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Users Manual | Users Manual | 1.11 MiB | July 08 2001 | |||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 | RF Exposure Info | |||||||
1 | RF Exposure Info | |||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 | External Photos | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | ID Label/Location Info | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Internal Photos | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | |||||||
1 | RF Exposure Info | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | July 08 2001 | ||||||
1 | Test Setup Photos | July 08 2001 |
1 | Users Manual | Users Manual | 1.11 MiB | July 08 2001 |
CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone User Guide Model: LSP-3000 A CAUTION For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at FCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION In August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations. Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for replacement antenna. Body-worn Operation This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the phone kept 2.54 cm. from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, maintain a 2.54 cm. separation distance between the users body and the phone, including the antenna. LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 REVISED HISTORY 2001/07/10 | ISSUE1 initial Release po LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 Blank Page LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 CONTENTS HIQHHIQHt .......... eee ee cceeeeceeceeeeseeseeeceeceseeseeeeseesaecssseessesseseesesaueeeneeaaenenseasaseesenseeassaceneateceeeteees 7 1. Important Information... eee eee tee eeeee cee eeneeeeaeeeesceasneneesenenaesesasaeenneaeees 8 1.1 Safety Information 20.2.0... cece cece sees eneceeeeaeenneeeesasesseeseseneseseensaereneeeessoeeasenaanees 8 1.2 Optimal Phone Performance ............. i cccceceece esse ceeneneeeseseanenscnnenensseeesnenertnieeeseeriaees 8 1.3 Care And Service 200... ccc cccesceeeeeeeeeeeessecssceuauecaaensceeeesneasteeeeeeseesssaeeesneeeseaegnaees 9 2. WntrOductiOn cece cc cscceesecesceceseaeecsusesscetaceescsaeasseeaesesueceeeseeneeseeeaeseaeeaess 10 2.1 Front View of the Telephone ................c cece eeseeteeesceneeneseeneeneeseseneeesesseeeetereneenees 10 2.2 LOD Display .0........ ccc cecccccceeseceeeeeeeeeeeesesnecueasucasaneccaseeaeessssseesenseeesssessesseenssaaaeenets 11 2.3 Installation ............. ccc ccccseesseesseenneeceneeueceeeeeeerenseessseeeuueesseesseseceesaestesersreseesenenees 12 2.4 Installation Steps... ce cece csecsccececseeeeeeeeeeceeeaceesaegeeseeseesesessseeseeeeseseseeesees 14 3. Basic Operation... cece cceeecesceeesesssseeeeseeneeesaeanenesneesueneesesaeeensseeeseeaesneaees 15 3.1 Making & Call oo... ccc cccsecesneceeseeeeneessesseassnsecessaeeaseaesessaeesenessesesesessneeneeess 15 3.2 Redialing Last Outgoing Number ................ eee cccececeeeceeeseeeeeseceessneesseneessseeeeeseees 15 3.3 Receiving & Call nooo... cecccceececccceree cess esusseeessneeeeensnaaeaeaeseseseneneeseseesaesenenneneeeetens 16 3.4 Sigmal Stremgth eect eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenasaaeceeeeeeesssaseneesseatesesecneeeeeeeties 16 3.5 Missed Call Message... cece ceeeseseeeceeeenseeeereeseeessssaseetnaeseseensansesereeseesesesees 16 4. List of Menu State ooo... ccc ceeecseereeesaeeeeeesasesseseaeesneesseseeneeseesesestaes 17 4.1 Volume / Ring......................cccceeeeeeceeecceee cece ceeeessseeseseacerecsenaaaeaaqeccanseseeseeessaneeaeasaeeeneees 17 4.1.1 Ring Volume 20. ccc cece ceeeesecesereereesaeeeeusecueeecseesemaseseseseacantenseeseeeeeeseeenes 17 4.1.2 Key VOIUMEG .......c.cccccccssssecceeecesencececersseeeeoesensseeeencrenssssaeeeeeessesaensecusneaeesessnanes 18 4.1.3 Ear VOlUME ooo... ccccceesessscnneceeeensesecceecnacesaaaaasesssonceeeetececusuaauugagseeseseeeseseess 18 4.1.4 Ring Type 4.2 Additional Feature ..............0. occ ccecescec cece cece ceeentesenenen asec seaceaceessaaeseensessneseasaeeeees 24 4.2.1 Wake-up time... ccc cece cecee cere eeeee ee enenetessaenecasneeecuseaseasasessseeeesesenensees 19 4.2.2 Minute alert... ccc cece cccesceceeeseseesseeesaeecceeeeeceseaeeeessaeserssaeeseeesseesunereneeees 20 4.2.3 Set Rx call Mode ooo. cele ccc cee cee ccaeensceseeceecaee sen seneaene ae tecaaeseeeenescaeseeseneetaees 20 4.2.4 SIO Daud rate oo... cece eee ce ee eeee eee eeee eee saeeeeeeeeeee eae a nesseeeeaeeeseeeeceeenesssags 20 425 OWN NUMbEDS ooo ccc c cece ec ceccee cee cae cca eaeeenseceecneseeeecasaseesnaageeseeeerseneeeseiaaeseeneeees 2 4.3 Dialing features ......0.. cc ecccce cece cccee snes ecsecssssscececeececececeeneceeeeeeeeaeaaeseeeeereceeeeasesaeseeseeasgneeaaes 19 4.4.1 Hot line... cece cece cece cee ee aa eeeaaaae eee eeeeneneaeeeeeceeeeaaeeaaaesgeeeersneetsenengeeeeesees 19 4.4.2 Hot line time ..........o ce ccc cnceccee cease seca ance cneeeeesesseesaeeesaasenssseeueegeasecaeatees 20 4.4.3 Auto time@-OUt o.oo ccc ce cccce ccc cece eeecensacecnacecnsaeeesecacesescuaeeesecneeseereesiceesenaeee 20 444 Speed dialing... ccc ccc cee eee cee e cee eee tee reas eees see eeeeseescen nies aceeeseseeeseenteenees 20 4.4.5 Keytone length... ccc ccc ccc cece cee ccee cece cee cnee cer eree ce eeeeeesaeseaeseaecercsaseeeceasieeees 20 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 4.5 Security Features oo... eee ce csecesseeeeeneeeeeeneeseseeeseeenersceeeeseeseeerisersneesaeseeesenseesetey 4.5.1 Set Lock Mode ooo ieee ceeteeeeeee ener eee eteteaeeage es eeepeescessesesesssaneeeeceeseeeeeeeeeees 7, SE 7 Ot (1-1 or || EEE EEETEOCOSSEOESS 4.5.3 Clear MOMOSY........... cee cccccee cee e eee e eee ee cnt tasceeeeseeeeseasseeeeeecessenareeescsneeeeersnesessanees 4.5.4 Emergency Call... cccccccceeee cece cece tense corre teense eeeeessseeeesseeneaeeeeaeeinerneeesnegenneserieeernes 4.5.5 Restrict Call... ccc ccccceccecesesee ence cee cece cee cone aeee tee sereecs cess aeeeeee eee seeseeeaeaneesenpersaaees Restriction Set... cece ccc ccccecense cee ce eeceeeeesceeeeee see e case seeesesesaeasessseaasaeeeeesenseneees Permit MeMory..............0::ccccceeesccece cee cteeteseaee ee es cesses aeneees sees napaaeeneesnneteeseeneniegeecetes Demy MOMOSy..........0.ccccceccceccee cece eeeee cae eeseeneeceesenesenseeeeeetneesneeneernscee tise teenseanens 4.5.6 New Code 5. Features while in a Call... ccc cee cree ceeeeceee cee eeasssanseceneseaeeeeneaeesneseeseeeeeey 5.1 Ear VOM oo... ce ccs ccssceececceeecceeceeeeeenee eres eceeeeeeeseaeeeasaeesaaeeseceeeceeeeceeeeeesereeeaees 5.2 MIC Volume... eee c cece cccesseee cece ce cesseeeceseaeeeensaneceecesauauensesessneessseseseseeeeesaes 5.3 Mute oon ec ccc ccssneneeecenecneeeceeeeaeeecceeersceseaaseeeeseeeaeseeeeesaneepesanrssestenseeeeeees 5A MOM Loo... cc ce cecccsce cee eeecenseseeecesseceaeceeeeseessaeesenesenscecssessesssnseeeeceenaeeseeseneaseaentess 5.5 Transmitting your OWN NUMDET................ ce eeceseneceeecneeeseeeeeeetteeeseeesteeteeeerasenaneaeees 6. Searching, Editing & Dialing ............0.....000 cece eee reenter ere eteneeeertneeeeees 6.1 Retrieving Last Call History .............0.:ccccceceeeeeeeeeeeeteees vacueasusseseasacsvscsescseseseseeens 6.2 Retrieving Phone Number by Name ..................::cccscceseneneeeeeeeaeetenenennesteeeeeeeeesenees 6.3 Retrieving Phone Number by Address. ..............::ccccccccsssecessnceeeentsestaeeseneateeneeeeeay 6.4 Retrieving Phone Number by Number ................ccccccesseceeceeeeseeeneeeeeeeteeeneaerereeeeees 7. SMS(Short Message Service) ................... ccc ceeceene ne ne eens aeseeeceetenenenenenenerenesees 7.1 Check & Deleting Received Message ............ oc. cece seeeeeeeeceeeteeeeeetentnieeeeeenes 7.1.1 Text MOSSE ....... ec ecceecceecenesceceeeene cen eesunnnneaeceeeteeeeeeeeaaeen ener eeeeeeseeeeeeneesanenenees 7.1.2 VOICE MESSAGE ....... eee ceccececee ence cece renee eeeaneeeecaeeecnsaaeeesensesesseeesaeesnnnnerentaaees 7.1.3 Erasing all Received Message ................cccccscsecessseeeeesneeeesenenteaeenseneeenseners 7.2 MSG Notification tone Select .............. eee cece ecesseceee conse ence eeeneneseeaueessenaaeeesensennenenes 7.3 Erasing MeSSage.............c cesses cseeseeesereeeeenessceneeeeeeceeneeesneessaneseesnegtansenensasesennenees 7.4 Message SCNding .............. cece cesses eeeesesesaeeeeeeneeeeseeeceeeeseseeensaenteesneetteeesseaseseetay 7.3.1 Sending a New Message .............. ce cece ccenceeeesseeeenenneeeeenaaetseaeerssesentenesenenees 7.3.2 Sending the sent message or message after editing the sent message ........ 7.3.3 Erasing a Sent MESSAGE... ee cece entre cnneeeeeeeeseneeeteeeeeeeenenereeeenseteneeeeas 8. Beside FUNctions ................. ccc cece neeeeceseeseee cess sesesceeaecseeessesseseeseessesseeseeneeaes 8.1 Redial. eee pecaceeseeceseseneeeseesseneenceceeeeeteterceseeeeeeeeseeeuenteeeeneeteseennsaaes 8.2 Viewing last call-history 0.0.2... eee ee eee ceeeeneensneeeesnaaeeecrneeceenneensneeseeeeeeenaeeenenes B.3 FLAS eee ceeccnneeeteeceeee cece cessecaceaeeesceeueeeceeteeseseseeerseneensaneaeeseeseeseeecsieaeaies 9. Storing Phone Number .............0...0..000 cece ccc eee eee een neeesennee reer reiieeete ne 9.1 Storing / Editing Phone Numbetrs.....0....0......... cece ccecceesereecesee case eneeesneeeesneneeseeeeeerey 9.1.1 Storing Phone NUMbEPS ............. cc eeee cece reese eeeeecreeeseeeeeeeeeeenenaecneeteereeeaeaneeseeeenees 9.1.2 Erasing Stored Phone Numbers 00.00.00... ccc eeeeetterteteeceeeeeeeeeereeeeee eee eeaaaa awe 9.2 Finding Stored Phone NumbePs .oo0.....0..0.. cc cece cee erect tee reteset nene re neeeetee 10. Speaker phone ooo... ccc cee ee eee cee ceesnseesneenesneceeesesieeseseesenanneeseeceetseesecees 11. General information ce ccc cecnccceee ee ceeeeeeeneee nero seaeeeeeeaeeseerenssnaeeeesaeeeenes LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 A Highlights Congratulations on your purchase of the LSP-3000 Fixed Wireless Telephone. This telephone has been designed to operate on the latest digital mobile communications technology. This technology has greatly enhanced voice clarity and can provide various advanced features. The telephone provides:
3-line LCD Display with status indicator A choice of 10 ring sounds A menu driven interface with prompts for easy operation Last Number Redial Speed Dialing with a 99-number memory Dial tone ROH (Receiver Off-Hook) tone Adjustable Ring Volume Internal Back-up Battery Pack AC Power Supply Dipole Antenna DB9 Data Port for service and repair Backlingt Speaker phone LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 1. 1.1 important Information Safety Information Waming To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to rain or moisture. Do not use this product near swimming pools or other bodies of water. IMPORTANT Before installing or operating this product read this information. Optimal Phone Performance Do not operate your product when holding the antenna, or when someone is within four inches (ten centimeters) of the antenna. Holding the antenna affects call quality and may cause the telephone to operate at a higher power level than needed. For the best call quality, keep the antenna free from obstructions and point the antenna straight up. Do not use the unit with a damaged antenna. Have your antenna replaced by a qualified technician immediately. Use only a manufacturer-approved antenna. Non-approved antennas, modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone. RF energy may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded personal medical devices such as pace markers, hospital monitor. Consult the manufacturer of any personal medical devices to determine if they are adequately shielded from external RF energy. Turn your terminal OFF in health care facilities when any regulations posted in the areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tuming the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the distance between the radio or television and the telephone.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the terminal is connected.
- Consult you Authorized LGIC Dealer of an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Use only the battery, antenna and AC power supply provided by LGIC. Using any other type will invalidate the warranty. Only authorized personne! should service the phone and its accessories. Faulty installation or service any be dangerous and may invalidate the warranty. Do not use the unit in designated no cellular phone use area. Avoid exposure to high temperature or humidity. Avoid wetting the unit with any liquids. If the unit gets wet, turn the power off immediately and remove the backup battery and AC power supply. If the unit is inoperable, then retum to the service agent for service.
@ Avoid shock or impact.
@ We recommend you to charge the backup battery before initial use. Backup battery may 8 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 i be discharged during delivery. 1.3 Care and Service
@ Unplug the telephone from the wall outlet and remove antenna (or disconnect antenna cable) before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
@ ff the unit fails for any reason, do not attempt to disassemble; contact the telephone service provider for assistance.
@ if any of the following conditions exist; unplug the unit at the wall plug, remove battery, and call the service provider.
- The power supply cord is damaged or frayed.
- Liquid has been spilled into the unit.
- The unit has been exposed to rain or water.
- The unit has been dropped or damaged.
- The unit does not work normally by following the operating instructions. LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2. Introduction 2.1 Front View of the Telephone _Menu/Softkey1 : Activate MENU state (also MENU state in the call state)
. Message : Activate SMS state
. End : Deactivate a STATE No store a value (also activate MUTE state )
. Recall / Softkey 2 : Activate RECALL state / Choose NEXT state
. Navigation Up (4) ; Shift to a upper state in the MENU state (also Function as a cursor in the EDIT state)
. Navigation Down() : Shift to a lower state in the MENU state(also Function as a cursor th the EDIT state)
. Navigation Left (): Volume.(also Function as a cursor th the EDIT state)
. Navigation Right (+): Volume.(also Function as a cursor th the EDIT state)
. Clear(Cance!) : Delete the last digit/dial number(also Exit without storing in the MENU state)
. Flash : flash function in the call state . Redial : Redia! function 10 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2.2. LCD Display The LCD shows icons on the top of the LCD screen. Different indicator appears based on the phone's operating mode. Yuill & BA &G? (> Gah 1) RSS indicator : Indicates the signal strength in the service area. Yul 2) No service : The phone is not receiving system signal. 3) Inuse : Displayed when call is in progress or the phone is in off-hook and dial tone heard. No service use 4) Text message : Displayed when a text message is received. DX 5) Voice message : Displayed when a voice message is received. 6) Alarm : Displayed when wake up alarm time was setting.
7) Caller 1D : Displayed when caller ID is received. 4?
8) OUT: Going out.
9) Battery charge level : indicates charged battery level. Bu 11 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 12 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ee 2.3 Installation You should follow each step carefully as shown below in order to guarantee proper operation of CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone. STEP I. Check Components
@ Fixed Wireless Terminal is supplied with the following standard unit and accessories;
1. LSP-3000 Main Unit with Handset -1EA-
2. Dipole Antenna -1EA-
3. Backup Battery -1EA-
4. User Guide . -1EA-
5. AC/DC Power Adapter -1EA-
6. Power Cord(Only SMPS Adapter) -1EA-
@ Please make sure that these components are present before you begin the unit installation. And then compare the following figures and components. If components are missing or damage is found, contact the store where you purchased the unit immediately. STEP Il. Place the Terminal
@ Place the terminal on the stable flat secure surface area (desk, table, etc.). Serious damage may result if the unit falls. Do not place the unit on, or within 1 meter of heaters or radiators. This unit is designed for desktop usage. Avoid direct exposure to the sun lights and damp area.
@ Read the SAFETY INFORMATION located at the first part of this document before you place the terminal STEP Ill. Connect Components (See the figures in Installation Steps.)
@ Connect the antenna to the TNC antenna connector located at the top side of the terminal. If you placed the terminal on the flat surface, bend the antenna up right.
@ Connect curl cord of handset assembly to the RJ-11C port located at the left side of the terminal.
@ Open the battery case, securely connect the battery cord, place the backup battery pack and close the case.
@ Connect the AC/DC Adapter cable to the DC input port located at the topside of the terminal.
-. If it is good, beep tone is heard.
-. If it is not good(Booting is fail or beep tone is not heard), you have to connect the adapter or backup battery, again.
@ Please follow the below to get better voice quality;
1. Keep away from electrical appliances such as TV, computer, radio and so on. 2. Keep terminal in a high and central location with no obstructions, such as metal walls. 3. Raise the integral antenna of terminal to get maximum strength of receive signal as shown figure at the next page. 13 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 Handset Connector AC Power Supply Antenna TNC Connector Connector STEP IV. Check the LCD Display
@ After you follow the installation instruction step / to step ill, please check the LCD for normal operation. e If you may not see status of service, please repeat the 5" instruction of step Ill. And conform Fixed Wireless Telephone to get the proper signal strength from service operator system. 0 The adapter type(with power cord) may be different by country adaptation. 14 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2.4 Installation Steps Please follow the below procedure to install the unit properly. Connect the 3 antenna to the TNC connector
(Turn right). Connect Base-
handset to the handset connector.
, Open the battery cover
| at the bottom of the unit. Bend the antenna up right. 24 Connect the AC SS) 4 Insert back-up , s =| power supply. Sy battery in the j / bottom of the unit.
(give care to 15 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 CN Basic Operation 3.1 Making a Call 1. 2. Pick up the handset or press t@) button. Listen for dial tone Enter the phone number with area code if needed. Full & Nt f 1234567 f Fall & aut Calling... ;
Wait for the Auto Time-out. 1234567 f The call is connected and you can start conversation. To disconnect the call, replace the handset or presst() button. 3.2 Redialing Last Outgoing Number 1. Pick up the handset or press t) button. 2. Listen for dial tone. 3. Press Redial button. The last number that you called will be re-dialed. Correcting dialing mistakes 1. Press Clear button shortly to erase the most recent digit. 2. Press and hold Clear button for at least one second. If the phone is locked, enter the Lock Code If the call did not go through, press the hook switch and dial again. Flashing / Hook Switch 1. While in the middle of a call, pressing the hook switch for less than 1 second will be treated as a flash. After 1 second, the call will be terminated. 2. Very briefly pressing the hook switch will be ignored. Battery icon is displayed only when the terminal is operating by battery without AC power. 16 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 a 3.3 Receiving a Call 1. When bell rings, pick up the handset. Full Incoming Call!
2. Start conversation. 3. To disconnect the call, replace the handset. 3.4 Signal Strength The quality of calls depends on the signal strength in Full your area. The stronger the signal, the better the call quality. The signal strength icon indicates the current strength as a number of bars. You can see the antenna 10:23 AM and bars according to the strength of received signal in { (MENU]
the upper-left part. 08 May, Sat 3.5 Missed Call Message If a call is received and not answered for users absence, | Yul You are informed that you have missed a call. The latest Missed 1 call missed call time and number of missed call is displayed. 10:51 Press [OK] to erase Missed call message. [ OK }
AM 17 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 List of Menu State
[Main Mena | SubMenu | Setting Value | De 1. Select Volume _| 1. Ring Volume 2. Key Volume 3. Ear Volume [4steps 4. Ring Select - Otypes
2. Additional 1. Wake-up time lonm/Once/Aways |
2 .Minute alert Enable/Disable fF 3.Rx call mode Voice / Fax for next / Always Fax /
Modem for next / Always Se modem 4.510 baud rate 19200/38400/57600/115200 mourns |
6.0wn Number 1. Hot Line Off/On 2. Hot Line Time 3. Auto time-out 2-9 Sec. 4. Speed Dialing Enable/Disable 4. Security 1. Set Lock mode Never/on power up/Always 2. Clear calls Enable/Disable 4. Emergency call Local(3.ea 5. Restrict call Pe
/emergency onl 5.2 permit memory 6. new code Create new lock code 3. Dialing features 18 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 4.1 Select Volume This menu allows you to adjust the various different volumes. 4.1.1 Ring Volume The received tone when you receive a call can be adjusted. e From the MENU 1. Press [MENU] + 1(Volume/Ring)+ 1(Ring Volume) in on-hook state. 2. Press Volume button or [NEXT] to adjust ring volume. |Yiuil 3. Press [OK] MAIN MENU
- 1:Volume / Ring 2:Additional
@ By the Volume button Yul 1. Press Volume button to adjust ring volume in on-hook [RING VOLUME state >>>
{ OK J 4.1.2 Key Volume The tone when you press a key can be adjusted. 1. Press [MENU] + 1(Volume/Ring) + 2(Key Volume) in [Yul on-hook state. KEY VOLUME
AAPL AALS 2. Press Volume button or [NEXT] to adjust key volume. ;
OK NEXT] ff 3. Press [OK] aad | a 4.1.3 Ear Volume The voice of the other party can be adjusted in on-hook state. 1. Press [MENU] + 1(Volume/Ring) + 3(Ear Volume) in /iull on-hook state. EAR VOLUME
>>> SSS SAAS 6A 2. Press Volume button or [NEXT] to adjust ear piece volume { OK }
3. Press [OK]
Y Press Volume button to adjust volume during conversation 19 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 4.1.4 Ring Select You can select the various ring types 1. Press [MENU] + 1(Volume/Ring) + 4(Ring Type) Fiill RINGER TYPE in on-hook state. Standardf 2. Select a desired ring type with Volume button or
[NEXT]. There are 10 different ring types. Y Those are Standard,Option 1,Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, Habanera, Deutsch song, La Primavera, Oh! susanna, Beethoven 3. Press [OK] to save and exit. 4.2 Additional feature 4.2.1 Wake-up Time This function allows you to adjust Wake-up Time. 1.Press [MENU] + 2(ADDITIONAL) + 1(Wake-up Time) | Wil MAIN MENU In on hook State 1: VOLUME /RING 2. ADDITIONAL 2.Select Off, Once or Always by [NEXT] and press [OK]. ull larm Time Always _ [NEXT]
3.Press [EDIT] and set the time. 4.Select A.M. or P.M. by [AM/PM]. and set again. 6.Press [OK] to save and exit 4.2.2 Minute Alert Alerts you every minute during a call. 1. Press [MENU] + 2(ADDITIONAL) + 2(Minute Alert) LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 In on hook State 2. Select On or Off by [NEXT] or Volume button. 3. Press [OK] to save and exit 4.2.3 Rx call mode Til RX CALL MODE 1. Press [MENU] + 2(ADDITIONAL) + 3(RX Call Mode) ist in onhook State. voice f
{ OK ] (NEXT) f 2. Select Voice, Fax for next, Always Fax, Modem for next by Volume or [NEXT] button. 3. Press [OK] to save and exit. 4.2.4 SIO baud rate 1. Press [MENU] + 2(ADDITIONAL) + 4(SIO Baud Rate) /i|
inonhook State. DATA BAUDRATE 2. Select 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 by ET eae at ee aR
{ OK J Volume or [NEXT] button TE 3. Press [OK] to save and exit 4.2.5 own number Fil OWN NUMBER 1. Press [MENU] + 2(ADDITIONAL) + 5(Own Number) 000-000-0000 inonhook Sate. { OK ]
2. Press [OK] to exit 4.3 Dial features DIAL FEATURES 4.3.1 Hot Line L:Hot Line 1. Press [MENU] + 3 (DIAL FEATURES) + 1(Hot Line) 2:Hot Line Time S in on hook State. 2. Select On or Off by [NEXT] or Volume button and press [OK] to select. INOVT) LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ee 3. Press [EDIT] to input Hot Line phone number. 4. Enter the Hot Line phone number 5. Press [OK] to save and exit. 4.3.2 Hot Line Time 1. Press [MENU] + 3 (DIAL FEATURES) + 2(Hot Line time) Kill in on hook Sate. Hot Line Time 2. Select hot line connection time(2~9 sec.) by [NEXT] or 5 sec ff
{ OK } (NEXT) i Volume button. 3. Press [OK] to select. 4.3.3 Auto Time-out Setting the length of time the phone waits before automatically dialing a number. You can select this time between 2 and 9 second. 1. Press [MENU] + 3(DIAL FEATURES) + 3(Auto Timeout) Till 7 fi} :
In on hook State. Auto Time-out 2. Select Auto time-out second between 2 and 9 by [NEXT] 5 sec or Volume button. [OK] (NEXT] :
3. Press [OK] to select. 4.3.4 Speed Dial (enable / disable) 1. Press [MENU] + 3 (DIAL FEATURES) + 4(Speed Dialing) |Yiill in on hook State. 2. Select Enable or Disable by [NEXT] or Volume button and press [OK] to save and exit. This function can be used when the Speed Dial is set to Yes.
@ Speed Dial Function 1. Youcan store phone numbers in memory locations (1~99) and place a call. LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2. Press the memory number (1 through 99) corresponding to the appropriate memory location, and hold for a few seconds. 4.3.5 Key-tone Length Setting key beep playback length. Possible settings are Normal and Long. 1. Press [MENU] + 3(DIAL FEATURES) + 5(Keytone | Yul Ist Length) in on hook State. DIAL FEATURES 5:KeyTone Length 2. Select Normal or Long by [NEXT] or Volume button and press [OK] to select. Till ST BEEP LENGTH L normal
[ OK }
4.4 secruity 4.4.1 Lock Mode Set This function prevents your phone from being used without permission. Typical default value is 0000. Possible settings are Never, On power up and Always. The Never means that the phone is not locked. On power up locks the phone when the phone is tumed on. Always sets the phone locked immediately. Fill Enter 2. Enter your own 4 digit lock code Lock Code!
When this product comes out, the default is 0000. 4. Press [MENU] + 4 (SECURITY) Sill SECURITY &
1:Set Lock Mode :
2:Clear Calls :
3. Press 1(Set Lock Mode) 4. Select Off, On power up or Always by [NEXT] or [yi Volume button. 5. Press [OK] to save and exit. 4.4.2 Clear Calls When a previous outgoing or incoming call history is stored in a memory location, you can erase the all call history. CLEAR CALL STACK LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ll cht 1. Dothe above 1 and 2 steps of 4.4.1. 2. Press 2(Clear Calls) 3. Press [YES] to erase all call history 4.4.3 Clear Memory When you want to delete phonebook memory, you can erase all phonebook memory. 1. Dothe above step1 and 2 of 4.4.1. Fal Tae
2. Press 3(Clear Memory). CLEAR WHOLE BOOK No 3. Press [YES] to erase all phone memory. :
4.4.4 Emergency Call Even if your phone is locked you can make calls to 3 emergency numbers. 1. Do the above step1 and 2 of 4.4.1. 2. Press 4(Emergency Call) Srl Ny Emergency 1 3. Press [NEXT] or Volume button to choose the number
<empty> p from 1 to 3 pty? y
4. Press [EDIT]. 5. Enter the emergency phone number my 6. Press [OK] to save the number 119
(QUIT] f 7. Press [NEXT] or Volume button to edit others or Press End button to exit emergency call process 4.4.5 Restriction Call Service This function is a convenient feature which enables user to restrict using any phone number. To forbid using any phone number, user must set the number in deny edit. Can't use any phone number(max 32digits) started with the number saved in deny edit. if user set the phone number in permit edit, can use any phone number (max 32digits) started with the number even if the phone number is set in deny edit. Ex) example to restrict using the phone number started with 700 . 1. set Restriction in Restrict set menu (function 2. set 700 in deny edit. (function 3. set 700-1234 in permit edit.(function a 24 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 Result : user can use the phone number started with 700-1234. Restrict set No restriction This is a general function which has no any restrictions Restriction This is a function that you can set permited phone number and denied phone number. Emergency only This is a function which enable you to call only emergency numbers. 1Yiutl
| 4: SECURITY Fail 2. Enter a lock code using key pad. Enter
Lock Code 3. Press 5(Restrict Call) and 1(Restrict Set). Sall RESTRICT CALL 1: Restrict Set 2: Permit memory 4. Select No Restriction , Restriction or Emergency /Yiill only using [NEXT] or Volume button and press [OK]
Restrict Set :
(OK | (NEXT)
@ Below and function can be used when the Restrict set is set to Restriction. Permit memory You can call it if the phone numbers saved in permit edit though they were saved in deny edit. You can save 10 permit phone numbers. 1. Do the above step 1~2 of 4.4.1 5. Press 5(Restrict Call) and 2(Permit Memory). Till RESTRICT CALL LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 1: Restrict Set 2: Permit memory 3.Press [EDIT] to edit permit phone number. Till Permit 4.Enter the permit phone number 1 5.Press [OK] to save and exit 700-1234
{ EDITI : Deny memory You couldn't call any phone numbers saved in deny edit. You can save 10 deny phone numbers. 1. Do the above step 1~2 of 4.4.1 2. Press 5(Restrict Call) and 3(Deny Memory). __ Fill oy RESTRICT CALL 1 3: Deny memory 2. Press [EDIT] to edit deny number. 4 Enter the deny phone number 5.Press [OK] to save and exit 4.4.6 New Lock Code You can change a new lock code(4digits). 1. Do the above step1 and 2 of 4.4.1. 2. Press 6.(New Code)
3. Enter new lock code and press [OK] to save. 4. Enter new lock code again to confirm and press [OK] to save. 26 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 Functions while in a call 5.1 Ear Volume TH You may adjust ear volume while you are in a call. 1234567 f
(MENU) The Volume button on the right side of the phone can be Full &
used to adjust ear volume. EAR VOLUME SSS SSS SSS LAL SS AS ff
[ OK ]
5.2 MIC Volume Adjusting MIC volume while in a call. Tull &
1. Press [MENU] and 2(MIC LEVEL) while in a call. IN CALL MENU 1:MEMO 2:MIC LEVEL 2. Select Low or High by [NEXT] or Volume button. 3. Press [OK] to save and exit. Tull &
{ OK } {NEXT] 6 27 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 5.3 Transmitting your own number This function is a convenient feature which enables you to transmit your own phone number while in a call through press one key. (For example, Sending your phone number when you pages.) Tull IN-CALL MENU 1. Press [MENU] and 3(SEND OWNER #) button while in a call. 2. Press [MENU] and 3(Send Owner #) 3:Send Owner #
5,4 Memo You can save numbers while in a call. Full &
1:MEMO 2:MIC LEVEL 1. Press [MENU] and 1(MEMO) while in a call. ee eee 2. Enter a number using key pad. 3. Press [ADD] to save and exit. Or press [QUIT] to exit. [Tul &
Number Stored In Calls List 5.6 Mute This function prevents your voice from being transmitted but you can call still hear other side. 1. Press [MUTE] button while in a call. 2. You could see MUTE message blinking on the right side of the LCD Tull &
3. Torelease Mute, Press [UNMUTE] button. 12345674
(MENU) 28 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ee Searching, Editing & Dialing 6.1 Retrieving Last Call History Fill Oe F RECALL MENU 1:FROM LAST CALL 1.Press [RECALL] and 1(FROM LAST CALL) 2:FROM MEMORIES 2.Select a number or a name in the fast call list by Up | ill and Down button and press [VIEW]. 1234567 028507618
3.To see more information press [TIME] and press Faull
[SAVE] to save a number in the memory. Call to 028507618 Y Pick up the handset or Press 1@) button to make ce
[SAVE] (TIME) a call with the displayed number. e@ By pressing [TIME]
Siull Press [OK] to exit 6/9 10:14am OMin 5Sec
[ OK ]
@ To save a number Press [SAVE] in step3 Y Enter the name in text mode and press [OK] to save. Press [ABC] to change upper or lower case character.
- To store without name, just press [OK].
- Refer to To enter a character. location and press [OK].
- The phone number is stored in the displayed memory location. Tull Make it Secret?
No The phone will display a message asking to keep your number as secret or not. Select No or 3 Yes using [NEXT]. Then press [OK]. OK] NEXT 29 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 SP
- You can see a confirming message. Ful ABC was stored
- Also you can see a condition of used memory. [yy
used : O1 empty :
6.2.1 Retrieving Phone Number by Name Til FROM MEMORIES 2. Press 1 button to retrieve phone number by name. 1:By Name 1. Press [RECALL] and 2(FROM MEMORIES) 2:By Address 3. Enter the name that you want to look for and press Fil
[FIND]. Lookup name?
Y At least two letters are recommended for quick search.
(FIND) ff Y Press [NEXT] or UP and DOWN button to scroll through the list of matches.
4. Press [VIEW] to see information in that location. nM}
01:ADG ;
Pick up handset to make a call. Y You can edit the phone number by pressing
[EDIT] button. 028503619 |
30 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 6.2.2 Retrieving Phone Number by Address 1.Press [RECALL] and 2(FROM MEMORIES) Yall Ta t a 2.Press 2 button to retrieve a phone number by address. Lookup Location?
3.Enter a memory address to retrieve phone number. 2?
(ex: If you enter a memory address, 01.) (FIND) :
Y If there is no stored phone number in the memory location, Empty Location is displayed. Fru lf you press [FIND] button without entering 01:ADG number, you see the whole phone number list in 02:ACG the memory Location and you can find the number by scrolling the list. (VIEW) [ERASE]
4. Pick up the handset or press 1() button to call to displayed number, press [EDIT]
to edit stored information or press [ERASE] to delete displayed information. Edit process Y Modify the phone number by Clear button and [Mul keypad. And Press [OK] to edit a related name. 01:ADG E 028503619 1) Delete the phone number by Clear button. ;
2) Enter the modified phone number. (ep 3) Press [OK]. 4) To move cursor, use Volume button or *, #. 5) Enter the name. 6) Press [OK]. Y Enter a new memory address to store a new information or choose the new memory address by [NEXT] and press [OK]. 028503619 &
| QUIT! ff v Press [OK] to no secret.
@ Erasing process 31 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 You might press [ERASE] at the above step 3. v Press [OK] to complete erasing process. 6.4 Retrieving Phone Number by NUMBER Sill NYE 1. Press [RECALL] and 27FROM MEMEORIES). 2. Press 3 button to retrieve a phone number by number. 3. Enter the phone number that you want to find and press
[FIND] button. Lookup Number?
Y If there is no stored phone number in the memory location, No number matches is displayed. 4. Pick up the handset or pressi@) button to call to displayed number, press [EDIT] to edit stored information or press [ERASE] to delete displayed information. Tull e Edit process. 01:ADG e Erasing process 02:ACG Do the above step of 6.2.2.
32 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ee SMS (Short Message Service) Messaging, Paging, and Voice mail features are available when your phone is turned on. Using Message button allows you to access messages for viewing on the LCD screen or to send a message. While viewing a message, you can call back to the number displayed in the message by picking up handset. Check with your WLL service provider regarding the availability of this feature. The information in a message depends on the mode the WLL is operating in and the services capabilities. 7.1. Checking & Deleting Received Message 7.1.4 Text Message 1. Press MESSAGE button and 1(MSG RECEIVED) Full = Ed :
SMS MENU of 1:MSG Received :
2:MSG Sending Yul = I ty RECEIVED MSG Y Locate to the desired message in the list. 1:Message :
2. Press 1(Text MSG) to see a received text message list. 2:Voice Mail v Mark v means already a checked message. i 01 Hello v02 Good Morning
3. Press [VIEW] to see the content of desired message. You can see the message with received time and caller's phone number. You can read al message. Full Ci:
5/21 2:20 PM
< PAGE from >
{| OK 4. Press [ERASE] to erase a message. :
[ERASE] f Press [OK] to complete erasing process. Full 333333 Hello!
LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 eS 7.1.2. Voice Message Voice mail notifications indicate the number of new voice mail message in your mail box. Only the most recent voice mail notification will be stored in the WLL phone;
previous messages will be overwritten. When a voice mail messages left for you, the WLL phone will alert and display * Voice Mail * . You must call your voice mail service to retrieve these messages. 9 Fil It}
4. Press MESSAGE button and 1(Received MSG) in idle eae 6 state. 2. Press 2(Voice MSG) to check the voice message. Y if there is no voice message, No Voice Mail was received is displayed. Y Press [ERASE] to delete the voice message. Til 3. Pick up the phone to make a call to call back your voice mail box if the number of the voice mail box is 1 < DUPLICATED >
provided by system. 7.1.3 Erasing all Received Message 1. Press MESSAGE button and 1(MSG RECEIVED). Ti ill MSG RECEIVED 3:Clear All 2. Press 3(Clear All). 3. Press [OK] to delete. Sill ERASE All?
7.2. MSG Notification tone select 1. Press Message button and 3(MSG NOTIF). 2. Select off, once, Every 2 Min by pressing [NEXT] or Youll Volume button. MSG NOTIF
. 3. Press [OK] to save and exit. a eee ea ee:
LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 7.3 Message Sending m 7.3.1 Sending a New Message 1. Press MESSAGE button and 2(MSG SENDING) Til Ba SMS MENU 1:MSG Received :
2:MSG Sending i Suill MSG SENDING 1:New Message 2. Press 1(New Message) to send a new message 2:Sent Message Ue sen ae Sill alled Number 3. Enter the called number and press [OK]
Y You can find the called number in the memory by
[FIND] button 1234
Tee erate renee 4. Enter the call back number and press [OK] Call back Number 5678
(OK } :
Sill 5. Input a message and press [OK] to send <MSG Input>
Press [A BC] to change upper or lower case character |abcde
{ OK} {ABC} :
6. Select Yes/No to store the message. Press [OK] to send Till m 7.3.2 Sending the sent Message or message after editing the Sent Message 1. Press MESSAGE button and 2(MSG SENDING) a EELS 35 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2. Press 2(Sent Message) to see a received text message 7,1 list. MSG Sending 1:New MSG Locate to the desired message in the list. 2:Sent MSG Yrutl O01 Hello 02 Good Morning
[EDIT] [ERASE 3. Press [EDIT] to edit the content of the selected message. You can see the selected sent message Edit the message. Press [ABC] to change upper Sul - aby or lower case character <MSG Input>
5. Press [OK] Button. { OK ] [ABC]
Fit 6. Enter the called Number and press [OK] ;
alled Number 1234
[OK] [RECALL] f 7. Enter the call back Number and press [OK] Yiu au} A Call back Number 5678
( OK ]
8. Select Yes/No to store Message. Press [OK] to send the [Store Message?
= 7.3.3 Erasing a Sent Message 1. Press MESSAGE button and 2(MSG SENDING) Tull MSG Sending or 1:New Message 2:Sent Message LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone tsp30 2. Press 3(Clear All) to clear text message list. Full MSG SENDING 3:Clear All Fil
3. Press [OK] to erase a message. ERASE ALL ?
{ OK ]
37 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 Beside Functions 8.1 Redial Pick up the handset or press ) button and Redial button to redial last outgoing number. 8.2 Finding Last Call History Sill 1234567 028507618 :
(VIEW} :
Press Redial button in on-hook state to see your last telephone numbers. 8.3 Flash The same as that of a single line phone 38 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 er 9. Storing Phone Number 9.1 Storing/Editing Phone Numbers 9.1.1 Storing Phone Numbers Frequently used phone numbers can be stored on the memory locations (01~99: 2 digits) and you can make a call by pressing memory location number in off-hook state. 1. Enter the area code and phone number in on-hook Tal ne state. (Max. 32 digits) 2. Press [SAVE]. 021234567
(FIND) 3. Enter the name in text mode and press [OK] to save. Press [ABC] to change upper or lower case characters. Y To store without name, just press [OK]. Refer to To enter a character. 4. Enter the desired memory location. The phone number is stored in the displayed memory location. number as secret or not. Select No or Yes using
[NEXT]. Then Press [OK]. You can see a confirming message. Ful ABC As stored!
Also you can see a condition of used memory. Fait U
used : O01 empty : :
39 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000
@ Toentera character. You can enter English character in editing mode. You can enter English character as default, and press Message to select specific character.
@ To enter English character. Press once a keypad to enter the first letter labeled in the keypad, twice to enter the second letter and 3 times to enter the third letter. EX) To enter L, Press dial button 5 labeled JKL 3 times to enter L. After 2 seconds entering a character, the cursor is moved to the next position automatically. Press Volume button to move the cursor. Press Clear button to erase or correct entered character.
@ To enter specific character, Press Message to view a desired character while you are entering names. Special characters includes *, #, %, , :, +, <, >, =, and more Y Press the number next to the character you want insert. 9.1.2 Erasing Stored Phone Numbers When a phone number is stored in a memory location, you can erase the stored phone number. 1. Press [RECALL] + 2(FROM MEMORIES) + 3(By Number) and enter a number of the desired memory location to erase. Till Y ff there is no stored phone number in the memory |01:ADG location, Empty Location is displayed. 02:ACG
Y If you do not remember the memory location to erase, press [FIND] to search phone number by memory location ED 40 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 2. Erasing process Press [ERASE] to delete. Press [OK] to complete erasing process. 9.2 Finding Stored Phone Numbers You can see all the list of stored phone numbers in memory list and if you forgot the memory location, can find it in sequence. And You can place a call with the phone number. Sull 1. Press [RECALL] + 2(FROM MEMEORIES) +3(By Lookup Number?
Numben in on-hook state. Sill 01:ADG Y Locate in the desired name or address to find. 02:-ACG
{f not any entered name, phone number is displayed. 2. Press [FIND] button to find the desired phone number.
3. Press [VIEW] to see the stored number. 4. To make a call with the phone number in the state of Yul step 2 or step 3, pick up the handset or press *@) 01:ADG button and wait for Auto Time-out. mh 028503619
i GRE Om 41 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 ee ST 10. Speaker phone This function is a convenient feature which enables you to call using speaker phone button in on-hook state. 11. Backlight
(.. nV) 12. General Information e Main Unit
[item =| SS CSP3O00 Digital : 1850 ~ 1910 MHz Digital - 1930 ~ 1990 MHz
-104 ~ -25dBm Temperature
. AC/DC Adapter
| tem SMPS Type Description input Voltage AC 100 ~ 250V /0.3A, 15W linputFrequencys(|50/60Hz, s~S*s*s~s~s~s~s~s~s~s~C~CCSC~~SY Output Voltage 9.6V(DC), 1A e Battery 6V Ni-MH 550mAh Talk duration time 0.5 Hours Standby duration time 6 Hours Charging duration time Trickle, 24 Hours 42 LGE CDMA Fixed Wireless Telephone LSP-3000 lh Licensed by QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following Patents:
U.S, Patent No. 4,901,307 U.S, Patent No. 5,056,109 U.S, Patent No. 5,099,204 U.S, Patent No. 5,101,501 U.S, Patent No. 5,103,459 U.S, Patent No. 5,107,225 43
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2001-11-19 | 1851.25 ~ 1908.75 | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
LG Electronics USA
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
1000 Sylvan Avenue
1 |
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
1 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
K****** H******
1 | Title |
Director, Standards & Compliance
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
1 | Name |
R**** O****
1 | Physical Address |
6660-B Dobbin Road
1 |
1 |
Columbia, Maryland 21045
1 |
United States
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
1 | Name |
R****** O********
1 | Physical Address |
6660-B Dobbin Road
1 |
1 |
Columbia, Maryland 21045
1 |
United States
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | PCS CDMA WLL Terminal | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is EIRP with antenna supplied with the unit. SAR was tested with the device in a typical operating configuration. The highest reported SAR value under this FCC ID is 0.9418 W/kg. | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
1 | Name |
R**** O******
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 24E | 1851.25000000 | 1908.75000000 | 0.3110000 | 2.5000000000 ppm | 1M25F9W |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC