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Manual | Users Manual | 2.25 MiB | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | |||
1 | Test Report | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
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1 | ID Label/Location Info | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | ID Label/Location Info | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | RF Exposure Info | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 | ||||||
1 | Test Setup Photos | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 |
1 | Manual | Users Manual | 2.25 MiB | May 05 2014 / December 05 2014 |
GC10 Hardware Design GSM/GPRS Module Series Rev. GC10_Hardware_Design_V2.0 Date: 2014-01-09 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Our aim is to provide customers with timely and comprehensive service. For any assistance, please contact our company headquarters:
Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. Room 501, Building 13, No.99, Tianzhou Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 5108 6236 Mail: Or our local office, for more information, please visit: For technical support, to report documentation errors, please visit: GENERAL NOTES QUECTEL OFFERS THIS INFORMATION AS A SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS BASED UPON CUSTOMERS REQUIREMENTS. QUECTEL MAKES EVERY EFFORT TO ENSURE THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION IT MAKES AVAILABLE. QUECTEL DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, AND DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED BY USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THE INFORMATION. ALL INFORMATION SUPPLIED HEREIN ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. COPYRIGHT THIS INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE IS PROPRIETARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION OF QUECTEL CO., LTD. TRANSMITTABLE, REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION AND EDITING OF THIS DOCUMENT AS WELL AS UTILIZATION OF THIS CONTENTS ARE FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PERMISSION. OFFENDERS WILL BE HELD LIABLE FOR PAYMENT OF DAMAGES. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED IN THE EVENT OF A PATENT GRANT OR REGISTRATION OF A UTILITY MODEL OR DESIGN. Copyright Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 1 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design About the Document History Revision Date Author Description 1.0 2.0 2013-12-09 King HAO Initial 2014-01-09 King HAO 1. Updated Figure 2: Pin assignment. 2. Modified the recommended footprint of the module in Chapter 6. the mechanical dimensions and 3. Updated SIM card detection function. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 2 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Contents 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 2.1. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. About the Document ................................................................................................................................... 2 Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Table Index ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure Index ................................................................................................................................................. 6 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8 1.1. Safety Information ................................................................................................................... 8 2 Product Concept ................................................................................................................................ 10 General Description ............................................................................................................... 10 Directives and Standards ...................................................................................................... 10 FCC Statement ............................................................................................................... 10 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement .............................................................................. 11 Key Features ......................................................................................................................... 11 Functional Diagram ............................................................................................................... 13 Evaluation Board ................................................................................................................... 14 3 Application Interface ......................................................................................................................... 15 Pin of Module ......................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.1. Pin Assignment .............................................................................................................. 16 3.1.2. Pin Description ............................................................................................................... 17 Operating Modes ................................................................................................................... 21 Power Supply ........................................................................................................................ 22 3.3.1. Power Features of Module ............................................................................................. 22 3.3.2. Decrease Supply Voltage Drop ...................................................................................... 22 3.3.3. Reference Design for Power Supply .............................................................................. 23 3.3.4. Monitor Power Supply .................................................................................................... 24 Power On and Down Scenarios ............................................................................................ 24 3.4.1. Power On ....................................................................................................................... 24 3.4.2. Power Down ................................................................................................................... 26 Power Down Module by the PWRKEY Pin ....................................................... 27 Power Down Module by AT Command ............................................................. 28 Over-voltage or Under-voltage Automatic Shutdown ........................................ 28 Emergency Shutdown by EMERG_OFF Pin .................................................... 29 3.4.3. Restart ............................................................................................................................ 30 Power Saving Technology ..................................................................................................... 31 3.5.1. Minimum Functionality Mode ......................................................................................... 31 3.5.2. Sleep Mode .................................................................................................................... 31 3.5.3. Wake Up Module from Sleep Mode ............................................................................... 32 3.5.4. Summary of State Transition .......................................................................................... 32 RTC Backup .......................................................................................................................... 32 Serial Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 34 3.7.1. UART Port ...................................................................................................................... 36 The Features of UART Port ............................................................................... 36 3.6. 3.7. 3.4. 3.5. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 3 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.9. 3.8. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. The Connection of UART .................................................................................. 37 3.7.2. Debug and Upgrade Port ............................................................................................... 38 3.7.3. UART Application ........................................................................................................... 39 Audio Interfaces ..................................................................................................................... 41 3.8.1. Decrease TDD Noise and Other Noises ........................................................................ 42 3.8.2. Microphone Interfaces Design ....................................................................................... 43 3.8.3. Receiver Interface Design .............................................................................................. 44 3.8.4. Earphone Interface Design ............................................................................................ 46 3.8.5. Audio Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 46 SIM Card Interface ................................................................................................................ 47 3.9.1. SIM Card Application ...................................................................................................... 47 3.9.2. SIM Cassette .................................................................................................................. 49 PCM Interface ........................................................................................................................ 52 Behaviors of the RI ................................................................................................................ 52 Network Status Indication ...................................................................................................... 53 4 Antenna Interface ............................................................................................................................... 55 RF Reference Design ............................................................................................................ 55 RF Output Power ................................................................................................................... 56 RF Receiving Sensitivity ........................................................................................................ 56 Operating Frequencies .......................................................................................................... 57 RF Cable Soldering ............................................................................................................... 57 5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics ............................................................................ 58 Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................... 58 Operating Temperature ......................................................................................................... 59 Power Supply Ratings ........................................................................................................... 59 Current Consumption ............................................................................................................ 60 Electro-static Discharge ........................................................................................................ 61 6 Mechanical Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 63 Mechanical Dimensions of Module ....................................................................................... 63 Recommended Footprint ....................................................................................................... 65 7 Storage and Manufacturing .............................................................................................................. 66 Storage .................................................................................................................................. 66 Soldering ............................................................................................................................... 67 Packaging .............................................................................................................................. 68 Tape and Reel Packaging .............................................................................................. 68 8 Appendix A Reference ....................................................................................................................... 70 9 Appendix B GPRS Coding Scheme ................................................................................................. 74 10 Appendix C GPRS Multi-slot Class .................................................................................................. 76 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 6.1. 6.2. 7.3.1. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 4 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Table Index TABLE 1: MODULE KEY FEATURES ................................................................................................................ 11 TABLE 2: CODING SCHEMES AND MAXIMUM NET DATA RATES OVER AIR INTERFACE ........................ 13 TABLE 3: PIN DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 17 TABLE 4: OVERVIEW OF OPERATING MODES ............................................................................................. 21 TABLE 5: SUMMARY OF STATE TRANSITION ............................................................................................... 32 TABLE 6: LOGIC LEVELS OF THE UART INTERFACES ................................................................................ 35 TABLE 7: PIN DEFINITION OF THE UART INTERFACES .............................................................................. 35 TABLE 8: PIN DEFINITION OF AUDIO INTERFACE ....................................................................................... 41 TABLE 9: TYPICAL ELECTRET MICROPHONE CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................... 46 TABLE 10: TYPICAL AUDIO OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................... 46 TABLE 11: PIN DEFINITION OF THE SIM INTERFACE .................................................................................. 47 TABLE 12: PIN DESCRIPTION OF AMPHENOL SIM CARD HOLDER ........................................................... 50 TABLE 13: PIN DESCRIPTION OF MOLEX SIM CARD HOLDER .................................................................. 51 TABLE 14: BEHAVIOURS OF THE RI .............................................................................................................. 52 TABLE 15: WORKING STATE OF THE NETLIGHT .......................................................................................... 53 TABLE 16: PIN DEFINITION OF THE RF_ANT ................................................................................................ 55 TABLE 17: THE MODULE CONDUCTED RF OUTPUT POWER .................................................................... 56 TABLE 18: THE MODULE CONDUCTED RF RECEIVING SENSITIVITY ....................................................... 56 TABLE 19: THE MODULE OPERATING FREQUENCIES ................................................................................ 57 TABLE 20: ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .................................................................................................. 58 TABLE 21: OPERATING TEMPERATURE ........................................................................................................ 59 TABLE 22: THE MODULE POWER SUPPLY RATINGS .................................................................................. 59 TABLE 23: THE MODULE CURRENT CONSUMPTION .................................................................................. 60 TABLE 24: THE ESD ENDURANCE (TEMPERATURE: 25, HUMIDITY: 45 %) ........................................... 62 TABLE 25: RELATED DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................ 70 TABLE 26: TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 71 TABLE 27: DESCRIPTION OF DIFFERENT CODING SCHEMES .................................................................. 74 TABLE 28: GPRS MULTI-SLOT CLASSES ...................................................................................................... 76 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 5 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure Index FIGURE 1: MODULE FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM ............................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 2: PIN ASSIGNMENT ......................................................................................................................... 16 FIGURE 3: VOLTAGE DROP DURING TRANSMITTING ................................................................................. 22 FIGURE 4: REFERENCE CIRCUIT FOR THE VBAT INPUT ........................................................................... 23 FIGURE 5: REFERENCE CIRCUIT FOR POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................ 24 FIGURE 6: REFERENCE DIAGRAM FOR SWITCHING POWER CONVERTER ........................................... 24 FIGURE 7: TURN ON THE MODULE WITH AN OC DRIVER .......................................................................... 25 FIGURE 8: TURN ON THE MODULE WITH A BUTTON .................................................................................. 25 FIGURE 9: TURN-ON TIMING .......................................................................................................................... 26 FIGURE 10: TURN-OFF TIMING ...................................................................................................................... 27 FIGURE 11: AN OC DRIVER FOR EMERG_OFF ............................................................................................ 29 FIGURE 12: REFERENCE CIRCUIT FOR EMERG_OFF BY BUTTON .......................................................... 29 FIGURE 13: TIMING OF RESTARTING SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 30 FIGURE 14: TIMING OF RESTARTING SYSTEM AFTER EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN ................................ 30 FIGURE 15: RTC SUPPLIED FROM A NON-CHARGEABLE BATTERY ......................................................... 33 FIGURE 16: RTC SUPPLIED FROM A RECHARGEABLE BATTERY ............................................................. 33 FIGURE 17: RTC SUPPLIED FROM A CAPACITOR ....................................................................................... 33 FIGURE 18: CHARGING CHARACTERISTICS OF SEIKOS XH414H-IV01E ................................................ 34 FIGURE 19: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR FULL-FUNCTION UART ................................................................ 37 FIGURE 20: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR UART PORT ................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 21: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR UART PORT WITH HARDWARE FLOW CONTROL .................... 38 FIGURE 22: THE CONNECTION OF FIRMWARE DEBUGGING AND UPGRADE......................................... 39 FIGURE 23: LEVEL MATCH DESIGN FOR 3.3V SYSTEM .............................................................................. 39 FIGURE 24: LEVEL MATCH DESIGN FOR 5V SYSTEM ................................................................................. 40 FIGURE 25: LEVEL MATCH DESIGN FOR RS-232 ......................................................................................... 41 FIGURE 26: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR AIN1&AIN2 ..................................................................................... 43 FIGURE 27: REFERENCE RECEIVER INTERFACE DESIGN OF AOUT1 ..................................................... 44 FIGURE 28: SPEAKER INTERFACE WITH AMPLIFIER CONFIGURATION OF AOUT1................................ 44 FIGURE 29: REFERENCE RECEIVER INTERFACE DESIGN OF AOUT2 ..................................................... 45 FIGURE 30: SPEAKER INTERFACE WITH AMPLIFIER CONFIGURATION OF AOUT2................................ 45 FIGURE 31: EARPHONE INTERFACE DESIGN .............................................................................................. 46 FIGURE 32: REFERENCE CIRCUIT FOR 8-PIN SIM CARD HOLDER .......................................................... 48 FIGURE 33: REFERENCE CIRCUIT FOR 6-PIN SIM CARD HOLDER .......................................................... 49 FIGURE 34: AMPHENOL C707 10M006 512 2 SIM CARD HOLDER .............................................................. 50 FIGURE 35: MOLEX 91228 SIM CARD HOLDER ............................................................................................ 51 FIGURE 36: RI BEHAVIOUR OF VOICE CALLING AS A RECEIVER ............................................................. 52 FIGURE 37: RI BEHAVIOUR AS A CALLER ..................................................................................................... 53 FIGURE 38: RI BEHAVIOUR OF URC OR SMS RECEIVED ........................................................................... 53 FIGURE 39: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR NETLIGHT ..................................................................................... 54 FIGURE 40: REFERENCE DESIGN FOR RF .................................................................................................. 55 FIGURE 41: RF SOLDERING SAMPLE ........................................................................................................... 57 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 6 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design FIGURE 42: GC10 MODULE TOP AND SIDE DIMENSIONS (UNIT: MM) ....................................................... 63 FIGURE 43: GC10 MODULE BOTTOM DIMENSIONS (UNIT: MM) ................................................................ 64 FIGURE 44: RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT (UNIT: MM) ................................................................................ 65 FIGURE 48: RAMP-SOAK-SPIKE REFLOW PROFILE .................................................................................... 68 FIGURE 49: DIMENSIONS OF TAPE ............................................................................................................... 69 FIGURE 50: DIMENSIONS OF REEL ............................................................................................................... 69 FIGURE 51: RADIO BLOCK STRUCTURE OF CS-1, CS-2 AND CS-3 ........................................................... 74 FIGURE 52: RADIO BLOCK STRUCTURE OF CS-4 ....................................................................................... 75 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 7 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 1 Introduction This document defines the GC10 module and describes its hardware interface which are connected with your application and the air interface. This document can help you quickly understand module interface specifications, electrical and mechanical details. Associated with application notes and user guide, you can use GC10 module to design and set up mobile applications easily. 1.1. Safety Information The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, such as usage, service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating GC10 module. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal should send the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. If not so, Quectel does not take on any liability for your failure to comply with these precautions. Full attention must be given to driving at all times in order to reduce the risk of an accident. Using a mobie while driving (even with a handsfree kit) cause distraction and can lead to an accident. You must comply with laws and regulations restrcting the use of wireless devices while driving. Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it switched off. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communication systems. Consult the airline staff about the use of wireless devices on boarding the aircraft. If your device offers a Flight Mode which must be enabled prior to boarding an aircraft. Switch off your wireless device when in hospitals or clinics or other health care facilities. These requests are desinged to prevent possible interference with sentitive medical equipment. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 8 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design GSM cellular terminals or mobiles operate over radio frequency signal and cellular network and cannot be guaranteed to connect in all conditions, for example no mobile fee or an invalid SIM card. While you are in this condition and need emergent help, please remember using emergency call. In order to make or receive call, the cellular terminal or mobile must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength. Your cellular terminal or mobile contains a transmitter and receiver. When it is ON , it receives and transmits radio frequency energy. RF interference can occur if it is used close to TV set, radio, computer or other electric equipment. In locations with potencially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off wireless devices such as your phone or other cellular terminals. Areas with potencially exposive atmospheres including fuelling areas, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles such as grain, dust or metal powders. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 9 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 2 Product Concept 2.1. General Description GC10 is a Quad-band GSM/GPRS engine that works at frequencies of GSM850MHz, GSM900MHz, DCS1800MHz and PCS1900MHz. The GC10 features GPRS multi-slot class 10 and supports the GPRS coding schemes CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4. For more details about GPRS multi-slot classes and coding schemes, please refer to the Appendix B&C. With a tiny profile of 19mm16.9mm2.35mm, the module can meet almost all the requirements for M2M applications, including Vehicles and Personal Tracking, Security System, Wireless POS, Industrial PDA, Smart Metering, and Remote Maintenance & Control, etc. GC10 is an SMD type module, which can be easily embedded into applications through its 44-pin pads. It provides abundant hardware interfaces like Audio and UART Interface. Designed with power saving technique, the current consumption of GC10 is as low as 1.3mA in sleep mode when DRX is 5. GC10 is integrated with Internet service protocols, such as TCP/UDP, HTTP and PPP. Extended AT commands have been developed for you to use these Internet service protocols easily. The module fully complies with the RoHS directive of the European Union. 2.2. Directives and Standards The GC10 module is designed to comply with the FCC statements. FCC ID: XMR201403GC10 The Host system using GC10, should have label indicated FCC ID: XMR201403GC10. 2.2.1. FCC Statement 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
a) This device may not cause harmful interference. b) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 10 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design operation. 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. 2.2.2. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body as well as kept minimum 20cm from radio antenna depending on the Mobile status of this module usage. This module should NOT be installed and operating simultaneously with other radio. The manual of the host system, which uses GC10, must include RF exposure warning statement to advice user should keep minimum 20cm from the radio antenna of GC10 module depending on the Mobile status. Note: If a portable device (such as PDA) uses GC10 module, the device needs to do permissive change and SAR testing. The following list of antenna is indicating the maximum permissible antenna gain. Part Number 3R007A Frequency Range (MHz) PCS1900:1850~1990 GSM850:824-894 Peak Gain
(XZ-V) Average Gain
(XZ-V) VSWR Impedance 1 dBi typ. 1 dBi typ. 3 max 50 2.3. Key Features The following table describes the detailed features of GC10 module. Table 1: Module Key Features Feature Implementation Power Supply Power Saving Single supply voltage: 3.3V~4.6V Typical supply voltage: 4.0V Typical power consumption in sleep mode: 1.3 mA@ DRX=5 1.1 mA@ DRX=9 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 11 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Frequency Bands Transmitting Power GPRS Connectivity Temperature Range DATA GPRS USSD SMS Quad-band: GSM850/GSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900 The module can search these frequency bands automatically Compliant to GSM Phase 2/2+
Class 4 (2W) at GSM850/GSM900 Class 1 (1W) at DCS1800/PCS1900 GPRS multi-slot class 10 GPRS mobile station class B Normal operation: -35C~ +80C Restricted operation: -40C ~ -35C and +80C ~ +85C 1) Storage temperature: -45C ~ +90C GPRS data downlink transfer: max. 85.6kbps GPRS data uplink transfer: max. 42.8kbps Coding scheme: CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4 Support Packet Broadcast Control Channel (PBCCH) Internet service protocols TCP/UDP, PPP, HTTP Support Unstructured Supplementary Service Data MT/MO, Text and PDU mode SMS storage: SIM card SIM Interface Support SIM card: 1.8V/3.0V Audio Features UART Interfaces Speech codec modes:
Half Rate (ETS 06.20) Full Rate (ETS 06.10) Enhanced Full Rate (ETS 06.50/06.60/06.80) Echo Suppression Echo Cancellation Noise Reduction UART Port:
Seven lines on UART port interface Used for AT command, GPRS data Support fixed baud rate from 2400bps to 460800bps Support autobauding from 4800bps to 115200bps Debug Port:
Two lines on debug port interface DBG_TXD and DBG_RXD Used for firmware debugging and log output Used for firmware upgrade The baud rate is fixed at 921600bps Phonebook Management Support phonebook types: SM/ON/FD/LD SIM Application Toolkit Support SAT class 3, GSM 11.14 Release 99 Real Time Clock Supported GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 12 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Physical Characteristics Size: 190.1516.90.152.350.2mm Weight: Approx.1.3g Firmware Upgrade Firmware upgrade via debug port Antenna Interface Connected to antenna pad with 50 Ohm impedance control NOTE When the module works within this temperature range, the deviations from the GSM specification may occur. For example, the frequency error or the phase error will be increased. Table 2: Coding Schemes and Maximum Net Data Rates over Air Interface Coding Scheme 1 Timeslot 2 Timeslot 4 Timeslot CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 9.05kbps 13.4kbps 15.6kbps 21.4kbps 18.1kbps 26.8kbps 31.2kbps 42.8kbps 36.2kbps 53.6kbps 62.4kbps 85.6kbps 2.4. Functional Diagram The following figure shows a block diagram of GC10 and illustrates the major functional parts. Radio frequency part Power management Memory The peripheral interface Power supply Turn-on/off interface UART interfaces Audio interfaces SIM interface PCM interface RTC interface RF interface GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 13 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 1: Module Functional Diagram 2.5. Evaluation Board In order to help you to develop applications with GC10, Quectel supplies an evaluation board (EVB) with RS-232 to USB cable, power adapter, antenna, firmware upgrade cable (UART to USB cable) and other peripherals to control or test the module. For details, please refer to the document [11]. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 14 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3 Application Interface The module adopts 44-pin pads with LCC package. The following chapters provide detailed descriptions about these pins below. Power supply (Please refer to chapter 3.3) Power on/down (Please refer to chapter 3.4) Power saving technology (Please refer to chapter 3.5) RTC (Please refer to chapter 3.6) Serial interfaces (Please refer to chapter 3.7) Audio interfaces (Please refer to chapter 3.8) SIM interface (Please refer to chapter 3.9) PCM interface (Please refer to chapter 3.10) GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 15 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.1. Pin of Module 3.1.1. Pin Assignment Figure 2: Pin Assignment GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 16 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.1.2. Pin Description Table 3: Pin Description Power Supply Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment VBAT 33,34 I VRTC 13 I/O Main power supply of module:
VBAT=3.3V~4.6V Vmax= 4.6V Vmin=3.3V Vnorm=4.0V Power supply for RTC when VBAT is not supplied for the system. Charging for backup battery or golden capacitor when the VBAT is applied. VImax=3.3V VImin=2.0V VInorm=2.8V VOmax=2.9V VOmin=2.7V VOnorm=2.8V Iout(max)=1.35mA Iin=70uA VDD_EXT 29 O Supply 3.0V voltage for external circuit. Vmax=3.1V Vmin=2.9V Vnorm=3.0V Imax=20mA Make sure that supply sufficient current in a transmitting burst typically rises to 1.6A. Recommended to be connected to a backup battery or a golden capacitor. If unused, keep this pin open. Recommend to add a 2.2 or 4.7uF bypass capacitor, when using this pin for power supply. If unused, keep this pin open. GND Turn on/off Pin Name 32,35, 36,37, 39 Pin NO. Ground I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment Power on/off key. PWRKEY should be pulled down for a moment to turn on or turn off the system. PWRKEY 5 I Emergency Shutdown VILmax=2.0V VIHmin=2.3V VImax=3.3V Recommend to add an OC driver circuit to control this pin. Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 17 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design EMERG_ OFF 40 I Emergency off. Pulled down for at least 10ms, which will turn off the module in case of emergency. Use it only when shutdown via PWRKEY or AT command cannot be achieved. VILmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VIHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT Pulled up to VDD_EXT internally. OC/OD driver required in cellular device application. If unused, keep this pin open. Module Indicator Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment NETLIGHT 14 O Network status indication VOHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VOLmin=0V VOLmax=
0.3VDD_EXT If unused, keep this pin open. VOHmax=
VDD_EXT Audio Interfaces Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment MIC1P MIC1N SPK1P SPK1N MIC2P MIC2N 19,20 I Channel 1 positive and negative voice input 21,22 O Channel 1 positive and negative voice output 17,18 I Channel 2 positive and negative voice input For Audio DC characteristics refer to Chapter 3.9. SPK2P 16 O Channel 2 single-ended voice output AGND 15 Audio analog ground. Main audio channel. Recommended to add ESD protection components at the MIC1P/N lines. If unused, keep these pins open. Auxiliary audio channel. Recommended to add ESD protection components at the MIC2P/N lines. If unused, keep these pins open. Separate ground connection for external audio circuits. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 18 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design UART Port Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment RI DTR DCD TXD RXD RTS CTS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O Ring indication I O O I I Data terminal ready Data carrier detection Transmit data Receive data Request to send O Clear to send VILmin=0V VILmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VIHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VIHmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VOHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VOHmax=
VDD_EXT If only use TXD, RXD and GND to communicate, recommended connecting RTS to GND via a 0R resistor and keeping other pins open. Debug Port Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment DBG_TXD 31 O DBG_RXD 30 I Used for firmware debugging and upgrade. The baud rate is fixed at 921600bps. VILmin=0V VILmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VIHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VIHmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VOHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VOHmax=
VDD_EXT If unused, keep these pins open. SIM Interface Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment SIM_VDD 23 O Power supply for SIM card The voltage can be selected by software automatically. Either 1.8V or 3V. All signals of SIM interface should be protected against ESD with a TVS diode GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 19 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design SIM_RST SIM_ DATA SIM_CLK SIM_GND 24 25 26 27 O SIM reset I/O SIM data O SIM clock array. Maximum trace length is 100mm from the module pad to SIM card holder. SIM ground SIM_ PRESENCE 28 I SIM card detection VIHmin=
VILmin=0V VILmax=
VDD_EXT SIM_PRESENCE must be pulled up by an external resistor when SIM card detection function is used. PCM Interface Pin Name Pin NO. I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment PCM_ IN 1 I PCM data input PCM_SYNC 2 O PCM frame synchronization PCM_ OUT 3 O PCM data output PCM_ CLK 4 O PCM clock VILmin=0V VILmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VIHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VIHmax=
0.3VDD_EXT VOHmin=
0.7VDD_EXT VOHmax=
VDD_EXT PCM function is not supported at present. If unused, keep these pins open. RF Interface Pin Name RF_ANT Pin NO. 38 Other Interface Pin Name RESERVED Pin NO. 41,42, 43,44 I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment I/O RF antenna pad Impedance of 50 Please refer to Chapter 4 I/O Description DC Characteristics Comment Please keep these pins open. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 20 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.2. Operating Modes The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes in the following chapters. Table 4: Overview of Operating Modes Mode Function GSM/GPRS Sleep GSM Idle GSM Talk GPRS Idle GPRS Standby GPRS Ready GPRS Data The module will automatically go into sleep mode if DTR is set to high level and there is no interrupt (such as GPIO interrupt or data on UART port). In this case, the current consumption of module will reduce to the minimal level. During sleep mode, the module can still receive paging message and SMS from the system normally. Software is active. The module has registered to the GSM network, and the module is ready to send and receive GSM data. GSM connection is ongoing. In this mode, the power consumption is decided by the configuration of Power Control Level (PCL), dynamic DTX control and the working RF band. The module is not registered to GPRS network. The module is not reachable through GPRS channel. The module is registered to GPRS network, but no GPRS PDP context is active. The SGSN knows the Routing Area where the module is located at. The PDP context is active, but no data transfer is ongoing. The module is ready to receive or send GPRS data. The SGSN knows the cell where the module is located at. There is GPRS data in transfer. In this mode, power consumption is decided by the PCL, working RF band and GPRS multi-slot configuration. Normal shutdown by sending the AT+QPOWD=1 command, using the PWRKEY or the EMERG_OFF1) pin. The power management ASIC disconnects the power supply from the base band part of the module, and only the power supply for the RTC is remained. Software is not active. The UART interfaces are not accessible. Operating voltage (connected to VBAT) remains applied. AT+CFUN command can set the module to a minimum functionality mode without removing the power supply. In this case, the RF part of the module will not work or the SIM card will not be accessible, or both RF part and SIM card will be disabled, but the UART port is still accessible. The power consumption in this case will be reduced. Normal Operation Mode Power Down Mode Minimum Functionality Mode GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 21 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design NOTE Use the EMERG_OFF pin only when failing to turn off the module by the command AT+QPOWD=1 and the PWRKEY pin. For more details, please refer to Section 3.3. Power Supply 3.3.1. Power Features of Module The power supply is one of the key issues in designing GSM terminals. Because of the 577us radio burst in GSM every 4.615 ms, power supply must be able to deliver high current peaks in a burst period. During these peaks, drops on the supply voltage must not exceed minimum working voltage of module. For GC10 module, the max current consumption could reach to 1.6A during a transmit burst. It will cause a large voltage drop on the VBAT. In order to ensure stable operation of the module, it is recommended that the max voltage drop during the transmit burst does not exceed 400mV. Figure 3: Voltage Drop during Transmitting 3.3.2. Decrease Supply Voltage Drop The power supply range of the module is 3.3V to 4.6V. Make sure that the input voltage will never drop below 3.3V even in a transmitting burst. If the power voltage drops below 3.3V, the module could turn off automatically. For better power performance, it is recommended to place a 1000uF tantalum capacitor with low ESR and ceramic capacitor 100nF, 47pF and 10pF near the VBAT pin. The reference circuit is illustrated in Figure 4. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 22 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The VBAT route should be wide enough to ensure that there is not too much voltage drop during transmit burst. The width of trace should be no less than 2mm and the principle of the VBAT route is the longer route, the wider trace. Figure 4: Reference Circuit for the VBAT Input 3.3.3. Reference Design for Power Supply The power design for the module is very important, since the performance of power supply for the module largely depends on the power source. The power supply is capable of providing the sufficient current to 2A at least. If the voltage drop between the input and output is not too high, it is suggested to use a LDO as modules power supply. If there is a big voltage difference between the input source and the desired output (VBAT), a switching power converter is recommended to be used as a power supply. Figure 5 shows a reference design for +5V input power source. The designed output for the power supply is 4.16V and the maximum load current is 3A. In addition, in order to get a stable output voltage, a zener diode is placed close to the pins of VBAT. As to the zener diode, it is suggested to use a zener diode whose reverse zener voltage is 5.1V and dissipation power is more than 1 Watt. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 23 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 5: Reference Circuit for Power Supply If a switching power converter is used, please follow the diagram to design the circuit, it is beneficial to maintain stable power supply for the module. Figure 6: Reference Diagram for Switching Power Converter 3.3.4. Monitor Power Supply To monitor the supply voltage, you can use the AT+CBC command which includes three parameters:
charging status, remaining battery capacity and voltage value (in mV). It returns the 0-100 percent of battery capacity and actual value measured between VBAT and GND. The voltage is automatically measured in period of 5s. The displayed voltage (in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT+CBC command is executed. For details, please refer to document [1]. 3.4. Power On and Down Scenarios 3.4.1. Power On The module can be turned on by driving the pin PWRKEY to a low level voltage, after booting successfully, PWRKEY pin can be released. You may monitor the status of the NETLIGHT pin to judge whether the module is power-on or not. When NETLIGHT pin outputs a signal with certain frequency, it indicates the module is turned on successfully. The NETLIGHT pin will keep in low level all the time after the module is GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 24 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design turned off. An OC driver circuit is suggested to control the PWRKEY. A simple reference circuit is illustrated as below:
Figure 7: Turn On the Module with an OC Driver NOTE GC10 module is set to autobauding mode (AT+IPR=0) by default. In the autobauding mode, URC RDY is not reported to the host controller after module is powered on. When the module receives AT command, it will be powered on after a delay of 5~6 seconds. Host controller should first send the AT string in order that the module can detect baud rate of host controller, and it will continuously send 1~5 AT string until receiving OK string from the module. Then enter AT+IPR=x;&W to set a fixed baud rate for the module and save the configuration to flash memory of the module. After these configurations, the URC RDY would be received from the UART port of the module every time when the module is powered on. For more details, refer to the section AT+IPR in document [1]. The other way to control the PWRKEY is through a button directly. A TVS component is indispensable to be placed nearby the button for ESD protection. For the best performance, the TVS component must be placed nearby the button. When pressing the key, electrostatic strike may generate from finger. A reference circuit is shown in the following figure:
Figure 8: Turn On the Module with a Button GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 25 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The turn-on timing is illustrated as the following figure:
>1s VIL< 2.0V
>910ms MODULE STATUS OFF BOOTING RUNNING Figure 9: Turn-on Timing NOTES 1. Make sure that VBAT is stable before pulling down PWRKEY pin. At least 30ms for T1 is recommended. 2. EMERG_OFF should be floated when it is unused. You can monitor the status of the NETLIGHT pin to judge whether the module is power-on. After the NETLIGHT pin goes to pulse, PWRKEY can be released. If the NETLIGHT pin is ignored, pull the PWRKEY pin to low level for more than 2 seconds to turn on the module. 3.4.2. Power Down The following procedures can be used to turn off the module:
Normal power down procedure: Turn off module by the PWRKEY pin. Normal power down procedure: Turn off module by command AT+QPOWD. Over-voltage or under-voltage automatic shutdown: Take effect when over-voltage or under-voltage is detected. Emergent power down procedure: Turn off module by the EMERG_OFF pin. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 26 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design After power down, no further AT commands can be executed, only the RTC is still active. The power down mode can be indicated by the VDD_EXT pin (the NETLIGHT pin can also be used.), which is a low level voltage in this mode. Power Down Module by the PWRKEY Pin It is a safe way to turn off the module by driving the PWRKEY to a low level voltage for a certain time. The power down scenario is illustrated in Figure 10:
Figure 10: Turn-off Timing The power down procedure causes the module to log off from the network and allows the firmware to save important data before completely disconnecting the power supply. Before the completion of the power down procedure, the module sends the result code, shown as below:
NORMAL POWER DOWN NOTE When autobauding is active and DTE&DCE are not correctly synchronized after start-up, this result code will not appear. It is recommended to set a fixed baud rate for the module. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 27 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Power Down Module by AT Command It is also a safe way to turn off the module via AT command AT+QPOWD=1. This command will let the module log off from the network and allow the firmware to save important data before completely disconnecting the power supply. Before the completion of the power down procedure, the module sends the result code, shown as below:
Please refer to the document [1] for details about the AT command AT+QPOWD. NORMAL POWER DOWN Over-voltage or Under-voltage Automatic Shutdown The module will constantly monitor the voltage applied on the VBAT, if the voltage is3.5V, the following URC will be presented:
UNDER_VOLTAGE WARNING If the voltage is4.5V, the following URC will be presented:
OVER_VOLTAGE WARNING The normal input voltage range is from 3.3V to 4.6V. If the voltage is >4.6V or <3.3V, the module would automatically shut down itself. If the voltage is <3.3V, the following URC will be presented:
UNDER_VOLTAGE POWER DOWN OVER_VOLTAGE POWER DOWN If the voltage is >4.6V, the following URC will be presented:
NOTE When autobauding is active and DTE&DCE are not correctly synchronized after start-up, this result code will not appear. It is recommended to set a fixed baud rate for the module. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 28 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Emergency Shutdown by EMERG_OFF Pin The module can be shut down by driving the pin EMERG_OFF to a low level voltage over 10ms and then releasing it. The EMERG_OFF line can be driven by an OC/OD driver or a button. The circuit is illustrated as the following figures:
Figure 11: An OC Driver for EMERG_OFF S2 EMERG_OFF TVS2 Close to S2 Figure 12: Reference Circuit for EMERG_OFF by Button Be cautious to use the pin EMERG_OFF. It should only be used under emergent situation. For instance, if the module is unresponsive or abnormal, the pin EMERG_OFF could be used to shut down the system. Although turning off the module by EMERG_OFF is fully tested and no error is detected, this operation is still a big risk as it could cause to destroy the code or data area of the flash memory in the module. Therefore, it is recommended that PWRKEY or AT command should always be the preferential way to turn off the system. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 29 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.4.3. Restart You can restart the module by driving the PWRKEY to a low level voltage for a certain time, which is similar to the way of turning on module. Before restarting the module, at least 500ms should be delayed after detecting the low level of VDD_EXT. The restart timing is illustrated as the following figure:
Figure 13: Timing of Restarting System The module can also be restarted by the PWRKEY after emergency shutdown. Figure 14: Timing of Restarting System after Emergency Shutdown NOTE Before pulling down the EMERG_OFF pin, please ensure that the PWRKEY pin has been released. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 30 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.5. Power Saving Technology Based on system requirements, there are several actions to drive the module to enter into low current consumption state. For example, AT+CFUN can be used to set module into minimum functionality mode and DTR hardware interface signal can be used to lead system to sleep mode. 3.5.1. Minimum Functionality Mode Minimum functionality mode reduces the functionality of the module to a minimum level. The consumption of the current can be minimized when the slow clocking mode is activated at the same time. The mode is set with the AT+CFUN command which provides the choice of the functionality levels <fun>=0,1,4. 0: Minimum functionality. 1: Full functionality (default). 4: Disable both transmitting and receiving of RF part. If the module is set to minimum functionality by AT+CFUN=0, the RF function and SIM card function would be disabled. In this case, the UART port is still accessible, but all AT commands related with RF function or SIM card function will not be available. If the module has been set by the command with AT+CFUN=4, the RF function will be disabled, but the UART port is still active. In this case, all AT commands related with RF function will not be available. After the module is set by AT+CFUN=0 or AT+CFUN=4, it can return to full functionality by AT+CFUN=1. For detailed information about AT+CFUN, please refer to the document [1]. 3.5.2. Sleep Mode The sleep mode is disabled by default. You can enable it by AT+QSCLK=1. On the other hand, the default setting is AT+QSCLK=0 and in this mode, the module cannot enter into sleep mode. When the module is set by the command AT+QSCLK=1, you can control the module to enter into or exit from the sleep mode through pin DTR. When DTR is set to high level, and there is no on-air or hardware interrupt such as GPIO interrupt or data on UART port, the module will enter into sleep mode automatically. In this mode, the module can still receive voice, SMS or GPRS paging from network, but the UART port does not work. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 31 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.5.3. Wake Up Module from Sleep Mode If the DTR pin is set to low level, it would wake up the module from the sleep mode. When the module is in the sleep mode, the following methods can wake up the module:
Receive a voice or GPRS data from network to wake up module. Receive an SMS from network to wake up module. NOTE DTR pin should be kept in low level during communication between the module and DTE. 3.5.4. Summary of State Transition Table 5: Summary of State Transition Current Mode Next Mode Power Down Normal Mode Sleep Mode Power Down Use PWRKEY Normal Mode AT+QPOWD, use PWRKEY pin, or use EMERG_OFF pin Use AT command AT+QSCLK=1 and pull up DTR Sleep Mode Use PWRKEY pin, or use EMERG_OFF pin Pull down DTR or incoming voice call or SMS or GPRS data 3.6. RTC Backup The RTC (Real Time Clock) can be supplied by an external capacitor or battery (rechargeable or non-chargeable) through the pin VRTC. A 2.2K resistor has been integrated in the module for current limiting. A coin-cell battery or a super-cap can be used to backup power supply for RTC. The following figures show various sample circuits for RTC backup. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 32 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 15: RTC Supplied from a Non-chargeable Battery Figure 16: RTC Supplied from a Rechargeable Battery Figure 17: RTC Supplied from a Capacitor The XH414H-IV01E from Seiko. following figure shows the charging characteristics of a coin-type rechargeable battery GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 33 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 18: Charging Characteristics of Seikos XH414H-IV01E 3.7. Serial Interfaces The module provides two universal asynchronous serial ports: UART port and debug port. The module is designed as a DCE (Data Communication Equipment), following the traditional DCE-DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) connection. Autobauding function supports baud rate from 4800bps to 115200bps. The UART port:
TXD: Send data to RXD of DTE. RXD: Receive data from TXD of DTE. RTS: Request to send. CTS: Clear to send. DTR: DTE is ready and inform DCE (this pin can wake the module up). RI: Ring indicator (when the call, SMS, data of the module are coming, the module will output signal to inform DTE). DCD: Data carrier detection (the validity of this pin demonstrates the communication link is set up). NOTE The module disables hardware flow control by default. When hardware flow control is required, RTS and CTS should be connected to the host. AT command AT+IFC=2,2 is used to enable hardware flow control. AT command AT+IFC=0,0 is used to disable the hardware flow control. For more details, please refer to the document [1]. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 34 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The Debug port:
DBG_TXD: Send data to the COM port of computer. DBG_RXD: Receive data from the COM port of computer. The logic levels are described in the following table:
Table 6: Logic Levels of the UART Interfaces Parameter VIL VIH VOL VOH Min. 0 Max. Unit 0.3VDD_EXT 0.7VDD_EXT VDD_EXT 0 0.3VDD_EXT 0.7VDD_EXT VDD_EXT V V V V Table 7: Pin Definition of the UART Interfaces Interfaces Pin Name Pin NO. UART Port TXD RXD RTS CTS DTR DCD RI DBG_TXD DBG_RXD Debug Port 9 10 11 12 7 8 6 31 30 Description Transmit data Receive data Request to send Clear to send Data terminal ready Data carrier detection Ring indication Transmit data Receive data GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 35 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.7.1. UART Port The Features of UART Port Seven lines on UART interface. Contain data lines as TXD and RXD, hardware flow control lines as RTS and CTS, other control lines as DTR, DCD and RI. Used for AT command, GPRS data, etc. Support the following communication baud rates: 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 and 460800bps. The default setting is autobauding mode. Support the following baud rates for autobauding function:
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200bps. The module disables hardware flow control by default. AT command AT+IFC=2,2 is used to enable hardware flow control. After setting a fixed baud rate or autobauding, please send AT string at that rate. The UART port is ready when it responds OK. Autobauding allows the module to detect the baud rate by receiving the string AT from the host or PC automatically, which gives module flexibility without considering which baud rate is used by the host controller. Autobauding is enabled by default. To take advantage of the autobauding mode, special attention should be paid according to the following requirements:
1. Synchronization between DTE and DCE When DCE (the module) powers on with the autobauding enabled, it is recommended to wait 5~6 seconds before sending the first AT characters. After receiving the OK response, DTE and DCE are correctly synchronized. If the host controller needs URC in the mode of autobauding, it must be synchronized firstly. Otherwise the URC will be discarded. 2. Restrictions on autobauding operation The UART port has to be operated at 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit (factory setting). The Unsolicited Result Codes like RDY, +CFUN: 1 and +CPIN: READY will not be indicated when the module is turned on with autobauding enabled and not be synchronized. Any other unsolicited result codes will be sent at the previous baud rate before the module detects the new baud rate by receiving the AT string. The DTE may receive unknown characters after switching to new baud rate. It is not recommended to switch to autobauding from a fixed baud rate. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 36 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design NOTE To ensure reliable communication and avoid any problems caused by undetermined baud rate between DCE and DTE, it is strongly recommended to configure a fixed baud rate and save it instead of using autobauding after start-up. For more details, please refer to the section AT+IPR in document [1]. The Connection of UART The connection between module and host by UART port is very flexible. Three connection styles are illustrated as below. Reference design for Full-Function UART connection is shown as below when it is applied in modulation-demodulation. Figure 19: Reference Design for Full-Function UART GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 37 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Three-line connection is shown as below:
Figure 20: Reference Design for UART Port UART port with hardware flow control is shown as below. This connection will enhance the reliability of the mass data communication. Figure 21: Reference Design for UART Port with Hardware Flow Control 3.7.2. Debug and Upgrade Port Debug port:
Two lines: DBG_TXD and DBG_RXD Debug port is used for firmware debugging and upgrading, its baud rate must be configured as 921600bps. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 38 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 22: The Connection of Firmware Debugging and Upgrade NOTE Because the debug port uses a high baud rate 921600bps configuration, when connecting a PC for debugging and upgrading, the UART to USB mode is recommended. The test points for debug UART is recommended to be reserved, for detailed design, please refer to the document [12]. 3.7.3. UART Application VDD_EXT is the reference voltage level for UART of GC10, the 1K resistors is recommended to be added on the UART lines, the reference circuit is shown as below. This circuit is also applicable in 2.8V or 3.0V systems. Figure 23: Level Match Design for 3.3V System GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 39 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The reference design for 5V level match is shown as below. The connection of dotted line can be referred to the connection of solid line. Please pay attention to the direction of signal. Input dotted line of module should be referred to input solid line of the module. Output dotted line of module should be referred to output solid line of the module. As to the circuit below, VDD_EXT supplies power for the I/O of module, while VCC_MCU supplies power for the I/O of the peripheral. Figure 24: Level Match Design for 5V System GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 40 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The following circuit shows a reference design for the communication between module and PC. A RS232 level shifter IC or circuit must be inserted between module and PC, since the UART port does not support the RS232 level, but the CMOS level only. Figure 25: Level Match Design for RS-232 NOTE For three-line UART port, the UART to USB mode can also be used. 3.8. Audio Interfaces The module provides two analogy audio input channels and two analogy audio output channels. Table 8: Pin Definition of Audio Interface Interfaces Pin Name Pin NO. Description AIN1/AOUT1 MIC1P MIC1N 20 19 Channel 1 microphone positive input Channel 1 microphone negative input GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 41 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design SPK1P SPK1N MIC2P MIC2N SPK2P AGND 22 21 18 17 16 15 Channel 1 audio positive output Channel 1 audio negative output Channel 2 microphone positive input Channel 2 microphone negative input Channel 2 audio single-ended output Form a pseudo-differential pair with SPK2P AIN2/AOUT2 AIN1 and AIN2 can be used for input of microphone. An electret microphone is usually used. AIN1 and AIN2 are both differential input channels. AOUT1 is used for output of the receiver. This channel is typically used for a receiver built into a handset. AOUT1 channel is a differential channel. If it is used as a speaker, an amplifier should be employed. AOUT2 is used for output of earphone, which can be used as a single-ended channel. SPK2P and AGND can establish a pseudo differential mode. All of these two audio channels support voice and ringtone output, and so on, and can be switched by AT+QAUDCH command. For more details, please refer to the document [1]. Use AT command AT+QAUDCH to select audio channel:
0--AIN1/AOUT1 (main audio channel), the default value is 0. 1--AIN2/AOUT2 (auxiliary audio channel), this channel is used for earphone. For each channel, you can use AT+QMIC to adjust the input gain level of microphone. You can also use AT+CLVL to adjust the output gain level of receiver. AT+QSIDET is used to set the side-tone gain level. For more details, please refer to the document [1]. 3.8.1. Decrease TDD Noise and Other Noises The 47pF capacitor is applied for filtering out 900MHz RF interference when the module is transmitting at GSM900MHz. Without placing this capacitor, TDD noise could be heard. Moreover, the 10pF capacitor here is for filtering out 1800MHz RF interference. However, the resonant frequency point of a capacitor largely depends on the material and production technique. Therefore, you would have to discuss with its capacitor vendor to choose the most suitable capacitor for filtering out GSM850MHz, GSM900MHz, DCS1800MHz and PCS1900MHz separately. The severity degree of the RF interference in the voice channel during GSM transmitting period largely depends on the application design. In some cases, GSM900 TDD noise is more severe; while in other GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 42 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design cases, DCS1800 TDD noise is more obvious. Therefore, you can have a choice based on test results. Sometimes, even no RF filtering capacitor is required. The capacitor which is used for filtering out RF noise should be close to audio interface. Audio alignment should be as short as possible. In order to decrease radio or other signal interference, the position of RF antenna should be kept away from audio interface and audio alignment. Power alignment and audio alignment should not be parallel, and power alignment should be far away from audio alignment. The differential audio traces have to be placed according to the differential signal layout rule. 3.8.2. Microphone Interfaces Design AIN1 and AIN2 channels come with internal bias supply for external electret microphone. A reference circuit is shown in the following figure. Figure 26: Reference Design for AIN1&AIN2 NOTE The ESD protection components on the MIC channels are strongly recommended. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 43 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.8.3. Receiver Interface Design Figure 27: Reference Receiver Interface Design of AOUT1 Figure 28: Speaker Interface with Amplifier Configuration of AOUT1 Texas Instruments TPA6205A1 is recommended for a suitable differential audio amplifier. There are plenty of excellent audio amplifiers in the market. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 44 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 29: Reference Receiver Interface Design of AOUT2 Figure 30: Speaker Interface with Amplifier Configuration of AOUT2 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 45 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.8.4. Earphone Interface Design Figure 31: Earphone Interface Design 3.8.5. Audio Characteristics Table 9: Typical Electret Microphone Characteristics Parameter Working Voltage Working Current Min. 1.2 200 External Microphone Load Resistance Table 10: Typical Audio Output Characteristics Typ. 1.5 2.2 Max. Unit 2.0 500 V uA k Parameter AOUT1
(SPK1) Min. Typ. Max. Unit Single-ended Differential Load resistance Ref level Load resistance Ref level 0 0 16 16 1.3 2.6 Vpp Vpp GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 46 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 0 32 1.0 80 25 Vpp mA mA AOUT2
(SPK2) Single-ended Load resistance Reference level Maximum Driving Current Limit of SPK1 and SPK2 SPK1 SPK2 3.9. SIM Card Interface 3.9.1. SIM Card Application The SIM interface supports the functionality of the GSM Phase 1 specification and also supports the functionality of the new GSM Phase 2+ specification for FAST 64 kbps SIM card, which is intended to use with a SIM application Tool-kit. The SIM interface is powered by an internal regulator in the module. Both 1.8V and 3.0V SIM Cards are supported. Table 11: Pin Definition of the SIM Interface Pin Name Pin NO. Description 23 24 25 26 27 28 SIM_VDD SIM_RST Supply power for SIM card. Automatic detection of SIM card voltage. SIM card reset. SIM_DATA SIM card data I/O. SIM_CLK SIM card clock. SIM_GND SIM card ground. SIM_PRESENCE SIM card detection Figure 32 is the reference circuit for SIM interface, and here an 8-pin SIM card holder is used. The pin SIM_PRESENCE is used to detect whether the tray of the Molex SIM socket, which is used for holding SIM card, is presented in the card socket. When the tray is inserted in the socket, SIM_PRESENCE is in low level. Regardless of the SIM card is in the tray or not, the change of SIM_PRESENCE level from high to low prompts the module to initialize SIM card. In default configuration, SIM card detection function is disabled. Customers application can use AT+QSIMDET=1,0 and AT+QSIMDET=0,0 to switch on and off the SIM card detection function. For details of this AT command, GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 47 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design please refer to document [1]. When AT+QSIMDET=1,0 is set and the tray with SIM card is removed from SIM socket, the following URC will be presented:
+CPIN: NOT INSERTED When the tray with SIM card is inserted into SIM socket again and the module finishes reinitializing SIM card, the following URC will be presented:
+CPIN: READY Call Ready Figure 32: Reference Circuit for 8-pin SIM Card Holder NOTE 1. Please do not use AT+QSIMDET=1,1 when circuit in Figure 32 is adopted, which can cause to reinitialize SIM card. 2. When SIM card detection function is used, SIM_PRESENCE pin must be pulled up by an external resistor. If unused, please keep this pin open. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 48 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design The reference circuit for a 6-pin SIM card socket is illustrated as the following figure:
Figure 33: Reference Circuit for 6-pin SIM Card Holder In order to enhance the reliability and availability of the SIM card in application. Please follow the criteria below in the SIM circuit design. Keep layout of SIM card as close as possible to the module. Assure the possibility of the length of the trace is less than 100mm. Keep SIM card signal away from RF and VBAT alignment. Assure the ground between module and SIM cassette short and wide. Keep the width of ground no less than 0.5mm to maintain the same electric potential. The decouple capacitor of SIM_VDD is less than 1uF and must be near to SIM cassette. To avoid cross talk between SIM_DATA and SIM_CLK. Keep them away with each other and shield them with surrounded ground. In order to offer good ESD protection, it is recommended to add TVS such as WILL
( ESDA6V8AV6. The 22 resistors should be connected in series between the module and the SIM card so as to suppress the EMI spurious transmission and enhance the ESD protection. Please to be noted that the SIM peripheral circuit should be close to the SIM card socket. Place the RF bypass capacitors (33pF) close to the SIM card on all signals line for improving EMI. 3.9.2. SIM Cassette As to the 6-pin SIM card holder, it is recommended to use Amphenol C707 10M006 512 2. Please visit for more information. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 49 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 34: Amphenol C707 10M006 512 2 SIM Card Holder Table 12: Pin Description of Amphenol SIM Card Holder Name SIM_VDD SIM_RST SIM_CLK GND VPP SIM_DATA Pin C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7 Description SIM card power supply SIM card reset SIM card clock Ground Not connected SIM card data I/O For 8-pin SIM card holder, it is recommended to use Molex 91228. Please visit for more information. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 50 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 35: Molex 91228 SIM Card Holder Table 13: Pin Description of Molex SIM Card Holder Name SIM_VDD SIM_RST SIM_CLK SIM_PRESENCE GND VPP SIM_DATA SIM_DETECT Pin C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Description SIM card power supply SIM card reset SIM card clock SIM card presence detection Ground Not connect SIM card data I/O Pull down GND with external circuit. When the tray is presented, C4 is connected to C8. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 51 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 3.10. PCM Interface GC10 has reserved PCM interface, it is used as digital audio transmission between module and customer device. This interface composes PCM_CLK, PCM_SYNC, PCM_IN and PCM_OUT signal lines. PCM function is not supported at present. 3.11. Behaviors of the RI Table 14: Behaviours of the RI State RI Response Standby HIGH 120ms indicating NO CARRIER as an URC, then changes to HIGH again. Change to LOW, then:
1. Change to HIGH when call is established. 2. Use ATH to hang up the call, RI changes to HIGH. 3. Calling part hangs up, RI changes to HIGH first, and changes to LOW for 4. Change to HIGH when SMS is received. When a new SMS comes, the RI changes to LOW and holds low level for about 120ms, then changes to HIGH. Certain URCs can trigger 120ms low level on RI. For more details, please refer to the document [10]. Voice Call SMS URC If the module is used as a caller, the RI would maintain high unless the URC or SMS is received. On the other hand, when it is used as a receiver, the timing of the RI is shown below:
Figure 36: RI Behaviour of Voice Calling as a Receiver GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 52 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 37: RI Behaviour as a Caller Figure 38: RI Behaviour of URC or SMS Received 3.12. Network Status Indication The NETLIGHT signal can be used to drive a network status indicator LED. The working state of this pin is listed in the following table:
Table 15: Working State of the NETLIGHT State Off Module Function The module is not running. 64ms On/ 800ms Off The module is not synchronized with network. 64ms On/ 2000ms Off The module is synchronized with network. 64ms On/ 600ms Off The GPRS data transmission after dialing the PPP connection. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 53 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design A reference circuit is shown as below:
Figure 39: Reference Design for NETLIGHT GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 54 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 4 Antenna Interface The Pin 38 is the RF antenna pad. The RF interface has an impedance of 50. Table 16: Pin Definition of the RF_ANT Pin Name GND RF_ANT GND Pin NO. 37 38 39 Description Ground RF antenna pad Ground 4.1. RF Reference Design The reference design for RF is shown as below:
Figure 40: Reference Design for RF GC10 provides an RF antenna pad for antenna connection. The RF trace in host PCB connected to the module RF antenna pad should be coplanar waveguide line or microstrip line, whose characteristic impedance should be close to 50. GC10 comes with grounding pads which are next to the antenna pad in order to give a better grounding. Besides, a type match circuit is suggested to be used to adjust the RF performance. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 55 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design To minimize the loss on the RF trace and RF cable, take design into account carefully. It is recommended that the insertion loss should meet the following requirements:
GSM850/EGSM900 is <1dB. DCS1800/PCS1900 is <1.5dB. 4.2. RF Output Power Table 17: The Module Conducted RF Output Power Frequency GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 Max. 33dBm2dB 33dBm2dB 30dBm2dB 30dBm2dB Min. 5dBm5dB 5dBm5dB 0dBm5dB 0dBm5dB 4.3. RF Receiving Sensitivity Table 18: The Module Conducted RF Receiving Sensitivity Frequency GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 Receive Sensitivity
< -108dBm
< -108dBm
< -108dBm
< -108dBm GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 56 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 4.4. Operating Frequencies Table 19: The Module Operating Frequencies Frequency Receive Transmit ARFCH 128~251 869~894MHz 824~849MHz 925~960MHz 880~915MHz 0~124, 975~1023 1805~1880MHz 1710~1785MHz 1930~1990MHz 1850~1910MHz 512~885 512~810 GSM850 EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 4.5. RF Cable Soldering Soldering the RF cable to RF pad of module correctly will reduce the loss on the path of RF, please refer to the following example of RF soldering. Figure 41: RF Soldering Sample GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 57 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 5 Electrical, Reliability and Radio Characteristics 5.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings for power supply and voltage on digital and analog pins of module are listed in the following table:
-0.3 0 0
-0.25 Max. Unit 5.0 2 0.8 3.3 3.3 0.25 V A A V V V Table 20: Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter VBAT Peak current of power supply RMS current of power supply (during one TDMA- frame) Voltage at digital pins Voltage at analog pins Voltage at digital/analog pins in power down mode GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 58 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 5.2. Operating Temperature The operating temperature is listed in the following table:
Table 21: Operating Temperature Parameter Normal Temperature Min.
-35 Restricted Operation
-40 ~ -35 Storage Temperature
-45 5.3. Power Supply Ratings Table 22: The Module Power Supply Ratings Typ.
+25 Max.
+80 ~ +85
+90 Unit Parameter Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply voltage Voltage drop during transmitting burst Voltage ripple Average supply current Voltage must stay within the min/max values, including voltage drop, ripple, and spikes. Maximum power control level on GSM850 and GSM900. Maximum power control level on GSM850 and GSM900
@ f<200kHz
@ f>200kHz Power down mode Sleep mode @ DRX=5 Minimum functionality mode AT+CFUN=0 Idle mode Sleep mode AT+CFUN=4 Idle mode Sleep mode Talk mode 3.3 4.0 4.6 V 120 1.3 21 0.8 21 0.8 400 mV 50 20 mV mV uA mA mA mA mA mA VBAT GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 59 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design GSM850/EGSM9001) DCS1800/PCS19002) DATA mode, GPRS (3Rx/2Tx) GSM850/EGSM9001) DCS1800/PCS19002) DATA mode, GPRS (4Rx/1Tx) GSM850/EGSM9001) DCS1800/PCS19002) Maximum power control level on GSM850/GSM900. 211/208 156/165 372/367 245/285 224/220 162/182 mA mA mA mA mA mA 1.6 1.8 A IVBAT Peak supply current (during transmission slot) NOTES 1) Power control level PCL 5. 2) Power control level PCL 0. 1. 2. 5.4. Current Consumption The values of current consumption are shown as below:
Table 23: The Module Current Consumption Condition Voice Call GSM850 GSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 GPRS Data Current Consumption
@power level #5 <300mA,Typical 211mA
@power level #12,Typical 86mA
@power level #19,Typical 64mA
@power level #5 <300mA,Typical 208mA
@power level #12,Typical 85mA
@power level #19,Typical 64mA
@power level #0 <250mA,Typical 156mA
@power level #7,Typical 75mA
@power level #15,Typical 64mA
@power level #0 <250mA,Typical 165mA
@power level #7,Typical 80mA
@power level #15,Typical 64mA GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 60 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design DATA mode, GPRS ( 3 Rx/2 Tx ) CLASS 10 GSM850 EGSM 900 DCS 1800 PCS 1900
@power level #5 <550mA,Typical 372mA
@power level #12,Typical 132mA
@power level #19,Typical 90mA
@power level #5 <550mA,Typical 367mA
@power level #12,Typical 134mA
@power level #19,Typical 92mA
@power level #0 <450mA,Typical 245mA
@power level #7,Typical 113mA
@power level #15,Typical 90mA
@power level #0 <450mA,Typical 285mA
@power level #7,Typical 121mA
@power level #15,Typical 90mA DATA mode, GPRS ( 4 Rx/1 Tx ) CLASS 10 GSM850 EGSM 900 DCS 1800 PCS 1900
@power level #5 <350mA,Typical 224mA
@power level #12,Typical 103mA
@power level #19,Typical 82mA
@power level #5 <350mA,Typical 220mA
@power level #12,Typical103mA
@power level #19,Typical 82mA
@power level #0 <300mA,Typical 162mA
@power level #7,Typical 96mA
@power level #15,Typical 85mA
@power level #0 <300mA,Typical 182mA
@power level #7,Typical 100mA
@power level #15,Typical 85mA 5.5. Electro-static Discharge Although the GSM engine is generally protected against Electro-static Discharge (ESD), ESD protection precautions should still be emphasized. Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout the processing, handling and operation of any applications using the module. The measured ESD values of module are shown as the following table:
GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 61 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Table 24: The ESD Endurance (Temperature: 25, Humidity: 45 %) Tested Point VBAT/GND RF_ANT RXD/TXD Others Contact Discharge Air Discharge 6KV 4KV 2KV 0.5KV 12KV 12KV 4KV 1KV GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 62 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 6 Mechanical Dimensions This chapter describes the mechanical dimensions of the module. 6.1. Mechanical Dimensions of Module Figure 42: GC10 Module Top and Side Dimensions (Unit: mm) GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 63 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 43: GC10 Module Bottom Dimensions (Unit: mm) GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 64 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 6.2. Recommended Footprint k e e p o u t a r e a Figure 44: Recommended Footprint (Unit: mm) NOTES 1. In order to maintain the module, keep about 3mm between the module and other components in the host PCB. 2. Keep out area in above figure is forbidden to pour ground copper. Since the RF test point is in this area, please avoid generating parasitic capacitance between RF test point and ground. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 65 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 7 Storage and Manufacturing 7.1. Storage GC10 module is distributed in a vacuum-sealed bag. The restriction for storage is shown as below. Shelf life in the vacuum-sealed bag: 12 months at environments of <40 temperature and <90%RH. After the vacuum-sealed bag is opened, devices that need to be mounted directly must be:
Mounted within 72 hours at the factory environment of 30 temperature and <60% RH. Stored at <10% RH. Devices require baking before mounting, if any circumstance below occurs. When the ambient temperature is 235, humidity indication card shows the humidity is >10%
before opening the vacuum-sealed bag. If ambient temperature is <30 and the humidity is <60%, the devices have not been mounted during 72hours. Stored at >10% RH after opening the vacuum-sealed bag. If baking is required, devices should be baked for 48 hours at 1255. NOTE As plastic container cannot be subjected to high temperature, devices must be removed before high temperature (125) bake. If shorter bake times are desired, please refer to the IPC/JEDECJ-STD-033 for bake procedure. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 66 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 7.2. Soldering The squeegee should push the paste on the surface of the stencil that makes the paste fill the stencil openings and penetrate to the PCB. The force on the squeegee should be adjusted so as to produce a clean stencil surface on a single pass. To ensure the module soldering quality, the thickness of stencil at the hole of the module pads should be 0.2 mm for GC10. Figure 45: The Picture of Printing Paste GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 67 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design It is suggested that peak reflow temperature is from 235 C to 245C (for SnAg3.0Cu0.5 alloy). Absolute max reflow temperature is 260C. To avoid damaging the module when it was repeatedly heated, it is suggested that the module should be mounted after the first panel has been reflowed. The following picture is the actual diagram which we have operated. Figure 46: Ramp-Soak-Spike Reflow Profile 7.3. Packaging The modules are stored inside a vacuum-sealed bag which is ESD-protected. It should not be opened until the devices are ready to be soldered onto the application. 7.3.1. Tape and Reel Packaging The reel is 330mm in diameter and each reel contains 250 modules. GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 68 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Figure 47: Dimensions of Tape Out direction Plastic tray Figure 48: Dimensions of Reel GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 69 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 8 Appendix A Reference Table 25: Related Documents SN Document Name Remark GC10_AT_Commands_Manual AT commands manual ITU-T Draft new recommendation V.25ter Serial asynchronous automatic dialing and control
GSM 07.07 GSM 07.10
GSM 07.05
GSM 11.14
GSM 11.11
GSM 03.38
GSM 11.10 Digital cellular telecommunications (Phase 2+); AT command set for GSM Mobile Equipment (ME) Support GSM 07.10 multiplexing protocol Digital cellular telecommunications (Phase 2+); Use of Data Terminal EquipmentData Circuit terminating Equipment (DTEDCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) Digital cellular telecommunications (Phase 2+);
Specification of the SIM application toolkit for the Subscriber Identity moduleMobile Equipment
(SIMME) interface Digital cellular telecommunications (Phase 2+);
Specification of the Subscriber Identity module Mobile Equipment (SIMME) interface Digital cellular telecommunications (Phase 2+);
Alphabets and language-specific information Digital cellular
(Phase 2);
Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 1: Conformance specification telecommunications GSM_UART_AN M10_EVB_UGD UART port application note M10 EVB user guide GSM_FW_Upgrade_AN01 GSM Firmware upgrade application note
GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 70 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Table 26: Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation Description AMR ARP ASIC BER BOM BTS Adaptive Multi-Rate Antenna Reference Point Application Specific Integrated Circuit Bit Error Rate Bill of Material Base Transceiver Station CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CS CSD CTS DRX DCE DTE DTR DTX EFR Coding Scheme Circuit Switched Data Clear to Send Discontinuous Reception Data Communications Equipment (typically module) Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, external controller) Data Terminal Ready Discontinuous Transmission Enhanced Full Rate EGSM Enhanced GSM EMC EMI ESD ETS FCC Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic Interference Electrostatic Discharge European Telecommunication Standard Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 71 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design FR FTP GMSK GPRS GSM HR HTTP IMEI MO MS MT PAP Full Rate File Transfer Protocol Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying General Packet Radio Service Global System for Mobile Communications Half Rate Hypertext Transport Protocol International Mobile Equipment Identity Mobile Originated Mobile Station (GSM engine) Mobile Terminated Password Authentication Protocol PBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel PCB PDU PDP PPP RF RMS RTC RX SIM SMS SMTP Printed Circuit Board Protocol Data Unit Packet Data Protocol Point-to-Point Protocol Radio Frequency Root Mean Square (value) Real Time Clock Receive Direction Subscriber Identification Module Short Message Service Simple Mail Transfer Protocol TDMA Time Division Multiple Access GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 72 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design TE TX UART UDP URC USSD VSWR Terminal Equipment Transmitting Direction Universal Asynchronous Receiver &Transmitter User Datagram Protocol Unsolicited Result Code Unstructured Supplementary Service Data Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Phonebook Abbreviations SIM Fix Dialing Phonebook SIM Last Dialing Phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialed) SIM (or ME) Own Numbers (MSISDNs) List SIM Phonebook FD LD ON SM GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 73 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 9 Appendix B GPRS Coding Scheme Four coding schemes are used in GPRS protocol. The differences between them are shown in the following table:
Table 27: Description of Different Coding Schemes Scheme Code Rate USF Pre-
coded USF Radio Block excl.USF and BCS CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 1/2 2/3 3/4 1 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 12 181 268 312 428 BCS Tail Coded Bits Punctured Bits 40 16 16 16 4 4 4
456 588 676 456 0 132 220
Data Rate Kb/s 9.05 13.4 15.6 21.4 USF Radio Block Radio block structure of CS-1, CS-2 and CS-3 is shown as the figure below:
Rate 1/2 convolutional coding Puncturing 456 bits BCS Figure 49: Radio Block Structure of CS-1, CS-2 and CS-3 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 74 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design Radio block structure of CS-4 is shown as the following figure:
USF Block Code Radio Block No coding 456 bits BCS Figure 50: Radio Block Structure of CS-4 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 75 / 76 GSM/GPRS Module Series GC10 Hardware Design 10 Appendix C GPRS Multi-slot Class Twenty-nine classes of GPRS multi-slot modes are defined for MS in GPRS specification. Multi-slot classes are product dependant, and determine the maximum achievable data rates in both the uplink and downlink directions. Written as 3+1 or 2+2, the first number indicates the amount of downlink timeslots, while the second number indicates the amount of uplink timeslots. The active slots determine the total number of slots the GPRS device can use simultaneously for both uplink and downlink communications. The description of different multi-slot classes is shown in the following table:
Table 28: GPRS Multi-slot Classes Multislot Class Downlink Slots Uplink Slots Active Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 GC10_Hardware_Design Confidential / Released 76 / 76
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2014-05-12 | 1850.2 ~ 1909.8 | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
Building 5, Shanghai Business Park PhaseIII
1 |
Shanghai, N/A 200233
1 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
B1: Commercial mobile radio services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24,25 (below 3 GHz) & 27
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
J**** x****
1 | Telephone Number |
+8602******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Compliance Certification Services (Kunshan) Inc.
1 | Name |
J**** F********
1 | Physical Address |
1 | Telephone Number |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Compliance Certification Services (Kunshan) Inc.
1 | Name |
L**** W********
1 | Physical Address |
1 | Telephone Number |
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | GSM/GPRS Module | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Limited Single Modular Approval | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is conducted. This grant is valid only when the module is sold to OEM integrators and must be installed by the OEM or OEM integrators. The antennas used for this transmitter as shown in this filing must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Max. antenna gain for part 22H and 24E is 1 dBi. End-users may not be provided with the module installation instructions. OEM integrators and end-users must be provided with transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Compliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc.
1 | Name |
K**** C********
1 | Telephone Number |
88633******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 24E | 1850.2 | 1909.8 | 0.81 | 138 Hz | 247KGXW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 22H | 824.2 | 848.8 | 1.66 | 137 Hz | 244KGXW |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC