Preface Rugged TABLET PC User Manual FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help. CAUTION:
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Labelingrequirements ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothe followingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2) thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation. RFexposurewarning This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be providing with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. SAR Value: 1.409 W/kg Thisdeviceisoperationin5.155.25GHzfrequencyrange,thenrestrictedinindoor useonly,Outdooroperationsinthe5150~5250MHzisprohibit. Thisdeviceisslaveequipment,thedeviceisnotradardetectionandnotadhoc operationintheDFSband. EExxpplloorriinngg YYoouurr TT1100CC TTaabblleett Before starting to set up the T10C, get familiar with the locations and purposes of controls, connectors and ports, which are illustrated in the figures below. When placed upright on the desktop, the front panel of the T10C appears as shown in below. The front side of the T10C is equipped the I/O as described below. F1 Button F2 Button F3 Button F4 Button F5 Button Fn Button Fn+F3 Button (SAS) F1=explorer F2=Windows Media Player F3=OnScreen keyboard (osk) F4=Task Manager F5=Calculator Fn = Hotkey Utility Implement Secure Attention Sequence (SAS) Similar function as pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete on a standard keyboard Function Key mapping during boot (for Windows recovery) is as follows:
F1 KEY -LEFT ARROW F2 KEY -UP ARROW F3 KEY -ENTER F4 KEY -RIGHT ARROW F5 KEY -DOWN ARROW Camera/2 Mega-pixel (Front) The built-in camera can be used as a communication device for allowing you to capture images, record videos, and have video chats. It is 2M pixels and transmitting instant image through network for conference. Camera/5 Mega-pixel (Rear) The built-in high resolution camera can be used as a communication device for allowing you to capture images, record videos, and have video chats. LED Power/Storage/Wireless Keeps you informed of your systems current power status, storage access status, and wireless devices ON/OFF status. 1. Power LED Indicator 3. Wireless ON/OFF 2. Storage Access Power LED Indicator Letting you know that system is turned on and indicate the battery charging status. Lights green when the system is powered on and battery is discharging Lights amber when the system is powered on and battery is charging Lights blinking amber when the system is in S3 sleep mode and battery is charging or lights blinking green when the system is in S3 sleep mode and battery is fully charged Lights off when system is powered off or the battery is fully charged. Storage Access When LED blinking white indicates that the system is accessing the Storage Drive. Wireless ON/OFF When LED turns on, white LED indicates that a wireless device(Wifi/Bluetooth) is activated. When LED turns off, it indicates that all wireless devices are being disabled. System Status Information Thisutilityshowsyouthebatterycapacitystatus,RFstatuswithitssignal strengthandsysteminformation,andprovidesthecontrolpanelforthefunction setting. Forbatterycapacitystatus:
The T10Cisequippedwithoneinternalbatteryandoneoptionalexternal battery. Thebatterycapacitystatusshownbelowadvisesyou,thatonlyoneinternal batteryisembeddedwiththesystemwithfullycharged,andthereisno 2ndoptionalbatteryinstalledinthesystem. Ifthesysteminstallsboththe1stinternalbatteryand2ndoptionalbattery,the illustrationshownbelowindicatesitscurrentchargingstatusandcapacity. If1stbatterycapacitydropsto15%,thesystemwilldisplaythefollowingwarning messagefor5seconds. ForRFstatus:
ThefollowingRFstatusshowsyouthatthesystemisequippedwithWiFi, andBluetoothfunctions.Ifyouwanttocloseeitherofthesefunctions,please refersectionforhowtodisableit. ThefollowingsignalstrengthshowsyouthattheWiFifunction isconnectingcurrently,thestrongerthesignalstrength,themorescalewillshow onthebar.Ifthereisnomoduleinthesystem,therewillbenostatusscaleinthe followingstatusbar. ForSystemInformation:
Thesysteminformationshownontheleftshowsyoutheutility version,BIOSandECversionandyoucanusethemforcustomer servicewhenasked. UUssiinngg tthhee AApppplliiccaattiioonn YourT10Chasnumbersofapplicationsonthecontrolpanelforexecuting specificcommand.Itprovidesyoutoadjustbrightness,volume,launchwebcam, andswitchmonitor(viadocking). Brightness Control Forbrightnessadjustment,presstheBrightness icon. Whenyoupressit,thebrightnesscontrolpanelisappearedasfollows:
Youcanclick or Also,youcanslidethescalebar toreduceorincreasetheLCDbrightness. tosetthebrightness. Volume Control ForVolumeadjustment,presstheVolume icon. Whenyoupressit,theVolumecontrolpanelisappearedasfollows:
Youcanclick incrementally. or toreduceorincreasetheaudiovolume Also,youcanslidethescalebar tosettheaudiovolume. YoucanticktheMute Launch Webcam Utility tomutetheaudio. ForWebcamLaunch,presstheWebcam OrcanaccesstheWebcam iconlocatedondesktop. icontolaunchtheWebcamutility. MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg tthhee BBaatttteerryy Donotexposeheatorattempttodisassemblethebattery,anddonotplace thebatteryinwaterorinafire. Donotsubjectthebatterytostrongimpact,suchasablowfromahammer, orsteppingonordroppingit. Donotpunctureordisassemblethebattery. Donotattempttoopenorservicethebattery. Replaceonlywithbatteriesdesignedspecificallyforthisproduct. Keepthebatteryoutofreachofchildren. Disposeofusedbatteriesaccordingtolocalregulations. MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg tthhee LLCCDD DDiissppllaayy Onlyoperatetouchpanelusingapolyacetalstyluspen(tipR0.8mmor more)orafinger. Donotscratchthesurfaceofthescreenwithanyhardobjects. Donotoperatetouchpanelwithhardorsharptipssuchasaballpointpen oramechanicalpencilasitwouldmakepermanentscratchtothesurface oftouchscreen. Donotspraycorrosiveliquiddirectlyonthescreenorallowexcessliquidto dripdowninsidethedevice. Donotplaceanything,suchasfoodanddrink,onthescreenatanytimeto preventdamagetothescreen. CleantheLCDdisplayonlywithasoftclothdampenedwith denaturedalcoholoraproprietaryLCDscreencleaner. CClleeaanniinngg tthhee TT1100CC TurnofftheT10Candunplugthepowercord. Wipethescreenandexteriorwithasoft,dampclothmoistenedonlywith water.Donotuseliquidoraerosolcleanersonthescreen,asthesewill discolorthefinishanddamagethescreen.