provincia a provincia. Esta garanta est destinada nicamente para el comprador consumidor original y excluye todo dao al producto como resultado de errores de instalacin, abuso del producto o uso indebido del mismo, bien sea por parte de un contratista, compaa de servicios o el consumidor mismo.sta es la garanta exclusiva por escrito de Kohler Co.*Nunca utilice limpiadores que contengan limpiadores abrasivos, amoniaco, blanqueador, cidos, ceras, alcohol, disolventes u otros productos no recomendados para el cromo. Esto anular la garanta.Conformit du produitFCC ID: N82-KOHLER029 IC: 4554A-KOHLER029Cet appareil est conforme la section 15 des rglementations de la FCC et de la/des normes RSS dexemption de licence dIndustrie Canada. Le fonctionnement de lappareil est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:1. Cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer dinterfrences nfastes, et 2. Cet appareil doit tolrer les interfrences reues, y compris celles qui risquent de provoquer un fonctionnement indsirable.Tous changements ou modifications non expressment approuvs par la partie responsable garantissant la conformit, pourraient annuler le droit lutilisateur doprer lquipement.Cet appareil a t test et est considr conforme aux limitations dun appareil numrique de classe B, selon la section 15 des rglementations FCC.Ces limites sont conues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre toute interfrence nuisible lors dune installation rsidentielle. Cet appareil gnre, utilise et peut mettre une nergie de radiofrquence et, sil nest pas install et utilis conformment aux instructions, pourrait tre la cause dinterfrences nuisibles aux communications par radio. Cependant, il nest pas garanti quaucune interfrence naura lieu dans une installation particulire. Si cet quipement cause des interfrences radio nuisibles la rception de radio ou de tlvision, ce qui peut tre dtermin en teignant lquipement et en le rallumant, lutilisateur est encourag essayer de rectifier cette interfrence par lun des moyens suivants:Rorienter ou changer lemplacement de lantenne de rception.Augmenter la sparation entre lquipement et le rcepteur.Brancher lquipement sur une prise dun circuit diffrent de celui auquel le rcepteur est connect.Consulter un revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV expriment pour obtenir de lassistance.Garantie limite de cinq ans pour les robinets, valves et contrles lectroniques KOHLERKohler Co. garantit les robinets, valves et contrles lectroniques contre tout vice de matriau et de fabrication lors dune utilisation domestique normale, pendant cinq ans partir de la date dinstallation du produit. La prsente garantie sapplique uniquement aux robinets, valves et contrles lectroniques installs aux tats-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique (Amrique du Nord).En cas de vice lors dune utilisation domestique normale, Kohler Co. choisira, sa discrtion, la rparation, le remplacement de la pice ou du produit, ou la rectification approprie. Tout dommage caus par un accident, une mauvaise utilisation ou un mauvais traitement nest pas couvert par la prsente garantie. Un entretien et un nettoyage inadquats annulent la garantie*. Une preuve dachat (ticket de caisse dorigine) doit tre prsente Kohler Co. avec toutes les rclamations au titre de la garantie. Kohler Co. nest pas responsable des frais de main-duvre, dinstallation ou de tout autre frais particulier accessoire ou indirect que ceux susmentionns. La responsabilit de Kohler Co. ne dpassera en aucun cas le prix dachat du robinet, de la valve ou du contrle.Si les robinets, les valves ou les contrles lectroniques sont utiliss dans un commerce ou si ces articles sont installs en dehors dAmrique du Nord, Kohler Co. garantit les robinets, les valves ou les contrles contre tout vice de matriau et de fabrication pendant un (1) an partir de la date dinstallation dudit produit, et toutes les autres modalits de la prsente garantie sappliquent lexception de sa dure.Pour toute rclamation au titre de la prsente garantie, contacter le vendeur, plombier, centre de rnovation ou revendeur par internet. Fournir tous les renseignements pertinents la rclamation, dont notamment une description complte du problme et du produit, le numro de modle, la date et le lieu dachat du produit, ainsi que la date de son installation. Joindre galement loriginal de la facture. Pour de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir les coordonnes du service de rparation le plus proche, crire Kohler Co., Attn: Customer Care Center, Kohler, Wisconsin 53044, USA, ou appeler le 1-800-4-KOHLER (1-800-456-4537) partir des .-U. et du Canada, et le 001-800-456-4537 partir du Mexique, ou consulter le site www.kohler.com aux .-U., www.ca.kohler.com partir du Canada, ou www.mx.kohler.com au Mexique.LES GARANTIES SUSMENTIONNES SONT FOURNIES AU LIEU ET PLACE DE TOUTES AUTRES GARANTIES, EXPRESSES OU TACITES, Y COMPRIS LES GARANTIES TACITES DE COMMERCIALIT ET DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER.KOHLER CO. ET/OU LE REVENDEUR DCLINENT TOUTE RESPONSABILIT CONTRE LES DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS, ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS. Certains tats et provinces ne permettent pas de limite sur la dure de la garantie tacite, ni lexclusion ou la limite des dommages, et, par consquent, lesdites limites et exclusions peuvent ne pas sappliquer votre cas. La prsente garantie accorde au consommateur des droits juridiques particuliers. Vous pouvez galement avoir dautres droits qui varient dun tat ou dune province lautre. La prsente garantie est accorde uniquement lacqureur dorigine et exclut tous dommages dus une mauvaise installation, un usage abusif ou une mauvaise utilisation du produit, quils soient effectus par un entrepreneur, une socit de services ou le consommateur.Ceci constitue la garantie crite exclusive de Kohler Co.*Ne jamais utiliser de nettoyants contenant des agents abrasifs, de lammoniaque, de leau de Javel, des acides, des cires, de lalcool, des dissolvants ou autres produits non recommands pour le chrome. Ceci annulera la garantie.Product ComplianceFCC ID: N82-KOHLER029 IC: 4554A-KOHLER029This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.KOHLER Electronic Faucets, Valves, and Controls Five-Year Limited WarrantyKohler Co. warrants that its electronic faucets, valves and controls will be free of defects in material and workmanship during normal residential use for five years from the date the product is installed. This warranty applies only to electronic faucets, valves and controls installed in the United States of America, Canada and Mexico (North America).If a defect is found in normal residential use, Kohler Co. will, at its election, repair, provide a replacement part or product, or make appropriate adjustment where Kohler Co.s inspection discloses any such defect. Damage caused by accident, misuse, or abuse is not covered by this warranty. Improper care and cleaning will void the warranty*. Proof of purchase (original sales receipt) must be provided to Kohler Co. with all warranty claims. Kohler Co. is not responsible for labor charges, installation, or other incidental or consequential costs other than those noted above. In no event shall the liability of Kohler Co. exceed the purchase price of the faucet, valve or control.If the electronic faucets, valves or controls are used commercially or are installed outside of North America, Kohler Co. warrants that the faucet, valve or control will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one (1) year from the date the product is installed, with all other terms of this warranty applying except duration.If you believe that you have a warranty claim, contact your Home Center, Dealer, Plumbing Contractor or E-tailer. Please be sure to provide all pertinent information regarding your claim, including a complete description of the problem, the product, model number, the date the product was purchased, from whom the product was purchased and the installation date. Also include your original invoice. For other information, or to obtain the name and address of the service and repair facility nearest you, write Kohler Co., Attn: Customer Care Center, Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USA, or by calling 1-800-4-KOHLER (1-800-456-4537) from within the USA and Canada, and 001-800-456-4537 from within Mexico, or visit www.kohler.com within the USA, www.ca.kohler.com from within Canada, or www.mx.kohler.com in Mexico.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.KOHLER CO. AND/OR SELLER DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of such damages, so these limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives the consumer specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state/province to state/province. This warranty is to the original consumer purchaser only, and excludes product damage due to installation error, product abuse, or product misuse, whether performed by a contractor, service company, or the consumer.This is Kohler Co.s exclusive written warranty.*Never use cleaners containing abrasive cleansers, ammonia, bleach, acids, waxes, alcohol, solvents or other products not recommended for chrome. This will void the warranty.PROOF