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User Manual (Statement) | Users Manual | 183.08 KiB | ||||
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User Manual | Users Manual | 1.16 MiB | ||||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 2 | External Photos | |||||||
1 2 | ID Label/Location Info | |||||||
1 2 | Internal Photos | |||||||
1 2 | RF Exposure Info | |||||||
1 2 | Test Report | |||||||
1 2 | Test Report | |||||||
1 2 | Test Report | |||||||
1 2 | Test Setup Photos | |||||||
1 2 | Test Setup Photos |
1 2 | User Manual (Statement) | Users Manual | 183.08 KiB |
Important Safety, Compliance and Warranty Information Informations importantes concernant la scurit, la mise en conformit et la garantie the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. English Read Manual Before Product Use. WARNING!Improperly replaced batteries may present a risk of leak or explosion and personal injury. Mistreated rechargeable batteries may present a risk of fire or chemical burn. Do not open, mutilate, or expose to conducting materials, moisture, liquid or heat above 54 C. Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to be leaking, discolored, deformed, or in any way abnormal. Do not leave your battery discharged or unused for extended periods. Do not short circuit. Battery life varies with usage. Non-operational batteries should be discarded according to local laws. If no laws or regulations govern, dispose of your device in a waste bin for electronics. Keep batteries away from children. Class1Laserproduct:This optical device complies with International Standard IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, Class 1 Laser Product, and 21 CFR 1040.10, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007:
1) Emission of one or two independent parallel beams of infrared user-
invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 716 microwatts CW, Emitted wavelength is 832-865 nm; 3) Operating temperature between 5 C and 40 C. WARNING!Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures beyond those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. TheproductcontainsClass1LED.Operating temperature between 0 C and 40 C Class1MLaserproduct:This optical device complies with International Standard IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, Class 1M Laser Product, and 21 CFR 1040.10, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007:
1) E invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 1.4 milliwatts CW, Emitted wavelength is 832-865 nm; 3) Operating temperature between 5C and 40C. verging beam of minimum +/-2 of infrared user-
mission of di WARNING!Laser Radiation. Viewing the laser output with magnifying optical instruments within a 100mm distance may pose an eye hazard. INVISIBLELASERRADIATION DONOTVIEWDIRECTLYWITHOPTICALINSTRUMENTS CLASS1MLASERPRODUCT Do not open or modify the product except for battery removal and replacement. Do not disassemble or attempt to service this product because there is a risk of radiation exposure, which could injure you. Do not direct the infrared/laser beam at anyones eye or a reflective object. Do not immerse product in any liquid or expose to heat or moisture. If product is exposed to out-of-range temperature environments, power off the device until temperature has stabilized within the specified operating temperature range. This is not a Childrens Product and is not intended for use by children under 14 years old. If product is operating improperly, contact Logitech support. Product must be returned to the manufacturer for any service or repair. Long periods of repetitive motion using the product may be associated with nerve, tendon or muscle injury in your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck or back. See a qualified health professional for pain, numbness, weakness, swelling, burning, cramping, or stiffness. Also, read guidelines at This product is safe under normal and reasonably foreseeable misuse operating conditions. Any changes or modifications to the product that are not expressly approved by Logitech may void the users authority to operate the equipment and your warranty. Refer to product Quick Start Guide for use instructions. FCCStatement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with Warning:Where shielded interface cables or accessories have been provided with the product or specified additional components or accessories elsewhere defined to be used with the installation of the product, they must be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC. Changes or modifications to product not expressly approved by Logitech, Inc could void your right to use or operate your product by the FCC. Canada:ICstatement:CANICES003(B)/NMB003Class(B) This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Cordless (Radio Transmitter) products: Section B. RSS-247 (2.4 GHz transmitters or transceivers): This Category I radio communication device complies with RSS-247 of Industry Canada. Radiation Exposure Statement: The wireless product complies with FCC and IC radiation exposure limits for portable devices. LogitechLimitedHardwareProductWarrantyA Summary Logitech warrants that its hardware product shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the length of time identified on your product package beginning from the date of the original retail purchase. See for specific warranty information about your product and procedures to act on a warranty claim. Logitechs entire liability and your exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty shall be, at Logitechs option, to repair or replace a functional equivalent of the product, or to refund the price paid, if the hardware is returned to the point of purchase or such other place as Logitech may direct along with a receipt. Warranty protections are in addition to rights provided under local consumer laws and may vary among countries. See full warranty information to know your consumer rights and the additional protections provided by this product warranty. LogitechAddress:Logitech, Inc., 7700 Gateway Blvd. Newark, California 94560. ForAustralia/NewZealandConsumersOnly:Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. This warranty is provided by Logitech International SA, EPFL - Innovation Park, Daniel Borel Innovation Center, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. ContactInformationforAustralia/NewZealandConsumersOnly:
Logitech Australia Computer Peripherals Pty Ltd, The Woolstores Alexandria, Shed 72, Suite 2.01A, 4F Huntley Street, Alexandria, Sydney, NSW Australia 2015. Telephone: 1 800-025-544. For any product /
warranty -related questions, please contact Customer Care
( ContactInformationforAsiaPacificConsumers:Logitech Asia Pacific Limited, Unit 1003, Tower One, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. AVERTISSEMENT!Lutilisation de commandes et rglages ou lemploi de procdures autres que celles spcifies dans le cadre du prsent document risque de provoquer une exposition des radiations. Leproduitcontientuntmoinlumineuxdeclasse1.Plage de temprature de fonctionnement: entre 0 et 40 C. Produitlaserdeclasse1M.Ce dispositif optique est conforme la norme internationale IEC/EN 60825-1: 2007 pour les produits laser de classe 1M et la rglementation 21 CFR 1040.10, sauf exceptions dcoulant de lavis sur les dispositifs laser n 50 en date du 24 juin 2007: 1) mission dun faisceau divergent de +/-2 minimum de lumire infrarouge invisible pour lutilisateur;
2) Puissance maximale de 1,4 milliwatt avec onde entretenue, gamme de longueur donde mise comprise entre 832 et 865 nanomtres; 3) Plage de temprature de fonctionnement: entre 5 et 40 C. AVERTISSEMENT!Rayonnement laser. Lobservation du rayonnement laser laide dinstruments optiques grossissants une distance de 100 mm ou moins est dangereuse pour les yeux. Franais Lire le manuel avant utilisation. AVERTISSEMENT!Un remplacement incorrect des piles peut prsenter des risques de fuite, dexplosion et de blessure. Les piles rechargeables peuvent prsenter des risques dincendie ou de brlure chimique si elles ne sont pas manipules comme il se doit. vitez douvrir, dabmer ou dexposer les piles des matriaux conducteurs, lhumidit, des liquides ou la chaleur
(temprature suprieure 54 C). Ne les utilisez pas et ne les rechargez pas si vous observez une fuite, une dcoloration, une dformation ou une quelconque anomalie. Ne laissez pas les piles dcharges ou inutilises pendant de longues priodes. Ne pas court-circuiter. La longvit de la batterie/des piles varie en fonction de leur utilisation. Les piles hors dusage doivent tre mises au rebut conformment aux directives locales. Sil nexiste aucune loi ou aucun rglement en vigueur, veuillez jeter votre dispositif dans un bac ddi au recyclage dappareils lectroniques. Tenez les batteries loignes des enfants. Produitlaserdeclasse1.Ce dispositif optique est conforme la norme internationale IEC/EN 60825-1: 2007 pour les produits laser de classe 1 et la rglementation 21 CFR 1040.10, sauf exceptions dcoulant de lavis sur les dispositifs laser n 50 en date du 24 juin 2007: 1) mission dun faisceau ou de deux faisceaux parallles indpendants de lumire infrarouge invisible pour lutilisateur; 2) Puissance maximale de 716 microwatts avec onde entretenue, gamme de longueur donde mise comprise entre 832 et 865 nanomtres; 3) Plage de temprature de fonctionnement:
entre 5 et 40 C. N'EXAMINEZPASDIRECTEMENTAVECDESINSTRUMENTSOPTIQUES RAYONNEMENTLASERINVISIBLE PRODUITLASERDECLASSE1M Nouvrez pas et ne modifiez pas le produit sauf pour retirer ou pour changer les piles. Ne tentez pas de dmonter le produit ou de lentretenir vous-mme car vous risquez de vous exposer des radiations pouvant entraner des blessures. Norientez pas le faisceau infrarouge/laser vers les yeux de quelquun ou vers un objet rflchissant. Nexposez pas le produit des liquides, la chaleur ou lhumidit. En cas dexposition un environnement soumis des tempratures hors plage autorise, teignez le dispositif et laissez la temprature retomber dans la plage de fonctionnement autorise. Ce produit nest pas destin aux enfants et nest pas adapt aux enfants gs de moins de 14 ans. En cas de dysfonctionnement du produit, contactez lassistance technique Logitech. Le produit doit tre renvoy au fabricant pour tout entretien ou rparation. Les mouvements rptitifs lis lutilisation prolonge du produit peuvent provoquer des blessures au niveau des nerfs, des tendons ou des muscles dans les mains, les poignets, les bras, les paules, le cou ou le dos. Si vous ressentez des douleurs, des engourdissements, des faiblesses, des gonflements, des sensations de brlure, des crampes ou des raideurs, consultez un mdecin. Veuillez galement lire les consignes relatives au confort sur le site Ce produit est considr comme sr dans des conditions dutilisation normales et des conditions dutilisation incorrectes raisonnablement prvisibles. Toutes modifications ou tous changements apports au produit par lutilisateur sans laccord exprs de Logitech annulent ses droits dutilisation de lquipement ainsi que la garantie. Reportez-vous au guide de dmarrage rapide du produit pour les consignes dutilisation. Canada:DclarationIC:NMB003Classe(B) Ce dispositif est conforme la norme/aux normes CNR exemptes de licence du Ministre canadien de lIndustrie. Son utilisation est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) le dispositif concern ne doit pas causer dinterfrences et (2) il doit accepter toute interfrence reue, y compris les interfrences risquant dengendrer un fonctionnement indsirable. Produits sans fil (metteur radiolectrique): Section B. CNR-247
(metteurs ou metteurs- rcepteurs 2.4 GHz): Ce dispositif communication radiolectrique de catgorie I est conforme la norme CNR-247 du ministre canadien de lIndustrie. Dclaration sur la radioexposition: Ce produit sans fil est conforme aux limitations prvues par la FCC er IIC en matire dexposition aux radiations des dispositifs portables. GarantiematriellelimitedeLogitechRcapitulatif Logitech garantit que son produit matriel est exempt de tout dfaut matriel et de fabrication pour la priode indique sur lemballage du produit partir de la date dachat dorigine. Pour les informations spcifiques relatives la garantie de votre produit et les procdures de rclamations de garantie, rendez-vous sur En cas de rupture de garantie, lintgralit de la responsabilit de Logitech et votre recours exclusif consisteront, la discrtion de Logitech, rparer le matriel ou le remplacer par un produit quivalent et fonctionnel, ou rembourser le prix dachat, sous rserve que le matriel soit renvoy au point de vente ou tout autre lieu indiqu par Logitech, accompagn dun justificatif dachat. La protection offerte par cette garantie vient sajouter aux droits confrs par la lgislation locale relative aux droits des consommateurs et peut varier selon les pays. Consultez les informations compltes sur la garantie pour connatre les droits des consommateurs et les protections supplmentaires offertes par la garantie de ce produit. AdressedeLogitech:Logitech Inc. 7700 Gateway Blvd. Newark, CA 94560. AvisauxutilisateursrsidantenAustralieetenNouvelleZlande:
Nos produits bnficient de garanties qui ne peuvent pas tre exclues en vertu de la lgislation australienne relative la consommation. Vous tes en droit de demander un remplacement ou un remboursement en cas de dfaut majeur et pouvez prtendre une indemnisation en cas de perte ou dommage raisonnablement prvisible. Vous tes galement en droit de demander la rparation ou le remplacement des produits si ces derniers ne sont pas dans un tat acceptable (hors dfaut majeur). La prsente garantie est accorde par Logitech International SA, EPFL - Innovation Park, Daniel Borel Innovation Center, 1015 Lausanne, Suisse. ContactpourlesutilisateursrsidantuniquementenAustralie etenNouvelleZlande:Logitech Australia Computer Peripherals Pty Ltd, The Woolstores Alexandria, Shed 72, Suite 2.01A, 4F Huntley Street, Alexandria, Sydney, NSW Australia 2015. Tlphone: 1 800-025-544. Pour toute question relative au produit ou aux garanties, veuillez contacter le service clientle ( ContactpourlesutilisateursrsidantenAsiePacifique:
Logitech Asia Pacific Limited, Unit 1003, Tower One, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Espaol Antes de usar el producto, lea el manual. ADVERTENCIA!Si las bateras no se cambian adecuadamente puede suponer un riesgo de fuga o de explosin y lesiones fsicas. Las bateras recargables pueden suponer un riesgo de incendio o quemaduras qumicas si no se tratan debidamente. Las bateras no deben abrirse, daarse ni exponerse a materiales conductores, humedad, lquidos o calor superior a 54 C. No utilice ni recargue la batera si parece que tiene fugas, prdida de color, est deformada o presenta cualquier otro tipo de anomala. No deje la batera descargada o sin utilizar durante periodos prolongados. Evite cortocircuitos. La duracin de las bateras depende del uso. Deshgase de las bateras inservibles teniendo en cuenta las leyes locales. Si no existe ninguna ley o normativa aplicable, deposite el dispositivo en un contenedor para dispositivos electrnicos. Mantenga las bateras fuera del alcance de los nios. Productolserdeclase1:Este dispositivo ptico cumple con la normativa internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, producto lser de clase 1, y con 21 CFR 1040.10, excepto en lo relacionado con el aviso de lser nmero 50, con fecha de 24 de junio de 2007: 1) Emisin de uno o dos haces paralelos independientes de luz infrarroja invisible para el usuario; 2) Potencia mxima de 716 microvatios en funcionamiento continuo; intervalo de longitud de onda entre 832 y 865 nanmetros; 3) Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 5 C y 40 C. ADVERTENCIA!La utilizacin de controles, ajustes o realizacin de procedimientos no especificados en este documento puede dar como resultado la exposicin a radiaciones peligrosas. Elproductocontienediodosdeclase1.Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 0 C y 40 C Productolserdeclase1M:Este dispositivo ptico cumple con la normativa internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, producto lser de clase 1M, y con 21 CFR 1040.10, excepto en lo relacionado con el aviso de lser nmero 50, con fecha de 24 de junio de 2007: 1) Emisin de un haz divergente de luz infrarroja mnima (+/-2) invisible para el usuario; 2) Potencia mxima de 1,4 microvatios en funcionamiento continuo; longitud de onda emitida entre 832 y 865 nanmetros; 3) Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 5 C y 40 C. ADVERTENCIA!Radiacin lser. La visualizacin del lser con instrumentos pticos de ampliacin a una distancia no superior a 10 cm puede daar los ojos. RADIACINLSERINVISIBLE EVITAFIJARLAVISTACUANDOMIRESATRAVSDEINSTRUMENTOSPTICOS PRODUCTOLSERDECLASE1M No abra ni modifique el producto, a menos que sea para extraer y sustituir las bateras. No desmonte el producto ni intente realizar tareas de mantenimiento, ya que existe un riesgo de exposicin a radiaciones que podran causarle lesiones. No dirija el haz lser o infrarrojo directamente a los ojos de alguien ni a un objeto reflectante. No sumerja el producto en ningn lquido ni lo exponga al calor o la humedad. Si la temperatura ambiente est fuera de los lmites permitidos, apague el dispositivo y espere hasta que se den las condiciones de temperatura de funcionamiento requeridas. Este producto no es de uso infantil y no est recomendado para menores de 14 aos. Si el producto no funciona correctamente, pngase en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de Logitech. Deber devolver el producto al fabricante para cualquier servicio o reparacin. Realizar tareas repetitivas durante largos periodos de tiempo puede ocasionar cansancio y lesiones fsicas en nervios, tendones y msculos en las manos, muecas, brazos, hombros, cuello o espalda. Ante cualquier sntoma de dolor, hormigueo, debilidad, inflamacin, quemazn, calambre o agarrotamiento, contacte con un profesional sanitario titulado. Tambin debe leer las recomendaciones en Este producto es seguro en condiciones de uso normales o inadecuadas dentro de lo previsible. La realizacin de cualquier cambio o modificacin no autorizado expresamente por Logitech podra anular sus derechos para usar el equipo y su garanta. Consulte la Gua de inicio rpido para obtener instrucciones de uso. 2016 Logitech. Logitech, Logi and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2016 Logitech. Logitech, Logi et les autres marques Logitech sont la proprit de Logitech et sont susceptibles dtre dposes. Toutes les autres marques sont la proprit exclusive de leurs dtenteurs respectifs. Logitech dcline toute responsabilit en cas derreurs dans ce manuel. Les informations nonces dans le prsent document peuvent faire lobjet de modifications sans avis pralable. 620-006926.005 GarantadeproductosdehardwaredeLogitechResumen Logitech garantiza la ausencia de anomalas en sus productos de hardware en lo referente a los materiales y a la fabricacin durante el tiempo especificado en el paquete del producto a partir de la fecha de adquisicin del producto. Consulte para obtener informacin especfica de la garanta acerca de su producto y los procedimientos para llevar a cabo en una reclamacin de garanta. La responsabilidad total de Logitech y la nica indemnizacin a la que el usuario tendr derecho en caso de incumplimiento de la garanta consistir, a discrecin de Logitech, en la reparacin o la sustitucin por un producto de iguales caractersticas, o el reembolso del importe abonado, siempre y cuando el hardware se devuelva al punto de venta, o cualquier otro lugar que Logitech indique, junto con una copia del recibo de compra. La proteccin de la garanta es adicional a los derechos otorgados segn las leyes de consumidor locales y puede variar dependiendo del pas. Consulte toda la informacin de la garanta para conocer sus derechos como consumidor y las protecciones adicionales otorgadas por la garanta de este producto. DireccindeLogitechLogitech Inc. 7700 Gateway Blvd. Newark, CA 94560, Estados Unidos Declaracinpara Mxico:
La operacin de este equipo est sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:
(1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia incluyendo la que pueda causar su operacin no deseada. SloparaconsumidoresenMxico:Logitech de Mxico S.A. de C.V. va Antiguo Camino a la Lumbrera s/n Parcelas 51 y 52, Edificio Mezquite 111 Col. San Martin Obispo Cuautitln Izcali, Edo. De Mxico C.P. 54769 Mxico. Telfono: 01-800-800-4500. SloparaconsumidoresenAustralia/NuevaZelanda:Nuestros productos incluyen garantas que no estn excluidas de las leyes de consumidor de Australia. En caso de que el producto sea defectuoso tienes derecho a una reposicin o al reembolso de su importe as como a una compensacin por cualquier prdida o daos dentro de lo previsible. Asimismo, tienes derecho a una reparacin o sustitucin del producto si la calidad del mismo no es aceptable, incluso si las anomalas no impiden su funcionamiento. Esta garanta se otorga en nombre de Logitech International SA, EPFL -
Innovation Park, Daniel Borel Innovation Center, 1015 Lausanne, Suiza. InformacindecontactosloparaconsumidoresenAustralia/
NuevaZelanda:Logitech Australia Computer Peripherals Pty Ltd, The Woolstores Alexandria, Shed 72, Suite 2.01A, 4F Huntley Street, Alexandria, Sydney, NSW Australia 2015. Telfono: 1 800-025-544. Si deseas realizar alguna consulta relacionada con el producto o la garanta, ponte en contacto con el servicio de atencin al cliente ( ContactInformationforAsiaPacificConsumers:Logitech Asia Pacific Limited, Unit 1003, Tower One, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Portugus Leia o manual antes de usar o produto AVISO!Caso sejam substitudas de forma incorreta, as baterias podem apresentar risco de vazamento ou exploso e ferimento pessoal. Caso sejam tratadas de forma indevida, as baterias recarregveis podem apresentar risco de incndio ou queima qumica. No abra, destrua ou exponha a bateria a materiais condutores, umidade, lquidos ou calor acima de 54 C. No use nem carregue a bateria se houver sinal de vazamento, descolorao, deformao ou qualquer anomalia. No deixe a bateria descarregada ou sem uso por longos perodos de tempo. No cause curto-circuito. A vida til de uma bateria depende do seu uso. Aps ultrapassado o seu perodo de vida til, descarte a bateria conforme os regulamentos regionais. Se no existirem tais leis ou regulamentos, descarte o dispositivo em uma lixeira destinada a aparelhos eletrnicos. Mantenha a bateria fora do alcance de crianas. ProdutosalaserClasse1:Este dispositivo ptico est em conformidade com o Padro Internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, produto a laser Classe 1, e com o 21 CFR 1040.10, exceto desvios de acordo com o Aviso sobre laser n 50, datado de 24 de junho de 2007: 1) Emisso de um ou dois feixes paralelos independentes de luz infravermelha invisvel para o usurio;
2) Fora mxima de 716 microwatts CW, comprimento de onda emitido de 832 a 865 nanmetros; 3) Temperatura de funcionamento entre 5 C e 40 C. AVISO!O uso de controles ou ajustes ou o desempenho de procedimentos aqui no especificados pode resultar em exposio perigosa a radiao. OprodutocontmLEDClasse1.Temperatura de funcionamento entre 0C e 40C. ProdutosalaserClasse1M:Este dispositivo ptico est em conformidade com o Padro Internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, produto a laser Classe 1M, e com o 21 CFR 1040.10, exceto desvios de acordo com o Aviso sobre laser n 50, datado de 24 de junho de 2007: 1) Emisso de feixe divergente mnimo (+/-2) de luz infravermelha invisvel para o usurio;
2) Fora mxima de 1,4 microwatts CW, comprimento de onda emitido de 832-865 nanmetros; 3) Temperatura de funcionamento entre 5 C e 40 C. AVISO!Radiao laser. Olhar para a sada do laser com instrumentos pticos de aumento a uma distncia de at 100 mm pode representar um perigo para os olhos. RADIAODELASERINVISVEL NOVISUALIZEDIRETAMENTECOMINSTRUMENTOSTICOS PRODUTOALASERCLASSE1M No abra ou modifique o produto, salvo para remoo e substituio da pilha. No desmonte nem tente realizar manuteno neste produto. Existe risco de exposio radiao, que pode causar ferimentos. No direcione o feixe de laser/infravermelho para os olhos de algum ou para um objeto refletor. No mergulhe o produto em nenhum tipo de lquido nem o exponha a calor ou umidade. Se o produto for exposto a temperaturas que excedem os limites indicados para o funcionamento, desligue-o at que a temperatura esteja estabilizada. Este no um produto infantil e no se destina ao uso por crianas menores de 14 anos. Caso o produto no esteja funcionando adequadamente, entre em contato com o suporte da Logitech. O produto deve ser devolvido ao fabricante para qualquer tipo de manuteno ou conserto. Longos perodos de movimento repetitivo durante a utilizao do produto podem provocar leses musculares, nervosas ou tendinosas nas mos, pulsos, ombros, pescoo ou costas. Se sentir dor, dormncia, fraqueza, inchao, ardncia, cibra ou rigidez nessas reas, consulte um profissional de sade qualificado. Leia tambm as diretrizes em Este produto seguro se utilizado em condies de funcionamento normais ou em condies previsveis de utilizao incorreta. Alteraes ou modificaes ao produto no aprovadas expressamente pela Logitech podem anular a autoridade do usurio para operar o equipamento e a sua garantia. Consulte as instrues de uso no Guia de Incio Rpido. DeclaraonoBrasil:
Este equipamento opera em carter secundrio, isto , no tem direito a proteo contra interferncia prejudicial mesmo de estaes do mesmo tipo e no pode causar interferncia a sistemas operando em carter primrio. GarantiadoprodutodehardwaredaLogitechSumrio A Logitech garante que seu produto de hardware estar isento de defeitos de material e de fabricao pelo perodo de tempo especificado na embalagem do produto, a partir da data original da compra. Consulte o site support. para obter informaes especficas sobre a garantia do seu produto e procedimentos sobre como agir em caso de reivindicao de garantia. Toda a responsabilidade da Logitech e seu exclusivo recurso por quaisquer violaes da garantia sero, a critrio da Logitech, no sentido de consertar ou substituir um equivalente funcional do produto ou de reembolsar o valor pago, desde que o hardware seja devolvido ao local de compra, ou outro local que a Logitech possa determinar, com uma cpia do recibo. As protees de garantia so uma adio aos direitos concedidos ao abrigo das leis de proteo do consumidor locais em vigor, e podem variar conforme o pas em questo. Consulte toda a informao sobre garantia para conhecer os seus direitos enquanto consumidor e as protees adicionais fornecidas pela garantia deste produto. EndereodaLogitech:Logitech, Inc., 7700 Gateway Blvd. Newark, California 94560. DeclaraonoBrasil:
Este equipamento opera em carter secundrio, isto , no tem direito a proteo contra interferncia prejudicial mesmo de estaes do mesmo tipo e no pode causar interferncia a sistemas operando em carter primrio. Apenasparaconsumidoresaustralianoseneozelandeses:Os nossos bens so fornecidos com garantias que no podem ser excludas de acordo com a Lei do Consumidor Australiana. Voc tem direito a substituio ou reembolso em caso de falhas graves e a compensao em caso de perdas ou danos razoavelmente previsveis. Voc tambm tem direito a reparao ou substituio dos bens caso os mesmos no correspondam a padres aceitveis de qualidade e caso a falha em questo no implique em uma falha maior. Esta garantia fornecida pela Logitech International SA, EPFL -
Innovation Park, Daniel Borel Innovation Center, 1015 Lausanne, Sua. Informaesdecontatosomenteparaconsumidoresaustralianos eneozelandeses:Logitech Australia Computer Peripherals Pty Ltd, The Woolstores Alexandria, Shed 72, Suite 2.01A, 4F Huntley Street, Alexandria, Sydney, NSW Australia 2015. Telefone: 1 800-025-544. Em caso de perguntas relacionadas com o produto ou com a garantia, entre em contato com o Atendimento ao Cliente ( Somenteparaconsumidoresbrasileiros:Esta ligao gratuita 0800.891.4173 Informaesdecontatosomenteparaconsumidoresdaregio siaPacfico:Logitech Asia Pacific Limited, Unit 1003, Tower One, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza, 833 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Informaescompletassobregarantia:
1 2 | User Manual | Users Manual | 1.16 MiB |
MX ERGO Online Guide Draft March 2017 Online Guide / Example of Structure EXAMPLE GUIDELINES Online Guide / Getting Started Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Getting Started Connect your trackball in Bluetooth or Unifying MX Ergo can connect to your computer through the Unifying receiver in the box or via Bluetooth. Please choose the connectivity you want to connect your MX Ergo to your computer with and follow the steps below. 1. Connect with 2. Connect with Online Guide / Product features Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Product features Overview of features Thank you for purchasing MX Ergo. We hope you will enjoy your new Trackball.
(1) Adjustable angle
(2) Precision mode
(3) Easy-switch & connect button
(4) Rechargeable
(5) Precision scroll-wheel with extra buttons
(6) Back / forward
(7) Rubber palmsupport
(8) Battery LED Adjustable Angle Precision mode Easy-switch & Connectivity Precision scroll-wheel Power Management Logitech Options Online Guide / Product features Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Product features Overview of features Adjustable Angle MX ERGO offers the incredible comfort by allowing a better wrist and hand posture, reducing muscle activity &
minimising wrist pressure. On MX Ergo you can choose between 2 angles, 0 and 20. Internal Logitech study show that MX Ergo To learn more about the comfort and the benefits of using a trackball, please have a look at the document below. Easy-switch & Connectivity Precision mode Precision scroll-wheel Power Management Logitech Options Online Guide / Product features Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Product features Overview of features Adjustable Angle Easy-switch & Connectivity MX Ergo can connect to your computer through the Unifying receiver in the box or via Bluetooth. Follow the instructions under Getting started to connect in your preferred connectivity. MX Ergo also lets you connect to two devices at a time. You can connect in both channels in either Unifying or Bluetooth*. Once you have connected more than 1 device, the Easy-switch button lets you to switch between two computers instantly, with a simple click of a button.
* Only 1 Unifying receiver in the box Precision mode Precision scroll-wheel Power Management Logitech Options Online Guide / Product features Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Product features Overview of features Adjustable Angle Easy-switch & Connectivity Precision mode With an instant press on the precision mode button you can toggle between two modes; Accuracy and Speed, allowing you to work more efficiently. When the precision mode button its switched on, the LED next to the button will be lid up, to indicate precision mode is on.
(Note that after 1 minute in precision mode, the LED will fade out to save power) Precision scroll-wheel Power Management Logitech Options Online Guide / Product features Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Product features Overview of features Adjustable Angle Easy-switch & Connectivity Precision mode Precision scroll-wheel The metal scroll-wheel on MX Ergo provides a precise, step-by-step scrolling, to give you the best experience across your productivity applications. Power Management Logitech Options Online Guide / FAQs Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us FAQs How to clean the trackball We recommend you clean the ball and the holder for the ball every six months.
Online Guide / Downloads Downloads Mac Logitech Options Logitech Options software lets you customise your device settings. Logitech Options lets you setup gesture controls for Logitech products. It also adds enhanced key functions for Logitech keyboards, and notication for device-specic status features such as battery level, key backlighting level, and Caps Lock. Windows Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Online Guide / Warranty Getting Started Product features FAQs Downloads Warranty Specs Contact us Warranty 2-year limited hardware warranty At Logitech, it is our goal to ensure you are completely satised with your Logitech purchase. We take pride in the products and services we offer, and want our customers to enjoy them just as much as we do. If you are experiencing an issue, please click on one of the following links to learn more about the Logitech warranty. Check your Logitech warranty here MX ERGO Online Guide Appendix March 2017 Getting started in Choose between connecting via Bluetooth or the unifying receiver in the box and follow the steps below Download Logitech Options Turn on Open BT settings Connected Getting started in Choose between connecting via Bluetooth or the unifying receiver in the box and follow the steps below Download Logitech Options Turn on Plug Unifying Receiver Connected MX Ergo at a glance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adjustable Angle Precision mode Easy-switch Rechargeble Precision scroll-wheel Back/Forward Battery LED Connectivity Bluetooth / Unifying Customise your MX Ergo Download Logitech Options to get endless possibilities to personalise your trackball exactly to your needs. Download Logitech Options Precision mode With an instant press on the precision mode button you can toggle between two modes; Accuracy and Speed, allowing you to work efficiently. Easy Switch Connect to 2 computer and switch between them with a press on a button. With an instant press on the Easy Switch button you can toggle between two computers. Adjustable angle for ultimate comfort MX ERGO offers the best possible comfort by allowing a better wrist and hand posture, reducing muscle activity &
minimising wrist pressure. On MX Ergo you can choose between 2 angles, 0 and 20. Introduction Thank you for purchasing the worlds most advanced Trackball We hope you will love using the product Clean your product Keep your ball clean 1. Turn Off 2. Remove metal plate 3. Use soft tip of the pen to eject ball 4. Remove dust from the bearings (and the ball) with tissue. Power Management 1. Battery Life 2. Recharge your product 3. LED behaviour MX ERGO BENEFITS Improved wrist posture Lower muscle activities Reduced wrist pressure IMPROVED BODY POSTURE A MORE NATURAL HAND POSITION Imaging sleeping in space, or in water. Naturally, your body will take a natural fetal position where all the muscles and tendons are at rest. The forearm and hand will take a vertical position, just like in a handshake. Poor posture has been identified as one of the key risk factors for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The goal of ergonomics is to moved toward natural postures. However, by being used on the table, the mouse forces the hand to be in a more horizontal, pronated position. The trackball and in particular the MX ERGO, by its innovative design, allows the forearm to rotate clockwise and reduces the stress on the muscles holding the 2 forearm bones: the Radial and Ulnar. MOUSE MX ERGO HANDSHAKE Close to horizontal position GOOD b/w 0 to 20 Less vertical position b/
BETTER w 40 to 50 U L N A R R A D I U S BEST Most natural position of the forearm at 90 TILT AT 20 MX ERGO is tillable to an additional 20 degree angle that helps to limit even more the forearm pronation. It makes the trackball the most comfortable pointing device from Logitech. Why 20? This angle has been studied as the best angle for comfort and aesthetic appeal. A higher angle is seen as too drastic by consumers. 0 20 AVR 30 AVR 45 LOWER MUSCLE ACTIVITIES Five key muscles are used while moving a mouse or a trackball, and can be involved in potential injuries (e.g. epicondylitis). The less they work, the more relaxed and comfortable the user is. Upper trapezius Extensor carpi Flexor carpi ulnaris Thumb abductor Thumb adductor LOWER MUSCLE ACTIVITIES
According to a Logitech study a Logitech M570 trackball tilted at 15 - so very close to MX ERGO design -
muscular activities are lower in comparison with a mouse for 4 muscles by 35%. Only the thumb abductor muscle works more to move the ball (but only by +12%). REDUCED WRIST PRESSURE REDUCED WRIST PRESSURE While using a mouse, the wrist sits on the table for hours. Over time, this pressure can lead to pain, and dangerously to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a repetitive strain injury (RSI). The best solution to avoid this pain is to remove the pressure on the wrist as much as possible. The trackball offers a great solution as its sculpted design and static base (only the thumb is moving) allow the wrist to be relaxed, at rest. TRACKBALL Most of the pressure is on the palm and almost nothing on the wrist. MOUSE Most of the pressure is on the wrist.
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2017-07-25 | 2405 ~ 2474 | DTS - Digital Transmission System | Original Equipment |
2 | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 | Effective |
1 2 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Logitech Far East Ltd
1 2 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 | Physical Address |
#2 Creation Rd. 4, Science-Based Ind. Park
1 2 |
Hsinchu, N/A 300
1 2 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
1 2 |
A1: Low Power Transmitters below 1 GHz (except Spread Spectrum), Unintentional Radiators, EAS (Part 11) & Consumer ISM devices
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 | Grantee Code |
1 2 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 | Name |
B******** C****
1 2 | Title |
Sr. Certification Engineer
1 2 | Telephone Number |
886-3******** Extension:
1 2 | Fax Number |
1 2 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 12/31/2017 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Equipment Class | DTS - Digital Transmission System | ||||
1 2 | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral | |||||
1 2 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Wireless Trackball | ||||
1 2 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 2 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 2 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is conducted. End-users must be provided with specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance | ||||
1 2 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas CPS (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch
1 2 | Name |
R**** C******
1 2 | Telephone Number |
+886-******** Extension:
1 2 | Fax Number |
1 2 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | CC | 2405 | 2474 | 0.002 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 15C | CC | 2402 | 2480 | 0.002 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 15B | CC |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC