Understanding&UsingYour ekt EKThastwoparts:
1. The key unit (a), which holds the keyring;
2. The belt unit (b), which securely attachestoanybeltorutilitybelt.
(b) Toattachbeltunittobeltorutilitybelt:
1. Place the metal clip inward, or towardstheusersbody,ontothe topofthebelt. 2. Push down until metal clip fits snugly around the belt and belt is completely within metalclip. 3. When secured, the metal clip should form a loop around the belt to prevent it from sliding up andoffthebelt. Toattachkeyunittobeltunit:
1. Firstmakesurethegraybuttonis facing outward, oraway from the usersbody,andthatthekeyring isatthebottomofthekeyunit. 2. Fit the top edge of the key unit intothegrooveofthebeltunitat aslightangleawayfromtheusers 3. Push the key unit down and toward the belt unit until it clicks andlockssecurelyinplace. Toremovethekeyunitfromthebeltunit:
1. Grasp the keys with the inside of your hand; at the same time, using your thumb, depress the graybuttonandpullkeysupward awayfromthebody. Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:
(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference, and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference received,includinginterferencethatmaycause undesiredoperation. ekt3000 UserManual ProductWarranty Troubleshooting&Warnings if not used frequency energy and This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio in instructions, may cause accordance with the harmful interference to television reception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningthe unitonandoff,theuserisencouragedtoattempt increasing the correcting the separation between the ekt units and the affected deviceorconsultthedealerfortechnicalhelp. interference by radio or Referto:http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfr retrieve.html#page1 Title47CFR Part15,Section105 Caution:Changes or modifications to EKTs RF hardware that are not expressly approved by EKT, LLC could void the users authority to operate the equipment. ProductSupportInformation NOTICESOFCOMPLIANCE EKTAlarmSignals If the key unit and the belt unit are separated by morethan25feet,threethingswilloccur:
1. Audiblealarmsignalswillsoundfromboth 2. 3. thekeyunitandthebeltunit. Thebeltunitwillvibrate. The key unit will emit a bright 1/2 watt LEDwarninglight. Allthreewarningsignalswillcontinueuntilthekey unitissafelyreattachedtothebeltunit. HowtoChangeBatteries www.ektalert.com